Thursday, May 15, 2008


Aku cukup panas hati apabila mendengar kenyataan yang diberikan oleh CEO Air Asia, Tony Fernandez yang telah menyatakan bahawa kerajaan tidak perlu memberikan subsidi kepada syarikat penerbangan milik kerajaan iaitu MAS. Fernandes mendakwa MAS turut diberi hak dalam menentukan harga tambang, pilihan destinasi dan kekerapan penerbangan. AirAsia meminta lebih banyak laluan ke Singapura yang merupakan destinasi popular dan paling menguntungkan syarikat tersebut. Sikapnya ini bagi aku bolehlah diibaratkan seperti sudah diberikan betis nak peha pulak. Selain daripada itu dia turut mempersoalkan tentang industri penerbangan di Malaysia yang katanya tidak seperti di China, Thailand mahupun Indonesia yang memberi keadilan saksama kepada semua syarikat penerbangan sama ada milik kerajaan dan syarikat penerbangan murah.

Bagi aku, Tony Fernandez ni perlu faham bahawa sejarah MAS telahpun bermula sejak tahun 1937 dan operasi penerbangan yang pertama sekali telahpun bermula sejak tahun 1947 di mana pada masa itu dia pun masih belum berada di dalam perut emaknya. Sejak tahun 1947 lagi MAS telahpun membawa imej negara ke seantero dunia dengan nama Malayan Airways Limited. Permintaan Tony Fernandez ini tidak perlulah dilayan oleh kerajaan memandangkan segala keuntungan Air Asia setelah ditolak kos operasi dan cukai semuanya dibolot oleh ahli lembaga pengarahnya. Sementara keuntungan MAS pula dapat dipulangkan kembali kepada rakyat tambahan pula majoriti pekerja MAS itu sendiri adalah orang Melayu. Sikap tamak Tony Fernandez ini cuba diselindungkan dengan alasannya untuk memperjuangkan 5000 kakitangannya sedangkan hartanya sendiri sahaja telahpun mencecah kira-kira 205 juta Dollar US.

Seandainya dia mengatakan bahawa negara Cina, Thailand dan Indonesia lebih adil dan saksama kepada semua syarikat penerbangan baik milik kerajaan mahupun syarikat penerbangan murah, mengapa tidak dia dan lembaga pengarah Air Asia yang lain memindahkan tapak mereka ke negara-negara tersebut? Lagipun mereka adalah syarikat swasta yang mana mereka tidak perlu pun membawa imej negara ke mana-mana sekiranya mereka tidak mahu. Aku cukup menyirap dengan bangsa yang tidak tahu berterima kasih ni. Apakah kerajaan perlu tunduk pada permintaan seekor India yang tamak ni tanpa memikirkan kepentingan ribuan orang Melayu yang berada di dalam MAS???? Lu fikirlah sendiri........


  1. jangan harap la india ni nak fikir pasal melayu...kaum sebangsa dia sendiri pun tak tolong...

    Ini lah dia contoh kenapa kaum india kat mesia ni masih jauh ketinggalan...pastu sibuk nak menyalahkan kerajaan keluarkan tuntutan bermacam2...kalau bukan kerana kerjasama kerajaan mesia benarkan pesawat2 dia landing kat lcct tu, takde nya dia nak kaya semcam sekarang...

    ni lah bangsa yang bangsat...tak pernah tahu nak berterima kasih...di beri nasi dibaling kan kita tahi....kalau kerajaan PAK LAH ambil pusing pendapat keling ni memang jelas lah kebodohan PAK LAH...tapi tak tahu la kan kot anak beranak dia dapat share ke...

  2. Dah dasar lupa diri!!! Tony Fernandez ni mmg dah patut lama di diamkan mulut celuparnya..!!!!

  3. Assalamualaikum Sdra,

    Layarilah penulisan saya di

    Semoga kita mampu bertukar2 pendapat.

  4. Takpelah.. Kita nak kata macamana kan.. orang yang meniaga mesti nak untung lebih.. Tapi betul gak kata Ano... Takkan diorang takleh pikirkan bahawa itu persaingan yang sihat..

    Perjanjian dah dibuat.. Untunglah sebab Air Asia diberi kebenaran untuk bertapak di Malaysia.. Ramai jutawan berbangsa India di Malaysia ni.. Soalnya betul ke diorang ni pentingkan diri sendrir.

    Abg Sam (Samy Velu) seingat aku dah berpuluh tahun pegang jawatan menteri.. Menteri Kerja Raya plak tu.. Lombong Emas yang paling besar di Malaysia ni.. Kenapa dia tak majukan bangsa dia ek.. Pelik tul....

