Saturday, November 15, 2008

Siapa yang sepatutnya berperanan?

TWO single mothers became part-time prostitutes to make ends meet after their ex-husbands failed to pay maintenance despite the Syariah Court order. Worse still, the two women – a security guard and a cleaner – had to allow their colleagues to pay in instalments for “services rendered” to earn extra money. These were some concerns raised by the Syariah Judicial Department at a seminar, reported Berita Harian.

Department director-general Datuk Ibrahim Lembut said that one of the women, a mother of six, turned to prostitution two months after her divorce.

“She offered services to her colleagues and was willing to accept staggered payment because their salaries were low.

“The other mother, who works as a cleaner, also had to resort to this so that they could feed their children,” he said.

Soalan: Peranan kerajaan? Pusat Islam? Baitulmal? Penguatkuasa Jabatan Agama? Kementerian Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat? Jiran tetangga? Umat Islam sendiri? Ontah...

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