Saturday, March 28, 2009

A New Dawn For UMNO

At the concluded UMNO's AGM, Pak Lah hands over the baton to Dato' Sri Najib. Surprisingly, Tun Dr. Mahathir was present to show his support to the transition of power from Pak Lah to Najib. Dato' Sri Najib gave a bold and straight to the face speech as the new President of the party. Many changes will be made in order to make UMNO a strong and respectful party not only for the Malays but to Malaysians as a whole. Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim is not spared as he is the thorn in the flesh for the political turmoil in this country.

I do believe with the new line up of Majlis Tertinggi UMNO will be better and stronger to face the opposition. Dato' Seri Dr. Zahid Hamidi, Dato' Sri Hishamuddin and Dato' Seri Shafie Afdal are the new breed of leaders that can help Dato' Sri Najib in manning Malaysia to a greater height. The speeches by some of the delegates indicate that UMNO has learn its lesson and will definitely adhere to the changes that the people need.


  1. Syukur alhamdullilah ayahanda telah buang yang keroh ambil yang jernih

  2. He,he,he pemimpin grombolan macam tu le,pepat di luar rencong di dalam.Tunggu le,tak lama lagi M'ddin lak bergaduh dgn Najib kerana Kak Ros nak control habis.

  3. semoga UMNO akan lebih perkasa demi perjuangan bangsa.
