Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MCA is too much

Three parliament by-elections, namely Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu and Bukit Gantang were not in Barisan Nasional's favour. What have happened is indeed something that BN has to ponder upon. It seems that the Malay votes are split into two, BN and PAS in the Bukit Gantang seat while the non Malays voted for the opposition. Nevertheless, there is an increase of Malay votes for the BN in Bukit Gantang.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin said that an independent body is going to do the post mortem of the by-elections. We do not have to wait for the post mortem to identify the cause of BN's failure in Bukit Gantang. The non Malays have shown their dissatisfaction towards the BN's government. I am not sure why these voters are making a silence protest towards the government. Is it because of the economic recession or because of other demand that they wanted from the government. Well, as for the economic recession, it is not our government to blame because it is a world economic slump. As for the other demand, maybe it has to do with MCA's latest renewed demand for a second Deputy Prime Minister's post.

Indeed, MCA is asking too much. Out of the 40 parliamentary seats they contested in the last general election, they managed to win only 15 and yet MCA has 4 ministerial post. MCA should reciprocate by helping BN in winning the Chinese votes and not demanding unnecessarily. As a whole, the Chinese community must realise that whatever they are demanding, they must think of others, not merely themselves or the right word for it, KIASU!


  1. Saya org cina. MCA adalah towkay party cina malaysia. Semua udah kaya , tak jaga cina miskin cuma jaga diri sendiri mengaut untung besar drp BN.Kamu blh lihat ramai towkay org kaya cina adalah org MCA. Itu pasal org cina umum nya marah sama dia org. MCA sudah mau mauk kubur tak lama lagi.Ta ada jawatan menteri piun takpa, janji ada kasih duit banyak org MCA diam aje.Cina miskin diperalatkan macam barua olih MCA. Balik kampung , taman jagung dan korek lobang taman MCA. Hahaha

  2. MCA perlu belajar MEMBERI dan tidak hanya MEMINTA seperti dulu. Begitu juga MIC.

  3. Just got to tell Soi Lek....UMNO tell MCA to fly kite.....hahaha

  4. Aik xkan jadi boneka MCA kot.. Kerusi Parlimen lagi banyak dari MCA.. Xkan xleh fight untuk MELAYU

    PAS kat Perak kerusi DUN memang kurang dari DAP dan PKR.. Terpaksa la mengalah.. Kena gak kata boneka DAP..

    Tapi besa la, UMNO MUDAH LUPA.. UMNO lagi banyak kerusi DUN kat Penang pun bagi gak GERAKAN jadi CM..

    Sebagai orang Melayu, aku bagi pantun.. Zaman aku belajor xde PPSMI lagi.. Jadi tau la aku sedikit sebanyak pantun MELAYU..