  5. salam..

    saya antara orang yang menggemari tulisan pukadesa ni... walaupun agak kasar tp inilah caranya... baru kita faham.

    antara yang saya fahami..

    bukanlah maksud puakadesa untuk marahkan kaum india tp sebenarnya dia lebih bermaksud untuk menyedarkan kaum melayu itu sendri..

    apa tidakan yang boleh kita ambil sebagai orang melayu islam di tanah kita sendiri ni??

    kalau bukan kita pemimpin2 melayu?? apa tindakan yang diambil.. nak biar je ke.. atau nak suruh paklah tolak terus??

    itu la maksud puaka desa mintak kita semua fikir..

    itula maksud dia lu pikir la sendiri..

    bukan puakadesa je tapi semua contributor dalam paneh ni semua saya suka..

  6. Layarilah penulisan saya di -

    inikah orgnya yang mempertikaikan fakta penceramah semasa pilihanraya di rasa sayang dahulu? fakta sahih yg diberi penceramah ttp dipertikai dgn tuduhan cuba menjatuhkan ketua puteri bahagian rembau tu? maaf kalo tersalah org. tapi jika benar maka inilah adat melayu yg perlu kita junjung dan hukum Allah agar tidak buruk sangka yg perlu kita patuh. wallahualam. maaf sekali lagi jika tersalah org.

  7. Kenapa tony berani cakap macam tu?
    Jawapanya kerana dia adalah kawan baik KJ kok tak caya tanya org kg gadung,pada malam akhir kempen pru 12 tony dan geng menghabiskan malamnya di sana sambil berbual dan ketawa berbahak bahak bersama keluarga kj nak tau lagi tanyalah orang kg gadong yang dah semakin loyoooooooooooooo ngan kj ni.

    orang gadong.

    Posted on Friday, May 16 @ 14:55:25 MYT by reformis

    Surat Pembaca pemudasabah writes "

    Wow !!!! Banyaknya duit royati minyak !!!!

    Menurut si Datuk Amirsham, royalti yang telah dikeluarkan dari ketiga-tiga negeri iaitu Terengganu, Sabah dan Sarawak adalah RM13.42 billion dari 2004 hingga 2007. Wow !!!!! Itu baru 5 % geng, berapa pulak kalau dapat 20% !!!! Lebih-lebih lagi kalau dapat 100% royalti minyak tersebut, apa tidak kaya kah negeri Sabah, Sarawak dan Terengganu?

    Nah!!! Itu pun selepas tolak subsidi, cukai, dividen dan duti eksport, jadi lebih besar nilainya kan kepada sumbangan pendapatan negara. Wow !!!!! Itu belum lagi kira pendapatan dari sumber gas semulajadi !!! So, agak-agaknya dah berapa trillion royalti minyak masuk kocek pemimpin Malaysia selama ni.

    Kalau sebut pasal negeri Terengganu, saya tidak pasti apakah kerajaan semasa Terengganu boleh memperolehi 100 % royalti minyak kerana Terengganu termaktub di bawah pemerintahan kerajaan pusat.

    Tetapi kalau menyentuh tentang Borneo iaitu Sabah dan Sarawak, Perjanjian 20 Perkara yang termeterai semasa pembentukan Malaysia jelas menunjukkan bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai hak mutlak sendiri untuk menguruskan isu minyak ini tanpa perlu merujuk kepada mana-mana pihak apatah lagi pemerintahan kerajaan pusat.

    Semalam saya berkesempatan mendengar soal-jawab pemimpin kita terutamanya si Nazri dalam sesi Dewan Parlimen di TV1 dan wow sungguh lantang beliau menjelaskan isu-isu persekolahan di Sabah yang masih lagi “papa kedana” memerlukan masa hingga 3 - 5 tahun lagi untuk dibantu sepenuhnya.

    Wow !!! Hebat yer jawapan kamu, tapi takkan dah berpuluh tahun korang ambik duit royalti minyak Sabah masih tak berkesempatan nak membantu saudara-mara kami di kawasan pedalaman yang masih duduk beralaskan “sofa” tanah untuk sesi pembelajaran di sekolah bermahligai “kandang babi”.

    Aikkk!!!! Bila pemimpin Sabahan membuat “bising” SIKIT, baru korang janji nak tolong itupun pelan-pelan korang kata. Masih tak cukup kah duit “sedekah” kami yang korang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu saudara-mara kami. Ingat janji tuh “hutang” dan akan dituntut di akhirat nanti. Itu pun kalau korang masih ingat syurga dan neraka!!!!

