Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well done KJ

YB Khairy Jamaluddin has proven his mettle.The way he answered irresponsible slanders from Datuk Ambiga last night in Bukit Utama, PJ shows that KJ indeed has factual and concrete answers.He is indeed a gem for the Barisan Nasional and UMNO. Future leaders in UMNO must be equipped with a lot of knowledge, no matter in what field. The new politic is definitely about perception and how the leaders manage it. I can see that KJ has the potential to be the future leader in the country. Keep up the good work KJ!


  1. but i still hv no trust on him...

    sorry bro paneh..

    mengeteh dulu :-)

  2. Ini lah future leader yang tahu apa yang dikatakan di takut well spoken

  3. Salah seorang pemimpin Umno yang bercakap berlandaskan fakta,bukan macam yang lain cakap merapu.Well done KJ....

  4. Den raso ni lah petamo kali group PM sokong KJ atau pun pencak_silat sorang yo yang sokong? he heh he..
    Cam mano pun den dah lamo sokong KJ ni. Budak ni memang bijak tapi dio masih tak pandai becampor dengan orang tuo terutama di kampung-kampung.
    Yang ni orang UMNO kono amik perhatian. Jangan asyik nak membodek yo....

  5. dah pakat tu !!! nak naikkan kredibiliti kj yang memang dah tak ada .

  6. KJ was very good last night, whacking ambiga left and right, top and bottom, front and back. UMNO needs more people who are able to defend the govt and its agencies with facts and well presented.... So for the moment, well done KJ.. You are learning

  7. lagila orang nak pancung dia. anak muda memang mudah buat silap tapi harap-harap dia belajar dari terus buat silap. karisma dah ada cuma ilmu pr tu kena asah lagi sikit. KJ permata berharga dalam UMNO.


  8. I think we are looking at a future prime minister. Ameen.

    Syabas, YB.

    Impressed that he had all the facts at his fingertips. He did his homework. This is the sort of leader Msia needs.

  9. dah lamo den sokong KJ..cumo perangai je kadang2 tak kono gayo dio...tahniah YB K.J. ..camtu lah pemimpin mudo MELAYU...cakap ikut fakta dan cerita benar...kasi hantam dan bersih kan kepalo otak orang2 BERSIH 3.0 TU...well done anak muda...

  10. well done chap!!! that will do!..that will do!....basic nya satu aja kalaulah ambiga mutatamenbuta tu masih buta hati beribu fakta benar pun hampeh dia nak dengar...itulah jenis rakyat malaysia yg tak sedar diuntung...cubalaa puak kerajaan lak buat demo besar2an kat negeri2 yg diperintah pembangkang kaata undi tak bersih kat sana pulak baru laa "bersih" jgn ambik kisah kuasa kerajaan tempatan bedal je buat demo ribu2 kat komtar ke ,kat tgh2 pekan rabu ke ,kat tgh2 pasar dikota bharu masa time "Bersih" di ibukota tgk apa kerajaan negeri buat ...barulaa adil kan ambiga membuta kan kan.... NEGARAKU TANAH TUMPAHNYA DARAHKU ..

  11. Well done boleh sapu sapu bersih lah

  12. welldone kj, dulu masa zaman paklah, aku boring gak dgn kj lps pru12 ari tu nampak dah byk berubah n sanggup susah2 eg masuk askar wataniah berlatih dlm hutan etc, so u earned my respect bro..keep up da gd work bro, whacking all those perosak rakyat (PR).
