Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Malaysia My Home

It seems funny this morning when Karpal Singh said in Parliament that the Speaker did not follow the Standing Order when addressing issues from the YBs. Like father like son, when YB Puchong stood up in protest and supported Gelugor's motion. Gelugor (Karpal Singh) could not even stand up as he is confined to a wheelchair. Later, YB Gombak stood up (Azmin Ali) and requested that the Opposition leader (Wan Azizah) should be the first person to be given the honour to bring any matters in the House. What a mockery!

Malaysia is a peaceful nation that believes in holding the just and sovereign state 'demokrasi berparlimen raja berperlembagaan'. The opposition uses Bersih as a platform before the general election, way back since late last year by sending memorandum to the Agong. In fact, the Opposition uses MAFREL, an independent body to ensure that all went well during the polling day. Funnily enough, MAFREL withdrew from being an independent body a few days before election just because the so called independent body was not satisfied with the withdrawal of the indeliable ink. When the so called 'political tsunami' occured and a landslide victory for the Opposition (even though the numbers are 82 compared to 140 to the BN) the so called 'cheating' suddenly stopped. The 'dirty' SPR managed to give the PR 82 MPs in the House and nobody in the Oppositon complained. I wonder if the result is not in the PR's favour. Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang would definitely issue out statements saying that the government is not fair and just. Lim Kit Siang is very fortunate being a Malaysia because if he is in China, I would probably assume that he is selling 'kangkung' using his trishaw.

Malaysia is the home for nearly 27 millions citizens and 2 millions migrants. The likes of Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and Tian Chua should be grateful enough that they are rakyat Malaysia. The head of state is the Agong and the Prime Minister is the administrator of this country. Daulat Tuanku!


  1. betul tu pencak silat. diorg ni tidak bersyukur duduk di sini. satu kaum dtg sini mcm tikus mondok...menyusup2 colah kobun gotah, satu kaum laie mcm dlm sangkar babi...berhimpit2 dlm tongkang nak dtg bumi bertuah tanah melayu ni.

    agak eh kalo karpal masih di india, skrg ni tgh dok ateh bumbung bas kok tak dok ateh lombu. kit siang plak ontah mcmano la nk bersaing dengan 1.3 bilion rakyat kek cino tu. silap2 jadi org gaji chiow chin shee jor.

  2. Saudara Pencak Silat...

    PR sekarang berada dalam keadaan sangat 'over confident' berdasar kepada result PRU12 where they know, whatever do say, whatever they do.. Rakyat will back them up. On one side, let them talk..Lebih banyak mereka bercakap, lebih banyak pekung mereka akan terbuka. Kita sudah sedia maklum, Karpal Singh...Lim Kit Siang...they were there for a long time...To add Spice, with Live coverage from RTM, lagi la sume nak jadik Hero.. (I wonder how Mr KJ will act when his time arrive).

  3. Kito somo tahu pencak silat siapo dia orang ni. Tapi yo lah dek bongih dan maghah mako PRU12 jadi jadi medan menunjukkan emosi bukan kematangan laie. Lupo karakter penyangak ni sumo. Cubo kau tengok dia orang ni termasuk LKS, Karpal dan somo somo tu lah selain Dr Tan Seng Giaw macam mano dia punyo bahaso melayu. Itu dah lama mestautin sini tu. Cubo kau bayang dia migrate ke amarika ko australia ko perancis ko cubo lah kalu berani buek perangai macam ni. Lotihlah pencak silat nengok oghang kito masih tak nampak laie..... raso nak den sugun sugun an seko-seko kek bendol gumah wan den.......

  4. salam..

    sey tanak cerito panjang meh kito sesamo hayati maksud puisi TUN MAHATHIR ni...

    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya dipijak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya retak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya teriak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya haprak
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya hina
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya sengketa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya derita
    Melayu mudah lupa

    Dulu bangsanya kerdil
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Dulu bangsanya terpencil
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Tiada daulat
    Tiada maruah
    Tiada bebas
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Melayu mudah lupa
    Sejarah bangsanya yang lena
    Tanah lahirnya yang merekah berdarah
    Wahai bangsaku
    Jangan mudah lupa lagi
    Kerana perjuanganmu belum selesai

    duduk kl tp masih jiwo negori..
