Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Beberapa tahun lalu saya melawat sebuah kilang papan lapis di Gemas Negeri Sembilan. Ia milik beberapa towkey Cina termasuklah salah seorang ahli lembaga Pengarahnya merupakan seorang pemimpin tertinggi parti Gerakan bergelar Tan Sri.

Kebetulan ketika makan saya duduk semeja bersama Tan Sri tersebut dan mulalah kami berbual sambil makan. Isu panas ketika itu ialah siri bantahan terhadap ucapan Dato' Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik yang sebelum itu meminta kontrak sosial dikaji semula. Ucapannya dibuat semasa mesyuarat agung Gerakan ketika ura-ura timbalanya mahu menentang beliau selaku Presiden.

Tan Sri itu beria-ia sangat mempertahankan presidenya yang bila bercakap tersembur air liurnya macam air paip. Alasanya mudah orang Cina dan India sudah banyak berkorban untuk kemajuan negara ini. Tanpa mereka tidak mungkin Malaysia akan semaju sekarang. Malah katanya senario sekarang amat berbeza dengan setiap kaum boleh hidup seperti satu keluarga. Mengapa perlu lagi kontrak sosial itu dipertahankan.

Puas jugak saya fikir macam mana nak berhujah dengan Tan Seri berusia 60 tahun ni. Nasib saya baik kerana tiba-tiba ketua jurutera kilang tersebut seorang berbangsa India lalu dihadapan kami. Saya bertanya "Tan Sri berapa lama dah engineer tu kerja dengan kilang ini?". "Oh dah lama dah sejak kilang ni dibuka 30 tahun lalu", jawab Tan Sri tu bangga.

Saya pun terus bertanya "Tentu banyak jasanya pada kilang ni kan?". Tan Sri tu sebaliknya menjawab "Memang tapi dia juga dapat banyak faedah, malah kini anak lelaki sulungnya juga sudah bekerja dengan kami".

Kemudian saya keluarkan soalan maut, "Tan Sri berdasarkan sumbanganya yang besar mahukah Tan Sri beri saham syarikat ini kepada dia secara percuma?". Dengan pantas dia menjawab "Kenapa pulak? Syarikat ini saya yang punya. Saya bangunkan dari zero. Memang dia banyak memberi sumbangan tapi kami sudah membayarnya dengan gaji yang lumayan, bonus dan sebagainya, malah kami telah memberikanya satu kehidupan sejak 30 tahun lalu", katanya dengan agak emosi.

Lalu saya simpulkan hujah balas saya dengan kata-kata "Tan Sri itulah perasaan orang Melayu sekarang terhadap orang Cina dan India."

P/S: Teringat analogi Pak Long den. Dia selalu cakap, memang oghang Melayu, Oghang Cino dan Oghang India boleh hidup macam abang adik dalam negaro ni. Gua pigi rumah lu bukak peti ais ada limau gua makan, ada air kotak gua minum. Lu datang rumah gua bukak tudung saji ada nasi lauk sambal udang dengan petai lu ambil pinggan makan. Lepas tu pergi ruang tamu bukak kipas tengok TV. Gua tak marah, lu pun tak marah gua, bila gua buat itu macam di rumah lu. Tapi walaupun itu macam boleh ke lu masuk gua punya bilik tidur. Tentu tak boleh kan. Itu gua punya privasi. Lambang kepada satu maruah dan kuasa. Makno eh walaupun kita boleh hidup seperti saudara malah itulah yang sepatutnya tetapi orang Cina dan India harus tahu batasannya. Janganlah langgar batasan.


  1. http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/82775

    For Royal Professor Ungku Aziz to say that there was no social contract between the founding fathers of our nation, this has put a nail in the coffin on those ultra-Malays who still see Ketuanan Melayu as a cornerstone for race relationships in this country.

    While other matured and well-developed nations have put to rest the ‘master and slave’ relationship among the various races, it baffles the mind of thinking people why should such policy still remain relevant in this 21st century here in Malaysia. We might call our British colonial masters ‘Tuan’ or ‘Sir’ in the early days but after half-a-century of independence, don’t you think that such thinking is out of date?

