Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ketua Umno Bahagian Seremban Dato' Ishak Bankrap?

A notice of public auction against Seremban UMNO Division Chief, Dato' Ishak bin Ismail's house in Bukit Baru Malacca was advertised in Berita Harian today. Similar notices were also put up in other major newspaper like NST and Harian Metro (see pic).

Such notice gives another indication that Seremban UMNO Division Chief is currently in deep financial trouble. For the purpose of record, Dato Ishak had also been issued with bankcruptcy notice by Seremban High Court sometime in June this year for failing to settle a judgment sum or RM 4,000,000-00.

Dato Ishak who held the post of ADUN for Lenggeng constituency for 3 terms, was not re nominated to contest during the 12th General Election. According to UMNO sources, one of the reasons UMNO did not let him to contest was because of his huge financial debt that UMNO feared that it had to undergo a Bye Election if Dato Ishak was permtted to contest and eventually be adjudicated bankcrupt for such huge debt. Knowing this Dato' Ishak turned the table around and blamed NS Menteri Besar, Mohamad Hassan for conspiring to assasinate his 20 year old political career in UMNO Seremban.

In October this year UMNO Disciplinary Board found Dato' Ishak guilty for sabotaging BN candidates that witnessed 2 UMNO traditional seats (Ampangan and Sikamat) fell to PKR. There is no bigger sin than sabotaging the party but surprisingly Dato' Ishak only received warning from UMNO Disciplinary Board.

PERHAPS now it is the best time or Dato' Ishak to make a wise move by retiring from his political career and concentrate on managing his personal affairs. Seremban UMNO shall be put into a mockery if he does not step down. Everybody would say how would Dato' Ishak manage Seremban UMNO Division when he failed miserably to manage his own affairs! People would also say how UMNO Seremban members could let a saboteur be their leader! To Dato' Ishak, with all sincerity during this Eidul Adha; Your time has come to an end. Step down before you make a mockery out of Seremban UMNO Division!


  1. Cukup2 la sahak tu. Dah la nak bankrap pastu sabotaj parti. Macamana la orang nak suka umno ni kalo dah macam tu pemimpin eh. Penyokong dio pun satu bahlol, tak yo nampak laie perangai buruk huduh sahak ni.

  2. seharusnya UMNO Bahagian Seremban buat perubahan.Demi untuk menjadi dinamik dan sentiasa releven UMNO Bahagian Seremban perlukan pemimpin baru.Kalau tidak UMNO Seremban tidak akan dapat nak rampas semula kerusi yang dah kalah kat PKR tu.

    Mungkin ramai yang dapat agak sebenarnya memang Dato' ishak perlu pertahankan jawatan Ketua Bahagian sebab tanpa jawatan macamana dia nak selesaikan hutang RM400,000,000 tu. Apatah lagi masa pemilihan UMNO ni. Dia akan buat tawar menawar dengan pemimpin yg nak bertanding di peringkat pucuk pimpinan parti.

    Lihatlah macamana Ketua Bahagian selama 20 tahun ingin mempertahankan jawatan demi untuk kepentingan diri.UMNO Seremban tidak akan maju bawah pimpinan orang macam ini.

    Dahle tu, pesako bergilir! Borilah pulak kek orang lain jadi Ketuo!

  3. Bro anonymous,

    Kalau Dato Ishak retire dia nak buat apo? 20 tahun dalam politik dia tahu ko buek bondo lain?

  4. Kesian orang tua sahak ...apa nak buat ...sepatutnya dia letaklah jawatan dan bagi pada orang lain yang lebih layak ..
    Takkan Mat Nor Awang bro ...takkan Usop Misai ....ini semua lagi besar penyamun ... sekurang-kurangnya Sahak ni self inflicted ...penyamun penganti ni akan tarah duit rakyat ..
    Manusia jenis apa yang ada hati cekik duit surau ...ini semua anjing bro dan cancer untuk UMNO ..
    Bangunlah UMNO Seremban ...jangan leka nak jatuhkan orang je ...anjing-anjing lain yang bersepah yang tunggu nak menganti ni lagi bahaya bro ...
    Benar Sahak gagal ...tapi yang nak ambilalih ni lagi parah ....

  5. Kepada Che Yah. Dia boleh tanam serai wangi atau bela ketam nipah. Masyuk tu!

  6. Kepada Anonymous 11-12-2008. Mat Nor ngan Usop Misai ni ADA TAK SABOTAJ PARTI?
