Monday, January 27, 2014

Anwar Ibrahim MB Selangor

KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has dismissed a report by an English daily that he is set to be the next Selangor Menteri Besar.

He described the report as "mere speculation," saying that there was no discussion between him and current MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim on the matter.

Speaking to reporters at the Duta court complex here today, Anwar said he met Khalid almost every week. "I virtually meet Khalid every week, at least once a week to discuss about the party and the welfare of the state."

He also said the suggestion of a possible takeover was an old issue that had been discussed openly since 2008.

The article quoting party insiders as saying that Khalid was expected to announce his decision to go on Wednesday.

The report also quoted party insiders as saying that Anwar was next in line to become the Selangor MB.

Party insiders also claimed Khalid would step down following the controversial issues involving the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) fiasco and the recent bible raid conducted by the State Islamic Religious Department (Jais) on the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) office.

Anwar was in court earlier to testify in his defamation suit against blogger "Papa Gomo" over alleged defamatory postings which implied that he was engaged in indecent acts with a man. Read more: "Anwar denies taking over as Selangor MB" (Quoted from NST). 

Well, here we go again. Today, the ADUN for Kajang,Lee Chin Cheh quit as the assemblyman for the said constituency. What is Anwar Ibrahim trying to do? He failed in his bid to become the Prime Minister and now he wants to be the Menteri Besar. He is really an ambitious person. He is still facing legal suits in court and yet he is making trouble by aspiring to contest as an ADUN so that he can become the MB of Selangor, the richest state in Malaysia. Well, hopefully voters in Kajang are wise enough and vote against him, so that Selangor will not be coffers for him to bulid his dynasty. Pity Selangoreans!


  1. Apa kantau pulak yang anwar nk buat. Jepun dh reject ..... Hati2 rakyat Selangor woi.. Balak lain x abis lagi balak baru pulak datang.

  2. dulu elaun RM1 ...lepas ni berapa ye....tak pe bukan duit rakyat pun....bukan ada orang selangor nak demo-demo pun..selangor kan negeri kaya....semua yang ada free belaka lah....

  3. kalau perletakkan jawatan adun kajang bertujuan memberi ruang kpd anwar jadi mb selangor, sorrylah. pkr akan ko dikajang nati.

  4. Kalau dia jadi MB senang sikit dia nak buat kacau dalam Malaysia ni..
    Sedang kan tak de jawatan pun dia boleh kejut najib ini kan pula ada machinery...
    Huru hara Malaysia lepas ni...
    Padan lah muka hang Najib...ada ISA hang pi mansuh..
    La ni hang tak tiduq malam lah jawap nya