    Tahu kah kamu bahawa orang asli Penan di Semenanjung Malaysia pun lebih “kaya” dari saudara kami di pedalaman Sabah. Malah dari sumber yang saya perolehi terutamanya para guru yang mengajar di sana, ada penduduk Sabah di kawasan pedalaman masih merasa mereka berada dalam zaman di mana Jepun menyerang Borneo dulu.

    Apa tidaknya, apabila nampak helikopter atau kapal terbang lalu di atas kawasan mereka…mereka lari bertempiaran sambil berteriak “jepun mau serang, lariiiii…”.

    Bayangkan betapa jahilnya mereka, kan inilah akibatnya kalau kerajaan tidak benar-benar membela nasib anak bangsa Sabah. Yang korang tahu cuma membangunkan banyak bangunan pencakar langit di Bandar-bandar utama sahaja. Yang daif, apa macam hah?

    Tapi saya percaya kalau diutarakan persoalan ini biarpun di sidang dewan parlimen, tentu korang pemimpin BN akan berkata pembangunan Sabah perlu dibuat secara ber-fasa dan berperingkat serta memerlukan masa yang panjang untuk direalisasikan. Soal saya, berapa lama geng? Takkan sejak Malaysia dibentuk sampai sekarang, masih lagi tak nampak. Nyatalah janji korang tuh hanya tinggal janji.

    Bukan itu sahaja, saya juga marah dengan isu-isu “kesian” dan “sayang” korang pada pendatang tanpa izin (PATI) dan pendatang politik dengan izin (PADI) hingga mampu membina penempatan khas seperti Skim Penempatan Pelarian Kampung Bahagia, Sandakan atau Kampung Selamat, Semporna atau Kampung Hidayat, Tawau atau Skim Penempatan Telipok dan Skim Penempatan Pelarian di Kinarut.

    Kalau itu korang mampu sediakan, mengapa infrastruktur dan keperluan sekolah-sekolah luar Bandar Sabah tidak mampu korang perbaiki biar sedikit pun.

    Apa itu pun memerlukan masa kah tapi nak bagi pendatang asing rumah “free” atas tanah adat kami boleh pulak dijayakan dalam masa yang singkat. Saya berani jamin dengan nyawa saya, pendatang asing berbangsa Filipina, Indonesia, India dan lain-lain lebih “mewah” hidup mereka di Sabah berbanding anak watan peribumi Sabah yang hidup di pedalaman Sabah.

    Anggaran angka pendatang asing yang mencecah 1 juta orang tak cukup kah menunjukkan betapa Sabah benar-benar mengalami “penjajahan asing” di bumi yang kami diami sejak zaman nenek-moyang kami lagi. Tak cukup dengan itu, si Nazri pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan berani yang mengatakan angka sebenar pendatang asing di Sabah tak sampai jutaan orang tetapi puluhan ribuan sahaja.

    Siapa si Nazri tuh yang berani mengatakan sedemikian walhal datang Sabah pun cuma sekali dua sahaja, tapi kami dah berpuluh tahun terpaksa berdepan dengan si pendatang ini. Nah!!! Si Nazri juga berani mahu memberi dokumen IMM13 secara percuma kepada mereka dengan alasan untuk menangani isu kebanjiran pendatang asing. Wawawah senangnya si pemimpin BN ni cakap yer!!!

    Kalau bangsa Melayu terkenal gagah beraninya dengan Keris Melayu disisip di pinggang dalam sejarah Melayu lama dengan imej kepahlawanan yang hebatnya dikenali seluruh dunia, begitu juga dengan sejarah bangsa peribumi momogun KadazanDusunMurut (KDM) yang tak kurang hebatnya seperti bangsa Iban di Sarawak yang dikenali sebagai bangsa “pemotong kepala”.

    Apakah kalau bangsa KDM sudah mula mengasah dan memegang parang Sabah sepanjang 2 kaki bermakna “pemberontakan” bakal terjadi, maka itulah yang kami akan lakukan. Tentu rakyat Malaysia masih ingat semasa Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) memenangi pilihanraya Sabah kali, bangsa peribumi KDM lah yang mempengaruhi kemenangan tersebut. Begitu dahsyat sekali pengaruh bangsa peribumi KDM jika mereka benar-benar bersatu.

    Kami, rakyat Sabah tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan dalam soal politik. Mahu mengharapkan perubahan drastik dari kepimpinan Bodwi….janganlah harap. Mahu mengharapkan pakatan rakyat (PA) yang diterajui oleh PKR di Sabah pun tidak juga menjamin apa-apa kerana antara manifesto PKR ada menjanjikan tambahan royalti minyak sebanyak 20% jika PA berjaya menawan Sabah dan Malaysia.

