Friday, July 2, 2010

Anwar back in UMNO?

There may be a reason why Anwar does not want to become president of PKR. There is a belief that Anwar wants to return back to UMNO. He has never announced publicly that he has burnt his bridges with UMNO. It is known that Anwar tried to make contact with Tun Dr Mahathir through mutual friends. This happened before the 2008 General Elections. The thinking was that if he could be seen shaking hands with Tun Dr Mahathir, then UMNO members would accept him back.

Dont forget that just last year, after Najib became Prime Minister, Anwar dropped in suddenly to visit Najib in his house in Jalan Duta. It was just before the Sodomy 2 trial started. People have such short memories. Anwar has never disclosed what transpired between him and Najib. Why not the Anwaristas ask Anwar what transpired between him and Najib last year in Najib's house? Why did Anwar go and visit Najib? It may still be relevant.

I know part of what Najib said, "If you lose the case you have to face the consequences. If you are acquitted we will face you in the General Elections." At one large gathering prior to the 2008 General Elections (not organised by UMNO but attended by mostly UMNO members) one person did suggest rather foolishly that UMNO take back Anwar Ibrahim. The young man was physically thrown out of the meeting. I observed the event myself. Another possible friend in UMNO for Anwar could be Prebet Khairy Jamaluddin, the passport delivery boy. There are still a few of them around - getting fewer by the minute though.

What would happen to all the vuvuzelas if Anwar were to be accepted back in UMNO?

Excerpt taken from OutSyed The Box.

Well, C.I.F.U.T. Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim is digging his own grave if he wants to go back to UMNO!


  1. Tuan, mohon cerita di luar tajuk.

    Tong sampah di belakang rumah saya dah lama sampahnya tidak dipungut, rasanya sisa makanan sedang berulat, jadi kalau tuan masukkan lagi bangkai ke dalamnya...bayangkanlah.

    Untuk makluman tuan juga, penduduk perumahan di sini berura ura untuk menukarkan tongsampah cap keris ini kepada tong sampah cap bulan, apa pandangan tuan..

    Tong sampah tetap tong sampah tapi apakan daya, sampah sarap, sisa minum makan pakai nak buang ke mana?

  2. Kluangman,

    Tong sampah tetap tong sampah.

    Isu nya sampah, bukan tong. Tong sampah tak salah. Yang salah ialah orang yang di amanahkan untuk mengutip sampah.

    Bila tak amanah apa cap pun tak memberi makna.

  3. Dalam kita bising-bising pasal cap tong sampah kita keris atau bulan, tong sampah cap ROKET dah pun sedia menunggu..

  4. Tong sampah = parti
    Sampah = ahli dan pemimpin parti
    Tukang Pungut sampah/buang sampah = rakyat/pengundi

    Tong smpah cap roket, sampah masuk dalam plastik, ikat kemas2, bau busuk kurang menyucuk.

    Packaging and presentation biar kemas walaupun semuanya sama standard, sampah dan tong sampah.

  5. Salam saudara PM.saya seronok baca bahasa pengomen-pengomen dalam pos ini,bahasa berlapik,sopan sekali dan sangat faham makna tersirat dalam situasi harmoni tanpa nada marah dan maki....tahniah semua!

  6. Rubbish = UMNONGOK
