Monday, April 20, 2009

John Aloysius Thivy

MIC started as Malayan Indian Congress in August 1946. Its founding president John Aloysius Thivy was a lawyer who studied in London. When he was studying in London he met Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi a.k.a. Mahatma Gandhi and was inspired by Gandhi’s determination to fight for India’s Independence. On his return to Malaya, after getting his law degree in 1932, he became actively involved in Indian nationalist movements. Later, after the fall of Malaya to Japanese forces, Thivy's interest was rekindled by a speech given by Subash Chandra Bose in one his rallies in 1943. Thivy joined the Indian National Army in 1943 and subsequently took part in the INA’s Burmese campaigns. After Japans's surrrender, John Thivy was held at Changi Prison for anti-colonial activities and released soon after.

After his release, Thivy founded Malayan Indian Congress in August 1946, to fight for India’s independence. The word ‘Congress’ in the name of MIC is related to Indian National Congress, the party that Mahatma Gandhi founded to fight for Indian independence.

In 1947 India won its independence and in January 1948, John Aloysius Thivy became the first official appointed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (India’s first prime minister), to represent the Indian Republic in Southeast Asia. Some reports also state that the first MIC president later on became India’s ambassador to Italy and the Vatican while several senior committee members of MIC became first ambassadors to other countries. This is the reason why; MIC’s founder president only remained in the post from 1946 to 1947.

The fact that Malayan Indian Congress was a party founded to fight for India’s independence is hidden from us. Not many of us know this and a lot of people will continue to believe that Malayan Indian was started to fight for Malaysian Independence.

MIC only officially became known as Malaysian Indian Congress, after the formation of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963.


  1. fakta macam ni memang bagus.sepatutnya diedarkan ke seluruh negara.Biar india & keling2 tu sedar sikit diri tu siapa.menumpang di bumi orang, ada hati pulak nak berlagak.tak sedar diri punya kaum.

    patut la kat india tu, walaupun rakyat berjuta2, negara luas, hasil mahsul banyak, tapi masih juga berada ditahap kemiskinan paling teruk. sebab perangai tak sedar diri kaum dia lah. lepas tu sebok nak salahkan orang lain.

    tak pernah tengok cermin agaknya dia orang ni.

  2. Botui ini kaum memang pariah, kilang parpu kari, gali lubang kunyit, belakang kira kaum puak Parpu Kari

  3. Kaum pariah ini tidak boleh di beri muka. Bangsat punya Pariah!

  4. Apa yang dilaungkan oleh ahli2 dan sesetengah pemimpin UMNO ialah, jika DSAAB berundur BN/UMNO akan pulih.

    Setelah DSAAB umumkan beliau akan berundur, BN/UMNO kalah di P. Pauh dan di K.Terengganu.

    Paling malang BN/UMNO kalah pula di B.Selambau dan B.Gantang SETELAH Tun DSAAB BERUNDUR.

    Terkini BN/UMNO 'takut' pula bertanding di N12 Penanti.

    BN/UMNO (PRK Phobia)

  5. apo ko bondo eh ex-umno nih? tetiba lak meluah perasaan kek sini...napo eh jang, takdo orang pkr ko nak donga bebelan ekau ni?

  6. Bukan BN takut nak bertanding tapi ini taktik Anwar nak menang kononnya...padahal itu memang kubu kuat sendiri...seolah-olah macam Najib berhenti dari jadi Ahli Parlimen Pekan dan orang UMNo bertanding di Pekan...confirm UMNO menang balik..dan Najib baru sahaja jadik PM empat hari..mana ada kesan di Bukit Gantang dan Bukit Selambau...

  7. Letak calon babi kat Pekan mesti menang punya. dulu pun menang 12 undi wuahwuahwuah