    Tetapi kan itu sama sahaja geng, pemimpin terdahulu Sabah bersetuju bersatu dengan Malaya membentuk Malaysia dengan ikrar Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai hak sendiri untuk mentadbir bumi Sabah tanpa perlu campurtangan pusat apatah lagi dalam soal kekayaan bumi Sabah.

    Mengapa tidak berjanji akan memberikan 100% hak dan royalti minyak kepada kerajaan Sabah sahaja, mengapa pulak mahu beri 20% sahaja?

    Namun jauh di sudut hati kami penduduk Sabah masih mengharapkan agar nasib kami terbela oleh mana-mana individu, organisasi atau parti politik yang mampu merubah situasi kami di Sabah.

    Lebih baik dapat 20 % daripada 5 % kan kerana siapa tahu jika nisbah 15% selebihnya dapat membantu saudara-mara kami di luar Bandar.

    Dan lebih selesa dan bahagia tidur kami di malam hari jika kami tidak perlu risau si pendatang asing bakal merompak, mencuri, menculik dan merogol anak cucu kami jika mereka di “buang” kembali ke tanah air mereka.

  9. Krisis Umno Pahang semakin panas

    TEMERLOH: Apa yang disifatkan oleh pemerhati sebagai pergolakan Umno di Pahang semakin sengitdengan satu pendedahan terhadap Ketua Perhubungan Umno negeri itu, Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakub.

    Setelah tuduh menuduh diantara Adnan dengan seorang pimpinan Umno dinegeri itu yang dipercayai tercetus ekoran daripada krisis kepimpinan, suhu politik Umno Pahang semakin panas apabila penyelewengan melibatkan penjualan tanah turut didedahkan kepada umum.

    Antaranya Seorang Ketua Umno Bahagian, Datuk Ahmad Tajuddin Sulaiman yang juga bekas Setiausaha Umno Pahang, mendedahkan beberapa fakta terhadap Adnan yang beliau percaya tidak mampu dinafikan lagi malahan telah direkodkan rakaman ucapan Adnan berkaitan fakta-fakta tersebut di dalam cekera padat (CD).

    Adnan didakwa ugut dan bohong

    Dalam suratnya (gambar atas) kepada Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri
    Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Ahmad Tajuddin berkata, dalam rakaman itu terkandungnya ugutan dalam usaha menutup kemungkinan pendedahan salah guna kuasa, penyelewengan atau pun rasuah dalam satu urusan penjualan tanah Umno Pahang beberapa tahun lalu.
    Turut disebut Adnan berbohong dengan menyatakan tanah dijual kepada Yayasan Pahang sedangkan berdasarkan kepada bukti tanah tersebut sebenarnya dijual kepada sebuah syarikat yang dimiliki oleh peniaga Cina.

    Adnan didakwa menyebut perkara-perkara tersebut dalam satu perjumpaan di Kuantan yang diaturnya dengan ketua-ketua Umno sebuah bahagian Umno.

  10. umno oh umno...bangkitlah dari mimpi!!!!!mari kita hukum segala pencacai2 yg berada didalam UMNO!!!UMNO akan makin ditolak jika rasuah tidak dibendung, setakat ini tidak ada nampak sebarang reformasi didalam UMNO, kita hanya berlegar2 membicarakan ketuanan melayu tanpa apa2 tindakan, ketuanan melayu akan lebih gagah tanpa pemimpin2 yg rasuah, diingatkan utk jadi bangsa yg dihormati, kita tidak boleh memaksa org lain utk menghormati kita, penghormatan merupakan suatu anugerah yg datang dgn sendiri...fikir-fikirkanlah wahai saudara2 seislamku..

  11. sebut pasal royalti minyak di sabah, sarawak dan terengganu ni, satu persoalan kami, sebelum jumpa minyak tu, agak2 berapa banyak dah kerajaan persekutuan melalui petronas laburkan untuk proses carigali dan kajian untuk cari minyak selama bertahun2 tu? agak2 dah dpt ke balik modal? mcmana dgn usahasama petronas dgn syarikat carigali lain yg bersama meneroka minyak di terengganu, sabah dan sarawak tu? bukan ke keuntungan dibahagi 2 akibat perkongsian teknologi? sekadar bertanya.

    p/s: saranan kami, buat kajian dulu sebelum menuduh kerajaan itu korup.

  12. Got NEP, you complain! Abolish NEP, you make noise!

    Become Ali Baba, you lament! Ask you to work hard, you don't want!

    And you keep on blaming other communities for everything!

    "Pathetic" is the word my malay friends!

  13. The special position of the malays as prescribed under Article 153 of the Constitution is limited in scope to only the reservation of reasonable quotas in these 3 sectors: public services, educational places and business licenses.

