Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PR nak tawan N9? Toksah dok berangan la...

1. Esok adalah hari terakhir Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Negeri Sembilan yang akan terbubar pada tepat jam 12:01am, 28 Mac 2012 (Khamis) selepas tempoh penggal lima tahunnya berakhir, menjadikan Negeri Sembilan adalah negeri pertama di negara ini yang mungkin terbubar secara automatik selepas pilihan raya umum 2008; itupun jika Najib tidak mengumumkan pembubaran parlimen lebih awal pada atau sebelum Khamis ini.

2. Pembubaran DUN Negeri Sembilan adalah bertepatan dengan Akta Interpretasi 1948 dan 1967 iaitu tempoh bermulanya DUN dikira selepas majlis angkat sumpah. 

3. Bila DUN terbubar, elaun semua anggota DUN akan tamat serta-merta, tetapi tugas Speaker, Menteri Besar dan Exco masih berjalan seperti biasa di bawah kategori kerajaan sementara (Caretaker Government).

4. Rakyat Negeri Sembilan tidak perlu ragu perjalanan negeri akan terbantut, kerana kerajaan sementara akan menjalankan pentadbiran negeri seperti biasa, cuma ADUN tidak boleh membuat apa-apa keputusan atau mewujudkan apa jua dasar baru.

5. Di pihak BN begitu banyak spekulasi berkenaan calon dan siapa bakal Menteri Besar baru Negeri Sembilan. Ni lah masalahnyo bilo terlampau ramai yang berhajat nak jadi Yang Berkhidmat. Kadangkala akal dan fizikal tak mampu, tapi nafsu mencanak-canak. Contoh terbaik ialah mamat tua berumur 82 tahun di Pantai Timur sana nun. Kubur dah seru pun masih nak menongkat langit.

6. Spekulasi calon BN Negeri Sembilan ni memang hangat diperkatakan terutama oleh orang UMNO. Tapi kami nak kobar an satu yo, tak ramai calon yang disebut tu lopeh tapisan SPRM. Kok ikut trend Najib sekarang ni, ramai yang tak lopeh tapisan tu akan digugurkan. Bak kato Najib, "Its time to end this ones and for all!" Jadi kok ado yang berhajat nak jadi calon tu toksah la nak perasan bonar. Sok kok mati berangan.

7. Negeri Sembilan adalah antara negeri tumpuan Komplot Pembangkang yang menyasarkan untuk menjajah  secara total pentadbiran kerajaan negeri dalam PRU-13 melalui calon DAP, Pkr dan Pas. Kenapa nama Pas belakang sekali, sebab Pas hanyalah parti balaci kepada DAP dan Pkr.

8. Difahamkan Pas akan memberi laluan kepada calon DAP dan Pkr di beberapa kawasan di Negeri Sembilan yang sebelum ini secara tradisi ditandingi oleh calon Pas dalam PRU sebelumnya. Dah faham macamana Pas akan dibalacikan di negeri beradat ini sekiranya Komplot Pembangkang menang? Walau PRU-13 belum bermula, Pas sudah pun kehilangan beberapa kerusi kerana tunduk dengan perintah rakan sekomplot sendiri.

9. DAP sudah belajar di Perak, dan kali ini mereka akan meletakkan calon Melayu di PRU-13 demi memastikan jawatan Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan menjadi milik mutlak DAP. Kenal siapa antara calon tunggangan DAP tu? Alahhh...orang Pilah tu la...balaci Ku Li dulu tu...

10. Ke mana sahaja di Negeri Sembilan ketika ini akan kedengaran begitu banyak rungutan ahli Pas yang tidak berpuas hati dengan kepimpinan parti sendiri. Wala' pucuk pimpinan Pas bersama DAP dan Pkr begitu dibenci oleh akar umbi Pas kerana ia menyebabkan Pas hilang intergriti, hilang prinsip, hilang Islam, hilang maruah dan hilang segalanya demi memenuhi serakah nafsu politik peribadi sebahagian besar pemimpinnya.

11. Belum pernah dalam sejarah penubuhan Pas, parti itu kini bukan saja ditentang oleh pihak lawan, tetapi oleh akar umbi dan saf kepimpinan Pas sendiri. Serangan dan sabotaj dalaman parti bakal menghancurkan Pas di PRU-13.

12. Walaupun dimaklumkan ahli Pas tidak akan mengundi BN, tapi mereka juga tidak akan keluar mengundi Pas. Agak-agak apa nasib Pas di PRU-13 nanti? Ahli Pkr pun ramai yang dah malu nak sokong parti Papa Homo tu. Dan ini adalah petanda permulaan kepada pengakhiran Pas dan Pkr di Negeri Sembilan.

13. UMNO/BN Negeri Sembilan kini lebih bersedia menghadapi PRU-13. Malah jentera UMNO/BN Negeri Sembilan jauh lebih mantap berbanding PRU-11 dan 12.

14. Walau apa jua cabaran, fitnah, serangan, tohmahan mahupun tipu daya yang akan dimainkan DAP, Pkr, Pas di Negeri Sembilan, UMNO/BN akan menyahut dengan penuh rasa rendah diri, penuh rasa syukur, penuh waspada dan penuh bergaya bagi memastikan Negeri Sembilan kembali menjadi kubu kuat Barisan Nasional seperti mana sebelumnya.

15. Kepada semua balaci, pencacai, puak LGBT dan kuda tunggangan Komplot Pembangkang - "JUST BRING IT BEBEH!"


  1. PART 1

    Seven names for the ninth State
    by Frankie D'Cruz
    AT LEAST seven potential successors are in the fray to replace Negri Sembilan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan who is staring at the grave possibility of a last term as chief executive of the state.