    Mind you, the United States who imported Negros from Africa a few centuries ago to be the white man’s slave might have a black man to be their next president if Barrack Obama wins the ticket to the White House in the coming US presidential elections.

    Malay rights have been ensconced in the federal constitution and cannot be taken away unless by a two-thirds majority in Parliament subject to the Malay rulers approval. No one doubts that in the early days, the bumiputera, especially the Malays, needed affirmative actions to take them out of their cycle of poverty to be on par with other races, especially the Chinese. But the NEP has outlived it purpose and it should be replaced with a new policy which will eradicate poverty regardless of race and creed.

    The playing field should be more even and let the best among the best compete among themselves in order for our nation to progress in the future. Why should rich Malays with their ‘right’ political connections obtain a big slice of the economic cake while the poor people are denied such opportunities to get them out of their cycle of poverty?

    To be a respected race, the Malays must discard the notion that the government will always have to provide them with opportunities in studies and business as if it was their birth right. The Malays should be able to compete with the other races on an equal footing and work hard to improve their lot rather than expecting handouts from the government.

    Ungku Aziz , a towering Malay whose intellectual thinking is way ahead of his time, has opened a Pandora Box’s with his outright statement that there is no written ‘social contract’ among the various races prior to independence. Umno politicians will now cry foul about his daring statement as they will always use the Ketuanan Melayu bogey to win the hearts and minds of the Malays to support their cause. .

    But the Malays cannot be in a denial mode anymore. We must accept the fact that in the brave new world that we live in where people and capital move to places where no restrictions are imposed, the old way of doing business by having quota systems will drive capital away from our country and the people will suffer in the end if business opportunities pass our shores.

    The Malays should look at their Singapore brethren who are no less the worse although unlike their Malaysian cousins, they does not have any NEP policy to get a leg up in society. There is no short cut for success unless you work hard for it.

  2. It is absurd to deny that there was no social contract between the races in Malaysia eventhough such denial came from a much respected Royal Professor.

    It is also absurd to say that provisions concerning special position and special privilege of the Malays as embedded in Federal Constitution were normal and natural provisions when Lord Reid drafted the Constitution.

    Lord Reid's Commission used Indian Constitution model to draft the Malaya Constitution and it would be highly unlikely that the Indian's model had in it ready provisions for special position and privillege for the Malays.

    So where did these provisions come from?

    Records showed that numerous memorandum were sent by all races in Malaya in response to Lord Reid's draft Constitution.

    Could a draft Constitution for Malaya be finalised if it was not acceptable by Malayan people who consisted of Malays,Chinese and Indians?

    Only when Malayan people accepted the said Constitution,legally and socially,the Constitution became the Constitution of the Country.

    When Malayan people accepted the said Constitution , were they not supposed to be bound by it and obligated to uphold it at all times

    If this is not a social contract so tell me what it really is. A religion?

    Would it make a Malay less recpectable because of his conviction in upholding the Constitution as demanded by Rukun Negara(the Country's idealogy)?

    Quoting the words of a former Lord President in his book - "Costitution Law and Judiciary"
    (translation) Rukun Negara tidak mengenakan kewajipan yang lebih dan tidak memberikan hak yang lebih dengan apa yang sudah terkandung dalam Perlembagaan.Jadi, usaha untuk mematuhi Rukun Negara tidak lebih daripada usaha untuk mematuh Perlembagaan...."

    My question is... Would it make a Malay less respectable for upholding and abiding the Constitution of this Country?

  3. I concur with 8387..please read the Federal Constitution, especially Article 153. Go figure.
    p/s: Good article sontoloyo

  4. The analogy with the malay in singapore really make me laugh! They even run to malaysia to earn a better living and to get protection.

    Muzium melayu in singapore where situated ahh?

    You dont see ah? don pray2 ah...

    -Melayu kolo pilah-

  5. Birthright.Prince has right to claim the King's seat.Social contract is just like birth right. Malay has special right. immigrants have citizenship rights. So we must respect with each others.we must know and understand the fundamental of the foundation of Malaysia.