    Hence, the present rampant racial discriminations practiced on almost every facet of our national life are mostly violations of the Constitution. Examples of these violations are:

    (a) Racial discrimination in the appointment and promotion of employees in publicly funded bodies, resulting in these becoming almost mono-raced bodies. These bodies include: the police, civil service, army and various semi and quasi government agencies.

    (b) Imposition of compulsory share quota for malays in non-malay companies.

    (c) Imposition of compulsory price discounts and quotas in favour of malays in housing projects.

    (d) Completely lop-sided allocation of scholarships and seats of learning in clearly unreasonable proportions that reflect racial discriminations.

    (e) Blanket barring of non-malays to publicly funded academic institutions (that should include the Mara).

    (f) Barring of non-malays from tenders and contracts controlled indirectly or directly by the government.

    Our Constitution provides for only one class of citizenship and all citizens are equal before the law.

    The presence of Article 153 does not alter this fact, as it is meant only to protect the malays from being "squeezed" by other races by allowing the reservation of reasonable quotas on certain sectors of national life.

    However, this Constitution has now been hijacked through decades of hegemony of political power by the ruling party to result in the virtual monopoly of the public sector by a single race.

    The ensuing racism, corruption and corrosion of integrity of our democratic institutions have brought serious retrogression to our nation-building process in terms of national unity, morality, discipline and competitiveness of our people.

  14. We are reminding Najib and Mahathir about this, that Malaysia is not an Islamic state and it is not in a social contract.

    Malay Sakai, so please tell Badawi about it. Umno has always threatened the non-malays with riots and chaos. Nobody in Malaysia has started riots and chaos except for Umno.

    Umno has a deep rooted tradition of starting riots and chaos when every time they can't debate sensibly.

    The social contract is there alright and many do not question it. But is the social contract followed according to the spirit or hijacked to the benefit of a few?

    Just look at the number of huge projects that has failed is proof enough. Yet these are treated like normal - part of everyday happening.


    All the social contract talk does not hold any water, when you have people in power, namely Umno abusing their power. In fact, they are indirectly telling you, that they have the right to abuse the power. Is this fair? Of course it is unfair. You don't even need a social contract to tell you whether it is fair or not.

    Social contract didn't say that Malaysia is an Islamic state. On the contrary the social contract expressly stated that Malaysia was and is not an Islamic state.

    Now the deliberate misinterpretation, apparently accepted by Umno, is that Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak) is an Islamic state!

    Sabah and Sarawak would never have joined Malaysia if they had known that Malaysia will be deemed an Islamic state.

    If the social contract meant that the non-malays would merely exchange the British masters for the malay masters, they would never have agreed to join the malays for independence.

    What is the difference of having the British lording over the non-malays and having the malays doing the same to the non-malays! Probably worse. At least the British had some respect for fairness while the malays have none!

    So to get independence, the malays needed the non-malays. Without the non-malays agreement, the British would not have granted independence. So, is that not also part of the social contract? It is not a one-sided malay right. The malays would not be where they are without the non-malays.

  15. List of racial discriminations in Malaysia, practiced by government as well as government agencies. This list is an open secret. Best verified by government itself because it got the statistics.

    This list is not in the order of importance, that means the first one on the list is not the most important and the last one on the list does not mean least important.

    This list is a common knowledge to a lot of Malaysians, especially those non-malays (Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang Asli, Tamils, etc) who were being racially discriminated.

    Figures in this list are estimates only and please take it as a guide only. Government of Malaysia has the most correct figures. Is government of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist acts by publishing racial statistics?

    This list cover a period of about 50 years since independence (1957).

    List of racial discriminations (Malaysia):

    (1) Out of all the 5 major banks, only one bank is multi-racial, the rest are controlled by malays

    (2) 99% of Petronas directors are malays

    (3) 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese

    (4) 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by malays

    (5) 100% all contractors working under Petronas projects must be bumis status

    (6) 0% of non-malay staffs is legally required in malay companies. But there must be 30% malay staffs in Chinese companies

    (7) 5% of all new intake for government army, nurses, polices, is non-malays

    (8) 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), drop from 40% in 1960

    (9) 2% is the percentage of non-malay government servants in Putrajaya. But malays make up 98%

    (10) 7% is the percentage of Chinese government servants in the whole government (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960

    (11) 95% of government contracts are given to malays

    (12) 100% all business licensees are controlled by malay government e.g. Approved Permits, Taxi Permits, etc

    (13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to be sold to malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers

    (14) 100 big companies set up, managed and owned by Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by malays since 1970s e.g. MISC, UMBC, UTC, etc

