Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Najib: Only national cars acceptable

LUMUT: All ministry senior officials and state government excos must use national cars instead of foreign vehicles, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

This was a longstanding policy and the Cabinet would, therefore, meet to determine why Terengganu found it necessary to spend RM3.43mil to buy 14 Mercedes E200 Kompressor cars.

“I use national cars and the Prime Minister uses national cars too,” he told reporters after chairing a Malaysia Defence Industry Council meeting at the navy base here on Monday.

He was commenting on Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said defending the state’s decision to buy the Mercedes to replace its Proton Perdana V6 Executive fleet as a cost cutting measure.

Ahmad had said the Mercedes were cheaper to maintain, would save on fuel costs and fetch a high market price when sold as second-hand cars.

p/s: Nak dengar komen daripada Tuanku Mizan tentang keputusan MB Terengganu.


  1. Aku rasa itulah sebenarnya cita cita Mat Said nak jadi MB pasal nak naik keta mercedes, typical macam mentaliti melayu yang lupa diri..Banyak alasan yang diberi untuk jatuh kan kredibiliti kereta buatan negara sendiri...poorah lah lu..mana dia kepimpinan melalui teladan ni...Macam man lah BN nak menang pilihanraya yang ke13 ni..Lu fikirlah sendiri

  2. betul tu. kepimpinan tidak melalui teladan betul mad said ni. buang karan dan membazir duit rakyat.

  3. Biarlah keta Nasional tu pakai banyak duit untuk penyelenggaran sekalipun, asalkan yang untung orang kita.. Pakai mercedes, berapa ramai anak melayu yang buka bengkel khas untuk mercedes...

    Ntah apa2 lah....
