Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Senarai Kenderaan Yang Boleh Menggunakan Ron95

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Most Mercedes-Benz engines, except the high-performance ones in the AMG and SL/SLK models, are able to run on fuel with RON91 to RON95. However, for optimum performance, RON95 is recommended while use of RON92 will result in marginally reduced output.

For the Cefiro 3.0, Murano, 350Z/370Z, RON97 is recommended for optimum performance. For older models such as the Sunny 130Y, Bluebird, Altima and AD Resort, RON95 can be used.

Volvo engines can use RON91 to 98 RON unleaded petrol. Volvo Car Malaysia says that for best performance and lowest fuel consumption, RON98 (or closest RON) is recommended. For normal driving, RON95 is acceptable and knock sensors in the engines will adjust the engine timing to prevent damage if the RON is too low.

Sumber: Motortrader. Bandingkan juga di sini dan sinun.


  1. Maaf yo den nak tanyo. Sumo oghang kek paneh miang nie stuju ko dongan konaikan hargo minyak nie?

    Cumo tanyo yo....jgn marah yo.


    Anak Jati Soromban

  2. Good Q Izad. Kami taklah setuju sangat tapi kami cuba berfikir rasional.

  3. hanya kereta jenis tuh saja kah? Tnya saja. .tak ada topik yg best kah paneh?he he he

  4. Ese pn dah guno Ron 95 dah... Ok jo.. xdo lak xjalan keto se...


  5. Salam,

    kalau begitu, apa yang nak risau dan nak hebuh sangat dengan harga baru minyak.......

  6. Kah kah.. kome nie memang la xperasan.. kome bawa la kete kome g servis. konfident enjin kome mula rosak. kete kome tu memang la bleh jalan tapi tempoh nyawa kete kome di singkatkan. kome cuba bawa kete kome balik kg cth KL Penang. dulu kome isi minyak tank penuh dapat ulang alik. sekarang kome kene isi minyak untuk pergi sekali dan utk pulang sekali. lihat betapa kureng akal kome anjing pengikut UMNO.
