Thursday, August 20, 2009

When will they let the cat out of the bag - Part II

All the Lords of the Swine Kingdom are in turmoil as the Knights from England are investigating their wrongdoings. Lord Theresa is still adamant that nothing will go wrong. "This Kingdom will evetually be ours", she said to her able maid, Miss Ellie. Meanwhile, Ronnie Burkshire is contemplating the idea of running away from the Kingdom as he is afraid that everything will be let out of the bag. "Where shall I run, maybe I will migrate to the Kingdom of Phee Nun as my comrade Lord Gun is the king there", he thought to himself.



  1. Assalamualaikum pada semua warga Paneh,

    Mak Cik ingin ambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadan al-Mubarak 1430.

    Semgoa kita semua berkesempatan menunaikan Amal Ibadah sebaiknya di bulan yang mulia ini, InsyaAllah. the way..

    they will not let the cat out of the bag..if possible they will find a way to get rid of the cat..

  2. tanniah buek warga paneh...sobab eh komputer eden dah tak detect ada malware kek maknonya adala warga2 paneh yg gatal tangan buang malware host tu...

    nak sonang download or pakai browser google chrome dia buleh detect ada malware ko tidak