  6. "While other matured and well-developed nations have put to rest the ‘master and slave’ relationship among the various races, it baffles the mind of thinking people why should such policy still remain relevant in this 21st century here in Malaysia. We might call our British colonial masters ‘Tuan’ or ‘Sir’ in the early days but after half-a-century of independence, don’t you think that such thinking is out of date?"


    1. Dalam hubungan antara kaum yang wujud di Malaysia pada hari ini, di mana yang anda sifatkan sebgai master and slave relationship? Siapa yang anda katakan sebagai hamba dan siapa pula yang anda sifatkan sebagai tuan?

    2. Selepas mencapai kemerdekaan terutama sekali apabila bermulanya era pembangunan di bawah kepimpinan tun razak sehingga lah ke hari ini kita tidak pun lagi tunduk kepada British malah kita telah mengembalikan maruah Malaysia apabila Tun Dr Mahathir telah berjaya mengambil alih pemilikan Guthrie daripada British yang pada ketika itu telah membangkitkan kemarahan pemimpin2 Barat kerana telah dimalukan oleh bekas koloni mereka melalui tindakan bijak tersebut...

    Jadi apa sebenarnya yang cuba dibuktikan?

    Merujuk kepada keadaan di US, ya benar kini Barrack Obama sedang dalam usaha beliau untuk memenangi kerusi Presiden US, tapi harus di teliti, di beberapa kawasan yang majoritinya ialah golongan kulit putih (mid west) sokongan penduduk kulit putih masih lagi berpihak kepada Mrs Clinton...

    Saya menyeru agar pembaca semua lebih berhati2 dalam pembacaan dan analisa fakta...Apatah lagi apabila membuat perbandingan...

    In making comparison, the very first rule that we need to observe is to ensure the fundamental issue of the two must be similar or at par...Comparing US and Malaysia will not result into a fair comparison. A lot of reasons for me saying that. Historical factor, political system, current economic system as well as the social demands in US and Malaysia are very much different...

    If US really celebrates equality, why is it in its social system, discrimination still exist, proper education is not made available to the black communities even though the US government concedes to the fact that education is now one of the basic right that everybody in US should get...

    So, once again, please, as much as you are trying to promote liberal thinking and ideas here, still you need to observe some of the fundamental principles...

  7. Aku nak bangkitkan beberapa persoalan...
    1) Siapakah Melayu, adakah Melayu sebagai warganegara Malaysia?
    2) Bolehkah Hak istimewa melayu/Bumiputra dimansuhkan?
    3) Apa itu kontrak sosial, Apakah kita faham maksud sebenar kontrak sosial.
    4) Apa itu Malayan Union dan siapa yang ingin melaksanakannya dan siapa yang mencadangkannya?
    5) Kenapa British mengiktiraf Raja-raja Melayu berbanding dengan bangsa lain. Sedangkan ketika itu semuanya ada di Tanah Melayu.
    6) Paling mudah.. Kenapa Malaysia ini dahulunya dikenali sebagai TANAH MELAYU di ikuti MALAYA dan kini MALAYSIA.

    Minta rakan-rakan bagi pandangan dan jawapan yang sesuai . Tq

  8. Hello sibuta

    Adakah itu soalan2 bocor untuk modul baru SSM?

  9. Selamat datang si buta...bila pulak si buta nak menulis artikel..menunggu jugak ni...

  10. SSM mano plak ni.. aku tanya pasal nak jawapan... bila ada jawapan baru boleh buat komen. Pandangan semestinya fakta dan tidak boleh sekadar pandangan bodoh... hehehe

    Kalau nak main2... Jom main guli kat pinggiran golf... takpun karaoke.. tak pun Seremban Jaya... TQ

  11. den boleh jwb soalan si buto ni, tapi kono masuk ldk den dulu. lopeh tu baru boleh dapek msg cik li. marah abg jai.

  12. Mesej Cikli makan dalam.. Kita akan buat demostrasi dan memorendum agar hak kita tidak ketepikan... Hidup
