Friday, June 26, 2009

Why The Vice Presidents of UMNO erred!

Lee Kuan Yew came to Malaysia in order for him to visit Dato' Seri Najib as the former is the Senior Minister (or to be correct The Senile Minister)and the latter as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Nevertheless, the three Vice Presidents of UMNO (namely Zahid, Hishammuddin and Shafie Afdal) made blunder in meeting Lee Kuan Yew at his hotel. Is this what we call a courtesy visit? A visit to the individual who propagates Malaysian Malaysia and cried when the late Tunku Abdul Rahman decided to sack Singapore out of Malaysia. Ionically, Mr.Lee has a hidden agenda and he met up with Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang.

Do the three Vice Presidents realise the fact that Lee Kuan Yew who never had a cordial relationship with Tun Dr.Mahathir (in which Tun refused to meet the senile old man Kuan Yew) make a big mistake. Do People's Action Party (PAP) high ranking supreme council members whose party controlled Singapore as a single party (similar to communist) visited the Prime Minister of Malaysia or the previous Prime Minister when the latter visited Singapore?

What I could gather from this meeting that took place at Kuan Yew's room hotel is a horrendous mistake by the three Vice Presidents of UMNO. On another note;Zahid, Hishammuddin and Shafie were given the responsibilities to be the Pengerusi or Chairman for the state of Penang, Terengganu and Kedah. Do these three men have the experience to chair a state liasion committee with all Divisions head have to obey the instructions given by these 3 morons. Well, the President of UMNO must do something in order to ensure that UMNO stiil relevant.


  1. Terutama yg datang dari negeri selatan tu .... hanya harap dia tak minat dan org lain pun tak minat dia jadi PM.

    Sebelum tuh dia lepaskan anjing tersebit yg tak reti berterima kasih.

    Nani Cheras.

  2. DUIT Pencak,semuanya pasal DUIT.

  3. DUIT Pencak,semuanya pasal DUIT.

  4. Fikir.....!

    Jgn mudah melempar tuduhan. fikir dari setiap aspek, setiap sudut, setiap arah. mereka2 yg disebutkan bukanlah sebarangan org. Lee Kuan Yew terkenal dgn strateginya, begitu juga tun mahathir penuh dgn maksud tersirat. dan sudah pasti yg lain2 dpt melihat akan perkara ini.

    sekiranya terdapat suatu kepelikan pasti ada sesuatu yg bakal berlaku. apa dia? doakan agar perkara itu adalah yg blh membawa manfaat kpd agama, bangsa dan tanahair.

    dan sebagai rakyat sama2lah kita fikir-fikir. jom pakat2 fikir2.


  5. Ok la tu, Lee Kuan Yew datang jumpa salam dgn PM Malaysia Datin Seri Rosmah Mansur.

  6. Hisham dan Zahid sebenarnya sedang bertarung untuk menjadi bakal orang nombor 2 dalam UMNO....

  7. salammmm,

    orang melayu sebati dengan ijazah
    PHD ...

    Kak Rosmah bersabarlah dgn ujian

    Parti Komunis Rakyat PKR dan Parti Angkat Sampah...

