Friday, July 4, 2014


1. The Malays must know the history of the non-Malays in Tanah Melayu and dare to tell people about the history of the non-Malays.

2. The Malays must remember that the Chinese, when they mention about the history of Malaysia, they only dare mention the date of their arrival in Malaya, and they claimed they had contribute to the development of Malaysia and Malaya's independence. In this way, they try to make people forget the history of the Malays themselves who have lived in Malaya for thousands of years. Many Malays who forget the history of their own were swayed by the Chinese.

3. Why last time the Malaysian Chinese migrate from China to Tanah Melayu? Because of discrimination and not equal opportunities in China.

4. Why Malays never migrate in droves to other parts of the world like what the Chinese and Indians did until they become a significant percentage in the population of the other country, so that the Malays never create a trouble like Chinese and Indian did?

5. Because Malays generally love their country, unlike Chinese and Indian. The Chinese and Indian move to Tanah Melayu, not getting equal opportunities and then blame the Malays? Why not blame the China government? They have become a party that create this problem.

6. The Chinese ask the Malays to work hard just like them because they jealous how relax and comfortable the Malays is in their own homeland (Tanah Melayu), so they want the Malays to compete with them, while it is no necessary to compete in the first place.

7. The Malays has got their home, so let them leisure in their own home. Not necessary actually to bark on Malays, to compete with the Chinese.

8. The Chinese have own reason to work hard. The Chinese create their own situation where they have to work hard by moving from China continent to Malay Archipelago.

9. Imagine you go to Europe and tell the English people to work like you do. You come to people's place foreign to you, you better keep quiet and do your hard work for your survival but don't interfere in the manner how native run them-self.

10. Chinese Singaporeans are like American White People. They promote total equality because they are not the native. They came to another place, shake the foundation of the existing people, in order to make themselves more comfortable. They are fighting for themselves. Then when they gain, they slap the face of the native and say "We have this (development) for you and me. Look, how good we are." Bullshit!!

11. This is self appraisal. They don't realize that the native never want the so called development because the native already comfortable with their life. It is the Chinese who was uncomfortable initially, then they fight for comfortability, by shaking the comfortability of the existing native.

12.  It is a pity for Malay Singaporean because they have to work extra harder while they are supposed to enjoy what they have; but since they have lost what they have, they have to do something not necessary in the first place.

13. As a Malay in Malaysia, I don't give a damn if Malay Singapore or Malaysian Chinese work very hard because the situation and environment they create for themselves.

14. I don't see Chinese in China achieve something remarkable with their hard work, so do Chinese in Taiwan or Hong Kong or Macau. Sometime, I pity them, these people working very hard from night to night, but achieve little.

15. Historically, Tanah Melayu become a multi-races because it was forced upon by the Western power. When the Western came, the Malays was weak, but the weakness does not give the right to the Western power to invade the Malays and dictate terms. Since the Western was no longer in control of Tanah Melayu, the Malays may regain control over their land.

16. Malaysia is a multi-racial country - "multi-racial" means Malaysia has many races. But it doesn't mean that the Malays have to forego their rights - something that the Malaysian Chinese pretend not to understand.

Loyal citizens of Malaysia? Heh!!


  1. Bro, it's not the question of Chinese being "pendatang" or not. More relevant is maintaining the mentality and politics of the "pendatang". Questioning the malay rights, bahasa kebangsaan, royal institutions, etc is a "pendatang" mentality. Discarding and challenging the OFFICIAL AND FEDERAL status of Bahasa Melayu, Islam and Malay Culture, etc are not the right thinking of a warganegara setia. Agreeing them to be OFFICIAL and FEDERAL is not sufficient if one's actions do challenge and jeopardise the very status clearly stipulated in the Constitution.The "pendatang' mentality refuses to accept that other languages, religion, culture and institutions are NOT OFFICIAL and NON FEDERAL. Therefore, they should remain subordinate and not to be conferred or celebrated at the Federal Level or regarded as being NASIONAL.The Chinese should discard the "pendatang" heritage and mentality inorder to clear the misconception of the other races.

  2. Well, let's see whether the Chinese or the Indians really love Malaysia truly and whole heartedly as most of the Malays do. (If they are not so called "pendatang" here in Malaysia) One good example, if you can observe cleary is during the month of August of "Bulan Kemerdakaan". How many Chinese or Indian cars can you see flying Malaysia flag? I've seen some on Indian cars!!! But bloody fucking NONE on Chinese cars.!!! Most are on kereta orang Melayu and I would say this Chinese dont give a damn fuck about the nation Malaysia. They just want to scoop the wealth here and then condemn Malaysia when they are away from Malaysia. Do the Chinese care about Malaysia? Do they? They dont give a damn fuck my friend. They dont!!!