    (15) At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malaysia, throughout 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other malay transport companies due to rejection by malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses

    (16) 2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in Johor Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in October 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given

    (17) 0 non-malays are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar bus station (November 2004)

    (18) 8000 billion ringgit is the total amount the government channeled to malay pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA, privatisation of government agencies, Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over 34 years period

    (19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000

    (20) 144 Indian primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000

    (21) 2637 malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000

    (22) 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary schools. Indian schools got only 1%, malay schools got 96.5%

    (23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text-book-loan, a malay parent with RM2000 salary is eligible

    (24) 10 all public universities vice chancellors are malays

    (25) 5% - the government universities lecturers of non-malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004

    (26) Only 5% is given to non-malays for government scholarships over 40 years

    (27) 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea under "Look East Policy"

    (28) 128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired e.g. Medicine (in 2004)

    (29) 10% place for non-bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% malays

    (30) 50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malaysians, are beaten up in the National Service program in 2003

    (31) 25% is Malaysian Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% in 1957

    (32) 7% is the present Malaysian Indians population (2004), a drop from 12% in 1957

    (33) 2 million Chinese Malaysians had emigrated to overseas since 40 years ago

    (34) 0.5 million Indian Malaysians had emigrated to overseas

    (35) 3 million Indonesians had migrated into Malaysia and became Malaysian citizens with bumis status

    (36) 600000 are the Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC and were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenship compare with the Chinese and Indians

    (37) 5% - 15% discount for a malay to buy a house, regardless whether the malay is poor or rich

    (38) 2% is what Chinese new villages get compare with 98% of what malay villages got for rural development budget

    (39) 50 road names (at least) had been changed from Chinese names to other names

    (40) 1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name (e.g. Dewan Serbaguna or sort) when it was being officially used for a few days. Government try to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in around year 2000 or sort

    (41) 0 churches/temples were built for each housing estate. But every housing estate got at least one mosque/surau built

    (42) 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing estates throughout Malaysia since 1970. No churches, no temples are required to be built in housing estates

    (43) 1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. But told by malay authority that it must look like a factory and not look like a church. Still not yet approved in 2004

    (44) 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002)

    (45) 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, TV3) are directors of non-malay origins

    (46) 30 government produced TV dramas and films always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face, and the good guys had malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency becomes less

    (47) 10 times, at least, malays (especially Umno) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malaysians using May 13 since 1969

    (48) 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from the government to develop. Or these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed

    (49) 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had been racistly re-delineated so Chinese voters were diluted that Chinese candidates, particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s

    (50) Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified by Malaysia government since 1960

    (51) 0 - elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (UN Human Rights) is not ratified by Malaysia government since 1960s

    (52) 20 reported cases whereby malay ambulance attendances treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and malay government hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200

    (53) 50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise there will be no record

    (54) 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down malays were seriously assaulted or killed by malays

    (55) 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks fixed deposit is only about 3.5% per annum

    There are hundreds more racial discriminations in Malaysia to add to this list of "colossal" racism. It is hope that the victims of racism will write in to expose racism.

    Malaysia government should publish statistics showing how much malays had benefited from the "special rights" of malays and at the same time tell the statistics of how much other minority races are being discriminated.

    Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysia government itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial discrimination.

    If the Malaysia government hides the statistics above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, shameful doings and sinful doings, like the Nazi, going on onto the non-malays of Malaysia.

    Civilized nation, unlike evil Nazi, must publish statistics to show its treatment on its minority races. This is what Malaysia must publish……….

    We are asking for the publication of the statistics showing how "implementation of special rights of malays" had inflicted colossal racial discrimination onto non-malays.

  16. I have relatives in Australia, Europe and the United States.

    Let me detail the experience of my family members in the West:

    1. Equal job opportunities at all levels exempt probably the highest post but today even this is changing. Look at the recent appointment of an Indian born lady as the CEO of Pepsi Cola.

    2. Equal opportunity to be elected as dean or vice chancellor of universities. Some of the heads of top universities in the US are Chinese or Indians.

    3. Equal opportunity to enter universities for all courses including medicine.

    4. Equal rights for all citizens unlike Malaysia where recent Muslim immigrants from Indonesia and Pakistan have been given more rights compared to non-Muslim Malaysians whose ancestors arrived in the country some 300 years ago. This is religious apartheid.

    5. No differential prices for houses.

    6. Scholarships based on either merit or need and not on creed, race or religion. In Malaysia, a malay Muslim has a better chance of getting a scholarship compared to a non-Muslim from a poor background.

