Friday, April 25, 2008

Leader in waiting- Dato' Mukhriz Tun Mahathir

KUALA LUMPUR, April 23 (Bernama) -- A well- known political writer Rustam A.Sani died of heart failure at 2.30am today.Ipoh-born Rustam, 63, was an academician, a Suara Rakyat blogger, a columnist and a poet.One of his family members, Aliya Anuar, 19, when contacted by Bernama, confirmed his demise.The funeral is scheduled for later today.Rustam leaves behind wife Rohani Zainal Abidin, two children Azrani and Ariani and a granddaughter Arissa Azrani.

Al-Fatihah to a blogger, Rustam Abdullah Sani or better known as Rustam A. Sani, owner of a blog named 'Suara Rakyat'. I bet bloggers such as Sang Kelembai, Raja Petra and the rest will definitely missed him. Raja Petra, an infamous blogger will finally appear live on television this Sunday 27th April on TV1 at 9 pm. I wonder whether he would be there and if he is there, he will be a man with integrity and not condemning the government. RP, better known for his malicious writings about Khairry Jamaluddin, is a person witha high dose of 'emotional abuse'. I am not sure why he does not believe in the spirit of New Economic Policy as millions of Malays and non Malays benefited from it.
As for KJ, I believe that he is eligible to contest for the number two post in Pemuda and not the Ketua Pemuda. The Youth head has to be a person who has the wisdom, a good moral judgement and likeable by many. In my opinion, the only person who could close rank and ensure that the Youth Movement will progress is Dato' Mukhriz Tun Mahathir. A humble yet firm in his decision, he is the most likely person to lead the Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO to a new level, respected by friends and foes. KJ, his impasse about contesting the number one post in the Youth movement, should concentrate in consolidating the movement and retain his position as the Naib Ketua Pemuda. The opposition would definitely lose out in any debate with this lad from Oxford.
The cantankerous opposition MPs would be anticipating the new Dewan Rakyat session next week. Well, I am looking forward to see the likes of Nurul Izzah, Wan Azizah, KJ, Jeff Ooi (a blogger) debating in the Parliament. Hopefully, they will keep their best not to lose tantrum and debate in a gentleman's manner. Lastly, I do hope with the total of 82 MPs from the opposition in the Parliament, it would not turn into a 'circus'.


  1. KJ elok la pi perbetul dulu pasukan bola yg asik kalah je tu drpd sibuk nak bertanding ketua pemuda. kalo KJ dapek buek pasukan bola masuk piala dunia, confirm bukan orang sukong jadi ketua pemuda je, jadi calon presiden PKR pun org sokong.

  2. sobut namo kj... sapo dio ni... namo eh mulo sey konal maso paklah mulo jadi PM.. dulu dio ni sapo...

    tapi apo2pun dio sekarang wakil parlimen rembau.. jalankan tanggungjawab dengan sebaik mungkin... ingat awaktu dipilih rakyat kok tak botul jawab la sok...

    untuk Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir saya amat menyokong kepimpinan Datuk unuk menerajui kepimpinan pemuda UMNO Malaysia..

    teruskan perjuangan Melayu.. kembalikan Maruah UMNO yang tercalar.. bukan kito racist.. tp maruah agamo bangso dan negaro ado kek tangan kito semuo..

    kok bukan kito yang jago... sapo laie kan..

    duduk kl tp masih jiwo egori..

  3. It is so obvious that Pencak Silat is a supporter of Mukhriz Mahathir. Then obviously his views must be absorbed with due reservations. What Mukhriz did is nothing more than mere questioning the present leadership without giving any constructive ideas how to strenghten the political power of the Malays. The way i see it he is only the extension of his father who likes to condemn everyone who does not subscribe to his ideas. KJ on the other hand had demostrated an ideal leadership qualities and calibre. I remember i saw him in Youtube debating with Malik Imtiaz a lawyer regarding rights to assemble. He even outshone Dtk Nazri who was also invited as co-guest in that interview . I do wonder what could be the possible reasons that members of UMNO Youth do not want him as their leader. He should be given the opportunity.I do believe he is able to bring change to UMNO Youth movement that all malaysians had been waiting for so long.

  4. ontah eh...sorg nampak na sokong mukhriz dan sorg lagi berio2 nak KJ jadi leader. den ngaso la kan, kwn den kek cwgn jln kuala pilah pun ado leadership quality. bole ko jadik ketuo pemudo?

  5. salam..

    buek abg podeh.. kito ni kono tunjuk sapo yang kito sokong.. baru ado pendirian.. kok takut nak nyatokan pendirian jangan berumah di tepi pantai.. kok ado orang pilah yang buleh diketongahkan, sapo deh... kok botul ado dan bagus orang eh kito sesamo sokong dio... sey pun berasal dari pilah yo..

    (sey becakap sambil sonyum ni)
    buek sedaro 8387.. kj ni sorang yang sellfish, ego, berlagak, bongkak, sombong dan pelbagai lagi..
    1) montang-montang la ayah mentuo eh PM abih sumo orang dio nak lanyak..abih sumo kojo dio nak buek.. apo kesudahan eh... melayu khususnya UMNO berpocah bolah.. tengok yo lah sekarang ni..

    2) ntah apo-apo isu yang dio ketongah kan.. cth eh isu mat rempit.. sayang bona dio kek mat rempit ni.. banyak program yang di atur untuk mereka ni.. sampai bwk poie terjun kek kutub utaro..

    3) tak jago budak-budak yang baik ni.. yang bencikan dadah dan rempit ni.. yang dokek universiti ni.. isu 4% PTPTN ni apo tidakan yang diambil.. isu politik kampus, tak pornah nampak dio ngan budak-budak ni... kek mano budak2 ni nak poie ngadu, mintak nasihat..

    4)Leko kek projek mega dio ngan kroni2 dio... nak mintak projek kono lalui dio ni..

    selamat.. aman.. makmur.. perjuangan mu dah selesai KJ...

    duduk kl tp masih jiwo negori..
