Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Debat DEB di Australia

Tak cayo ko? Apo selamo ini DEB bawa khianat pado umat ko? Atau sobab tak cukup laie kalangan manusia yang kayo-rayo sobab DEB? Majlis Pelajar Malaysia Australia heboh lagi berdebat, berhujah, berbahas tentang DEB yang udah 3 dekad berlangsung. Kok ikut congak 43.9% yang kato DEB beri manfaat kato Tun Faisal Pemuda UMNO itu sebagai petanda daripada pelajar Malaysia di Australia.

Pak Sedaro fikir segalo kandungan DEB ini hampir jelak dan mual untuk dibahas berkali-kali. Dah penuh stor EPU dan ICU Jabatan Perdana Menteri pasal perbahasan ini. Nah, sudah tibo maso Anak Malaysia yang berpusat di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di mana jua dalam dunia ini, mula mengupas setiap perincian dalam fakulti pemusatan MEB "Malaysia New Economic Model" atau dalam kata akar paling tepat ialah Model Ekonomi Baru Malaysia berteraskan P.153 tanpa mencerai DEB, NEP dan Agenda MPPB.

Apakah sasaran selepas tahun 2020? Bagaimana sistem kewangan dan kedudukan economic of scale Malaysia pada 2025? Apakah peranan rakan dagangan seperti China, India, Jepun, US dan Negara Arab akan memberi pulangan besar kepada negara? Apakah bidang dan industri yang perlu diperkukuh, diperkaya, direkayasa, dinaik taraf dan ditambah nilai?

Wajar dan mampukah Malaysia memiliki Pusat Teknologi Nuklear yang bernilai USD1 trillion? Mampukan Malaysia memiliki Pusat Pelancar Angkasa Negara di Kudat dengan nilai USD3 trillion? Mampukah Malaysia melahirkan 1 juta Usahawan Bertaraf Dunia dengan harta sebanyak USD1 billion setiap daripadanya? Mampukah pada tahun 2030, Rakyat Miskin Tegar dan Rakyat Termiskin hanya 2000 orang? Mampukah pada tahun 2030, tiada lagi istilah Keluarga MISKIN BANDAR, Rumah Setinggan "urban getto" Kotaraya?

Bersediakah Kerajaan Malaysia pada tahun 2035 melaksana Parlimen yang diidam oleh kelompok politikus mirip Republican? Apakah kekuatan ekonomi Rakyat Raja akan meningkat dari kedudukan semasa ke RM45,000-RM60,000 setahun pada 2030?

Bagaimana peranan pelajar Malaysia yang tidak mahu pulang ke tanahair? Apakah mereka ini Duta Kecil Malaysia atau sekadar sampah elitis haprak yang merosak tamadun Bangsa Malaysia?

Pak Sedaro fikir kotak-kotak kecil ramai Profesor di Malaysia, juga masih terkongkong dalam sindrom bagaimana aku nak dapat duit untuk beli dan bayar Mercedez, buat rumah banglo, beli tanah kebun, bercuti dan bersenang lenang di Negara-negara Mediteranian, beli saham dan memastikan saraan hidup sampai mati memadai paling loikai RM2 juta kono ado.

Konteks fikir ini juga disertai oleh Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan Kerajaan dan sebagainya. Yang sodih apobilo Tok Imam, Bilal Masojid yang masih bergaji RM2,000 ajo. Fikirlah sikit, sibuk berdebat itu...MINTA Kerajaan Malaysia borikan gaji permulaan Imam Kerajaan sebanyak RM5,500 sebulan. Dan gaji mati mereka ialah RM13,500 sebulan. Dapat elaun-elaun khas yang diumpukan setiap tahun, termasuk Tunai Haji dan Umrah, atas makna khidmat Imam kepada Kariah. Inilah antara kaedah BN boleh monang PRU-13.


  1. Boringlah lu tulis

  2. memang boring, sebab cicit kamat tulis guna akal dan bersandarkan fakta. yang tak boring tulisan mengutuk..

    Kak Cik

  3. Salam Semua,

    Memang benar, kalau terlalu aysik dengan debat sana sini, kerja tentu tak jadi.

    Tapi ada sesetengah puak, PIDATO dan DEBAT ini adalah semacam PERIUK NASI mereka. Modal utama AIR LIUR, JUBAH, JANGGUT dan kalau boleh dalam Masjid atau Surau.

    Debat, ceramah, tazkirah..apa jugalah Tajuk di kain rentang terpampang untuk mengajak orang kampung untuk ternganga dengar bagaimana dan betapa BURUKnya rakyat diPerintah.