    I am a Malaysian born before independence and educated at a local university and have served the government much longer than some political (PM) wannabes.

    I am saddened and very distressed to see how far the country has slid down over the past three decades. Due to corruption, excessive politicking and faulty policies, the country is gradually heading for the direction of Argentina, Indonesia and Philippines or even worse.

    I fear that we have now reached a point of no return. Only the oil reserves are buffering us from a more rapid descent. But for how long! Then the crunch will really bite.

    Please have your parachutes ready when the great crunch finally arrives.

  17. Dear Mahathir, 22 years you left us nothing but:

    - A generation of poor non-malays who is gangsters or selling DVDs
    - AP issues
    - A useless currency in the ringgit
    - IC Project in Sabah
    - Keris waving political party members
    - MAS in deficit
    - Proton in financial trouble
    - Racial divide
    - Tongkat generation
    - World's most expensive tolls anywhere in the city

    And now, after being out of politics, you suddenly talk a lot of malays this and that when you had 22 years in power and you did absolutely, jack shit.

    Please old man, you want to make a change, it is too late now. All you can do is look at that man in the mirror and cry before you meet your almighty maker.

  18. I am currently studying in the Australia, I grew up with the slogan "Malaysia Truly Asia" - however, this is not true, it seems more like "Australia Truly Asia" and let me explain why I think so - when I first landed here, I saw a multi-cultural society consisting of people from various ethnic backgrounds.

    It doesn't even matter if the person has landed on the moon, you will only be awarded if you can prove that you deserve it. Your well being here depends on who you are (your personality), and what you can contribute!

    Unlike Malaysia, where opportunities are given to the malays, regardless of what they are worth of. Shame! As a Malaysia citizen myself, I am ashamed to tell fellow Australia citizens that I am from Malaysia, because they all know that people like malays are given privileges.

    The malays have no pride in themselves and that is why they will never ever be able to compete on a level playing field. There is so much discrimination among the other races that there is no sense of pride whatsoever in being a Malaysian.

    Your eyes are open now because you are in the Australia. That is the difference between a developed country and a third world dump!

  19. If you are to do a study among all Muslim countries, the level of development will be directly proportional to the level of Islamisation of the country.

    Just do a study - you will know the fact. The reasons are so obvious why this is so. I do not want to elaborate here to hurt the feelings of Muslims but I mention just two:

    - they sidelined the women.
    - how many Muslim nations are in deep religious based wars?
    - and plus many other activities against productivity.

    You cannot have it both ways. Live in this world or live in the after world. There is time only for one.

    This is why I see very bleak future for Malaysia the way it is heading - the day when we 'Talibanise' Malaysia.

    Our constitution does not say we are a secular state. But by the same token, nowhere does it say we are an Islamic state either.

    A country can be Islamic but yet remain secular in government. Turkey, Egypt and Algeria are prime examples. As long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land, we are an Islamic country but a secular state.

    All these are really non-issues as long as everybody sticks to the original game plan.

    Look at it one way, it seems like they want to keep the NEP because they are taking advantage of perks and curbs, keep the Umno linked filthy rich.

    First of all, the NEP has no goodwill towards the non-malays. They think that the non-malays are rich and can afford to run overseas because of the drought of local university places available?

    This is another fallacy. Truth is a lot of the non-malay parents have to work their asses off, keeping a small unit family, just to use all their savings to finance education overseas because local opportunities are not forthcoming and not available.

    Malaysia lose a lot of talents in such a way, especially when the NEP has indeed made certain non-malays very competitive on the global scale. For these people having been successful overseas and given a fair go at the opportunities, they will think twice to come home to adversity in Malaysia.

    And that is a fact. Do you know that we lose almost 80% of our local talents to the US, UK and Australia every year! Go check the emigration records. Do you know that the Malaysian contingent is the largest oversea students in Australia, and almost 100% that succeeds takes up Australia PR and citizenship?

    That is exactly the formula used by many progressive countries including the US, UK, Australia, even China.

    These countries have policies that stress both the affirmative action to aid the poor and complement it with an emphasis on high standards, including robbing other countries of their human capital by enticements such as international scholarships.

    So I can't understand why it is not palatable or applicable to the malays! Why lay back when you have the world as a challenge.

    The failure of the various Malaysia communities to integrate is not because there is no common language, but the ill will festered by the outmoded communal politics that Umno Youth seems want to perpetuate, the NEP, and the lack of Malaysia kinship (e.g. one race want to be tuan).

    It is only nature that human beings and animals learn more from failure than success. So, be prepared for a soul cleansing in the next 10 - 20 years in Malaysia.

