Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pernyataan Mengenai Islam di Malaysia

1. Islam has been the established religion in the country since 1402 until independence.

2. The position of Islam is entrenched in the Constitution (Article 3 (2)).

3. Federal Law in the Federal Territories and State Law may provide legislation to regulate Islamic affairs and may even establish the Majlis Agama Islam in every state (Article 3 (5)).

4. The Federal Constitution requires that each State Constitution provide that the Yang Dipertuan Agong shall be the Head of the religion of Islam in the States of Penang, Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak.

5. Federal/State Legislation may provide that the propagation of any religion, doctrine or belief among Muslims is restricted and controlled (Article 11(4)).

6. Federal/State Government may establish Islamic institutions and provide instructions in the religion and incur any necessary expenditure allocated from Federal/State funds (Article 12 (2)).

7. Islam enjoys special position:

i. The Malay Rulers must be Muslims.

ii. The Menteri Besar is generally Muslims.

iii. Most of the State Secretaries are Muslims.

1 comment:

  1. Sebenarnya apa yang dikehendaki oleh mereka yang bergelar melayu tapi sentiasa menjadi pembangkang kerajaan BN?. Memperjuangkan kesilapan kerajaan yang hanya 'ranting' semata.