    Tapi Air Liur bukan sebarang Air Liur Paneh Oi..Air Liur berbayar..TABUNG mesti berjalan walau tak ada kaki..Orang Kampung mesti rela berkorban untuk perjuangan supaya lebih banyak debat, ceramah, atau apa sahaja sebab ini Perjuangan SUCI.

    Teruk Teruk rakyat diperintah, TABUNG PENUH jugak, hasil kutipan amat Lumayan. Ini tertakluk pula SIAPA yang beri ceramah. Kalau TOP of the list lagi banyak dana yang terkumpul..

    Hebat..rezeki memang melimpah ruah di Malaysia ni. Mengata orang pun boleh buat duit. Tak payah ada studio rakaman susah susah nak cari penulis lirik..saingan hebat.

    Tapi kalau debat yang berisi macam DEB ini ramai rakyat tak minat, walaupun satu sen tak keluar dari poket...kalau ada seminar pun orang yang sama je yang pergi..sebab tak sensasi.

  4. ado profesor kono tangkap merabo. dato' pulak tu. topi masih lai dekan kampus cawangan. kesian budak italy yg dirabo tu kono balik nogori awal

  5. With reference to PM May 6th posting on orang asli which we missed.

    Plight of my people: Part I

    Imagined or real there are spirits in the jungle, evil ones and kind-hearted ones. And among all these hive and jive, live the human jungle dwellers, the Orang Asli, the so-called Proto-Malays, the pioneer brother of the Deutro-Malays.

    The Orang Asli are my people. Unscrupulous people have taken many parts of the jungle ie. my kampongs and my towns so to speak. They simply come in with huge machines to get timber and make way for roads and farms. What are we supposed to do?

    Our sources of plants for food and medicine are increasingly difficult to get. The rivers where we take our bath and catch fishes are no more prestine but coloured like teh-tarik. Our catch of birds, monkeys, squirrels and snakes are getting meager day by day because you have killed them directly or indirectly or driven them far into the jungle.

    Now, we cannot hold wildboar feasts often anymore. When the outsiders use guns to hunt them wildlife dear to us such as seladang and deer, these animals become a rarity . We use traps and sumpit to hunt for food. The blowpipe dart cannot go very far as your bullets. Our catch are thus limited. Moreover, many of us are getting old and cannot blow our sumpit strong like before.

    We are an ignorant and confused lot. We live by the land. Whatever extra money we have we buy salt, sugar, rice, Panadol, and titbits for the children from the van-seller. Please do not make it more difficult for us by proclaiming that out traditional shifting cultivation is bad for the environment. How could we move the mountains with our bare hands and primitive tools? It is the supposedly civilized people with machines who flatten the mountains and destroy the forests and everything in them including us.

  6. With reference to PM May 6th on Orang Asli posting which we missed.

    Plight of my people: Part II

    Sometimes ago, one of our people in Kampung Reka in Kelantan claimed that he saw a Si-Pak Belang (part of jungle law to call them indirectly and show respect) dragging a victim into the jungle. This was not the first and last episode. Since time immemorial there had been very many of our people were brutally devoured. At night we even have to compete with the elephants to gather durian fruits before they swallow them away.

    We are the protectors of the jungle. The jungle is not neutral. We were then in the diffused forefront where the communists were active. It was not easy to fight against the terrorists knowing very well that they were lurking somewhere there. We were sharing the same jungle and footpaths. It was like sharing the bed with the enemy – sumpit versus gun.

    We encouraged our young to join the Senoi Praq as jungle trackers and scouts that helped saved lives of many government soldiers during the emergency. They get some monthly pension, meager though.

  7. With reference to PM's May 6th posting on Orang Asli which we missed,

    Plight of my people: Part III

    Some years ago, there was a case of a group of local Malays (Kelantan) who tried to seize our land and we had to rough them up in self defense. A few got hurt. Several of us were brought to court and appeared on TV handcuffed. How haggard looking and malnourished they were! Theirs was a minor offense compared to ones who traded in dadah and whatnot. They are rich and yet want more and more. Ours was a case of survival, theirs greed above all, above patriotism.

    We need protection or ways to defend ourselves and our families. There are so many intruders nowadays, humanoid and non-humanoid that come into the so-called reservation that you have alienated for us.

    Was it true that a far-distant blood-cousin of us who lives along the Yuat River in that far-flung island of Papua New Guinea had his blood sample taken? They said that he has immunity against malaria and wanted to study and patent his cell line. They say that there are provisions in the global agreement on the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) for intellectual property rights and equitable sharing of benefits.

    Now, if somebody come to my people and try to do something like that, what shall we do? We cannot run to the nearest police station to report immediately because it is so many miles away! Our area is not accessible by mobile phone either. We are hapless people.