  3. But after 50 years of Merdeka, we still have non-Malays who can understand (speak and write) in Bahasa Melayu, in fact it's getting worse, that I don't understand. Kalau cina mengaku diri tu orang Malaysia dan bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa kenapa masih tak fasih??

  4. Bah. Pertama:

    Si LIBERAL Islam/Melayu sibuk nak jadikan Malaysia ni negara maju - tapi Islam/umatnya terus diHINA/diGERTAK/diJAJAH di Tanah Melayu ni dan global - sampaikan TANAH PUSAKA termasuk Tanah Rezab Melayu terus TERGADAI termasuk kat si PENDATANG KAPIRDAJAL warga asing ! Patutlah si pengikut SYAITAN, si KAPIRDAJAL Barat-ZIONIS dan ejen tempatannya MELALAK dan KETAWA habis-habisan!

    ALLAH SWT harapnya akan MENGHUKUM PENGKHIANATAN si Islam/Melayu-LIBERAL, PENJAHANAM agama, bangsa dan negara di Tanah Melayu, PUSAKA nenek moyang kita ini, dr. sebelum dijajah si PENGGANAS KAPIR LAKNAT British-ZIONIS dan mana-mana puak PENDATANG/PENCEROBOH KAPIRDAJAL yg. asalnya dibawa si PENJAJAH buas tu!!

    Makcik Sambal Belacan – PERTAHAN ISLAM/umatnya, Kesultanan Melayu, Bahasa Melayu, hak BUMIPUTERA Melayu dan BUMIPUTERA lain; dan hak orang miskin dari semua bangsa yang hormat Islam, dan bangsa dan hak Bumiputera (BUMIPUTERA juga bermakna Pribumi/Orang Asal-Asli/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nation peoples/Tribal peoples).

  5. Orang Cina tak layak jadi loyal citizens:
    1. Ada passport senang lari jika perang.
    2. Dah duduk Malaysia 50 tahun, tapi tak pandai cakap Melayu
    3. Tak mahu cakap Melayu
    4. Tak hormat Islam dan Melayu
    5. Punca segala Jenayah dan masalah sosial
    6. Tauke Judi, DVD haram, Disco, GRO, Dadah, mercun
    7. Bawa kereta macam sial tak mau ikut undang undang.
    8. Protektif dengan tulisan dan sekolah CIna
    9. CIna kuat perkauman tapi suka cakap Melayu yang perkauman.
    10. Cina makan babi ada J.E. virus nipah

  6. Salah melayu juga yg beri muka.Ubah la sikap,belajar benda yg berguna dari mereka, jgn malas dan kuatkan jatidiri islam dan melayu anda.

  7. Najib oh Najib....

  8. I just feel that you are just giving excuses for being contended and lazy. It is your choice anyway. World is moving so fast and we have still such people of having such mindset. What a pity..

  9. If Malaysia enter the world cup final against China , which team would the Chinese in Malaysia , would support ?.

    1. The Chinese will support the team that will give them 'the most return in Judi Bola'....

  10. Punca semua kemelut ini adalah sebuah Kerajaan yang lemah. Kerajaan yang sentiasa tunduk kepada ugutan DSAI, DAP dan Hindraf. Ditambah lagi dengan desakan MCA dan gerakan yang berpura-pura.

    Perkara ini takkan terjadi zaman Tun M. Baru pasang niat dalam hati nak porak perandakan, tau-tau dah masuk penjara Kemunting.

    Padan muka Kerajaan yang sudah tiada senjata ISA dan Ordinan Darurat. Kerajaan masih tak belajar dari kesalahan, berura-ura pula untuk hapuskan Akta Hasutan dan tugas itu digalas untuk para hipokrit pilihan PM Najib.

    Kalau beginilah keadaannya, orang Melayu yang mengasaskan perkataan "amuk" dalam Oxford Dictionary itu tidaka akan dapat memendam perasaan begitu lama. Kalau selama ini mereka hanya berkata "tak mengapa", dikhuatiri akan meletup segala ketidakpuashatian itu akibat luka yang sangat dalam sekian lama.

    Sekiranya 13 Mei berulang - kerajaan yang lemah lagi sengal ini lah puncanya.

    Dan inilah kelihatannya balasan PM Najib kepada sokongan orang Melayu kepadanya dalam PRU-13 lepas. Mungkin lepas ini, PM Najib tidak perlukan sokongan orang Melayu lagi. Sebab yang penying bagi PM Najib, hanyalah sokongan DAP, DSAI dan Hindraf serta pujian si hipokrit MCA dan Gerakan!