    Political observers said the big number was an indication of a determined move by the local warlords to remove Mohamad who had struggled to get their support.

    With the automatic dissolution of the State Assembly on Wednesday, talk is rife that this is Mohamed’s last stint as MB.

    They said Mohamad, 57, had faced hostility from the movers and shakers who were unhappy that he had brought a corporate style and his two brothers into the state’s political frame.

    “Mohamad is proof that corporate elites can’t cut it in politics,” said a ranking state Umno leader, who requested anonymity.

    “He’s not your traditional Umnotype.” He said the next menteri besar should be one who could bring harmony and narrow infi ghting.

  2. PART 2

    The seven names being tossed are: Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Mansor (Tampin), Datuk Dr Awaluddin Said (Kota assemblyman), Senator Najeeb Abdullah (Rasah Umno deputy chief), Datuk Lilah Yassin (Jempol MP), Datuk Hasan Malek (Kuala Pilah MP), Datuk Ismail Lasim (Senaling assemblyman) and even Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin (Rembau MP).

    Mohamad, meanwhile, has ambitions of contesting in Rantau and not a parliamentary seat.

    The Umno leader said former menteri besar Tan Sri Isa Mohamed Samad, who made a political comeback in the 2010 Bagan Pinang by-election was out of the equation.

    “By virtue of his Felda chairmanship, the vital Felda vote makes him infl uential and he might just have a say in the removal of Mohamad with whom he has had problems,” he said.

    State Barisan Nasional leaders hold fi rm that Mohamad is a liability to the ruling party’s prospects in the state.

    They told The Malay Mail in separate interviews that the stakes were high as Umno was under enormous pressure to cobble together cohesion to ward off a spirited challenge by the opposition. “The camaraderie is all downwards, and attempts to address the issues that matter to bickering factions have been in vain,” said one leader.

    He said it was ironic that the state was cracking under factional strain when it was headed toward a “golden period” with a slew of mega projects that promises a brilliant transformation. “Unless there are very exceptional circumstances, many feel that it’s not in BN’s interest that Mohamad remain as menteri besar,” he said.

    We asked the state leaders whether corporate elitists had no place in national politics. Whether, former corporate captain and Selangor menteri besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim was not a success story.

    One opined: “You have to swing with Umno traditions and not impose corporate ideology on the party. While we are all for forward philosophy, party conventions should not be compromised.

    He said the dominance of Mohamad’s family in state politics and business was central to dissatisfaction among many.

    Mohamad was the chief executive of a company that distributed Mercedes Benz cars before he went into politics. But unlike the purring Mercedes, Mohamad has not had a seductive, smooth ride since the state Barisan Nasional lost its two-thirds majority in 2008. His brothers, critics say, have incurred the wrath of the local warlords and made life difficult for him.

    Older brother Azman, who is Umno Rembau division secretary, and his third sibling Ghani, who is treasurer of the division, are dart board targets.

    Mohamad’s Rantau state seat is within the Rembau parliamentary constituency held by Khairy, son-in-law of former premier Tun Abdulah Ahmad Badawi. Negri Sembilan, long-viewed as a BN fortress, is in trouble and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) believes the state is ripe for their plucking.

    PR leaders say they are confident a less than 10 per cent vote sway in four state seats will be enough for them to take over Negri Sembilan. They think they can wring the 36-seat state due to the narrow vote margins in four constituencies: Pilah, Kelawang, Lenggeng and Linggi.

    The BN had narrowly won Pilah by 1,258 votes, Kelawang (1,167), Lenggeng (1,285) and Linggi (1,575) in the last general election. In another development, speculation is rife that a former Negri Sembilan menteri besar Datuk Seri Rais Yatim will be dropped as the Jelebu parliamentary candidate.


  3. Waghih,
    mohon manyambuong kasih sapanjang alam, yo. blog waghih alah singgah di bloglist kami. hehehehe

    Ex-SMDKP Facebookers BnG

  4. All the Best to BN.......Love YOU!

  5. Lebih daripada jadi balaci wang ringgit. Once for all.

  6. Anon 4.08,
    Pse do not speculate if you do not know the truth,what is your point exactly by pasting other people article in your comments and wonder who were the THEY the article qouted.


  8. Anon 12.13pm

    I am assuming that you know the truth then. Since you think that you know, when dont you share with all of us. What was posted i know that it was taken from the malay mail.
    I suggest that you should stop posting comments just for the sake of posting. It really shows that your level of intellegence is well below an average human being. Please be thankful that god gave you the ability to read although i know that you dont read that well.

  9. hahahaha 953pm tu nak sodap an ati la tu.

  10. Anon 10.08,
    No I do not know the truth and that is the reason why I do not like to speculate or used other people opinions on matters that I am not sure of.Of course I am ever thankful to God but I think it is not that fair for you to brand me at such..mah.Have a good day and try not to be emotional..mah

  11. Anak N9 seharusnya membuat jangkauan politik lebih berani dengan memberi sokongan kepada Pakatan Rakyat. Hanya dengan cara demikian pemimpan yang kita perolehi masa depan lebih profesional dan berkesan. Ketika ini terlalu banyak rungutan dari rakyat bawahan bahawa mereka hanya digula2 dan program kerajaan UMNO/BN tidak membantu kesempitan hidup mereka. Janji2 Pakatan Rakyat jauh lebih menarik untuk diuji daripada akujanji BN yang bersifat kosmetik semata-mata