  11. Cina lari ke Tanah Melayu sebab tekanan ekonomi di China. India lari sebab penyisihan kasta di India. Tapi pendatang ni skrg depa ni lupa diri..
    Nak duduk di Tanah Melayu jgn kacau Islam dan hak2 Melayu dan bumiputera. Kena peringat.."amuk" Melayu dah masuk Oxford dictionary..

  12. Najib...hero wayang Cina. Melayu bagi undi Cina yg dibela..

  13. Majoriti Melayu dah lupa daratan kerana akta 153, landing pakai sampan dari Indonesia semalam , hari ini dapat kerakyatan , inilah manipulasi UMNO selama ini. Artifak Hindu dah lama di Malaysia sebelum kemasukan monyet2 di hutan. Jadi janganlah jadi penipu tegar.

    1. Aaa... kalau begitu, monyet2 juga terlebih dulu berada di India sebelum adanya manusia dan agama Hindu di sana.

  14. .. betul kah Cina lari ka Malaya atas tekanan ekonomi?... jom kaji sejarah Cina yang tidak diceritakan.. Cina adalah sebuah negara besar yang dihuni oleh pelbagai ras dan kaum dengan dialek dan bahasa yang berbeza seperti Eropah, yang menyebabkan mereka di panggil Cina hanyalah kerana kesemua mereka di perintah oleh satu pemerintah. Bila bangsa barat datang ke Cina pada abad 17, mereka telah mengunakan candu untuk menjajah negara tersebut. Bagi tujuan penyebarannya, mereka perlukan tali barut. Apabila rakyat yang setia sedar, mereka mula menghalau pembelot terlibat. Atas ikatan inilah mereka dibawa keluar oleh barat ke US, Canada, Eropah, Australia dan Nusantara termasuk Tanah Melayu dengan di beri kerja sebagai pelombong dan peniaga. Di Tanah Melayu apabila British keluar, mereka memaksa Kerajaan Tanah Melayu mengambil pembelot bangsa ini dan keturunanya menjadi rakyat Tanah Melayu. Selain dari itu mereka diberi ganjaran estet, lombong, persekolahan, peluang-peluang perniagaan dan menjaga kepentingan British yang masih tertinggal. Dari segi konsep, proses ini adalah serupa dengan pemindahan Yahudi dari Eropah ke Palestin cuma bezanya ialah pada masa tersebut Barat adalah khadam Yahudi dan Pembelot ini adalah khadam Barat. Jika kita kaji kedudukan muktahir ini, kita akan dapati ada perancangan tersusun untuk memindahkan khadam Barat ini ka satu negara yang pada masa ini cuma ada 28 juta penduduk, tetapi mampu menampung antara 80 hingga 100 juta penduduk dengan selesa. Pilot Projek telah dilaksana disatu negara kecil melalui sekutu pembelot dan disokong kuat oleh barat dan tuan barat (Yahudi), dimana pada tahun 1963, 2/3 dari tanah negara tersebut milik pribumi dan lebih 50% penduduk adalah penduduk asal. Melalui kaedah pelupusan ethnik secara halus ( mana-mana penduduk asal yang berumur lebih 60 tahun akan berkesudahan dengan mati apabila masuk hospital negara tersebut), perampasan tanah-tanah milik individu dengan pampasan nilai 10 tahun terkebelakang, pemecahan kumpulan-kumpulan ethnik asal kepada kumpulan kecil, pengalakkan migrasi penduduk asal ketempat lain dan pemberian kerakyatan kepada bangsa pembelot dari barat dan Australia menyebabkan sekarang penduduk asal tinggal 15% dari jumlah penduduk semasa, selain itu, penduduk asli mengalami sindrom kehilangan identiti akibat penyucian minda secara sistematik. Oleh itu bagi yang ingat liberal sangat, ketahuilah bahawa ' pencairan nisbah penduduk' boleh dibuat pada bila-bila masa apabila mereka berjaya memerintah samada secara terus mau pun secara 'proxy', hanya dengan mendapat kuasa menambah kerakyatan dari 28 juta kepada 80 atau 100 juta dengan mengimpot kaum pembelot dari Barat dan Australia. Pada masa tersebut, bukan sahaja cucu cicit menangis dan tidak tahu asal usul mereka serta kehilangan identiti, kubur datuk dan nenek pun akan diratakan agar tiada kesan sejarah menunjukkan tanah bertuah ini pernah diduduki oleh satu kaum sebelum itu. Contoh jelas sudah ada.. fikir-fikirkan lah...