    Yes, the one common denominator is that they are all not Muslim countries. Even among Muslim countries, the less that Islamization is the focus of national existence, the better off the society from a social, political and economic standpoint.

    That is why Turkey used to be relatively better off in various aspects compared to other Muslim countries but this has been starting to change recently.

    Hate to say it but yes, obsession with Islam is anathema to progress, political stability, peace and economic well being.

    We agree that it is difficult to manage a multiracial country like Malaysia with its diverse religions and races. It is also obvious from the discussion that the current political and economic model has failed us, particularly with regards to racial integration.

    We are heading towards a crisis. We need to have a paradigm shift in our socio-economic model. Otherwise the omens look bad.

    Now humans are humans, be it malays, Japanese or Israelis, when one is in absolute power there will be a tendency to sideline the minorities. Arrogance and abuse will crop in. There is no doubt about it.

    To be developed, there should be peace, good sense of responsibilities, equality and cooperation. Of course, good leadership and governance is equally important. Every party should not to be made to feel deprived.

    I still feel that mixing religion with politics is not wise - for we can see around the world almost everywhere trouble spots are based on religious differences and in countries where religion is part of politics. That is the reason why Malaysia although a Muslim country should remain secular.

  20. · Canada is a multi racial country like Malaysia.
    · Canada is a relatively young country like Malaysia.
    · Canada is a very progressive country.
    · Canada is one of the G7 countries.
    · Canada is one of the highest per capital income in the world now.
    · Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world now.
    · Canada allows both English and French as its official languages.
    · Canada builds many 100% government subsidized French primary and secondary schools and French medium universities.
    · Canada has very liberal policy in education and language.
    · Ratio of English speaking citizens vs. French speaking citizens is almost similar to malays and Chinese in Malaysia.

    What is Malaysia now? Discrimination, discrimination and more discrimination!

  21. This is what happen to a good country ruled by a bad ruling party.

    Enriching themselves and forget the rest. Those greedy and selfish Umno are to be blamed.

  22. Malay leaders in Malaysia like to see their folks contained in a chicken coop. They tell them that they are free and yet to be beholden to them as they are the ones providing them their feed.

    They even believe that if they left the coop, they might be eaten up by the wily fox, and that they might otherwise starve to death.

    The Singapore malays is in no illusions and they know they are out of the coop. They got to find their own nourishment and they got no leader throwing in the crumbs to them.

    If they don't want to labour for their food, they can always go across the causeway and be given citizenship rights and take advantage of all the crumbs thrown at them. But most of them will not.

    Of course the chicken shit from there have all long crossed over. But the rest have a little more dignity and stay on to show what they are really made up of.

    I respect the Singapore malays for that. It does not matter that they have made a lot of wrong turns or that they have hardly a fighting chance. But they got more respect and dignity than their kinsfolk from over here Malaysia.

    This is what half-past-six ministers that we have in Malaysia. Even comparison between Singapore malays and Malaysian Chinese, Singapore malays are never discriminated by their government based on equality.

    I have so many Singapore malay friends from school mates, college mates to business partners. Penang malays would be so glad if they are treated like Singapore malays. Just ask the Singaporeans……….do they want to be back to Malaysia?

    The problem with the Malaysia malays is their jealous attitude. If they are left behind, they will prevent others from moving ahead too! And sometimes even sabotaging others, and some resort the use to cast spell on others.

    Not only the laid back malays are preventing their own people from being successful, but other races too. We also want the malays to be successful by creating value in the society so that everyone benefit but not by taxing the non-malays then give contracts to the malays, who will then deliver half-past-six service.

    Change your own attitude first through value creation using your own tears and sweats!

    As said before, had Malaysia been managed by Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues for the past 40 years, Malaysia would have been much better off today, including all the malays! 95% would have owned a house, and no such rampant corruption!

    For the malay ultras, facts speak louder than your bigotry cries, wake up, grow up, be men instead of sissies!

    You see the problem here - the malays just cannot face up to their main problem - Laziness. This shows how thick-skinned and self-deluded these people are.

    Malaysia is a multi-racial country. Jika kamu tak suka, kamu boleh blar……….tiada orang larang kamu.

    The fact is malays you are the biggest loser! I am trying to wake you up instead of using the way like what our government is practice to provide NEP even though it is proven NEP is a failure in the past 30 years. Keep on dreaming if you think Malaysia could achieve Vision 2020 with your kind of attitude!

    Majority of the Penang big government contracts is being awarded to the malay firms. What else you want! They get the same as other malays in Malaysia. The only different in Penang is, the Umno guys cannot tap the government fund into their own pocket, as other state Umno did. This is the main reason why they raised this issue.

    Speaking without substances and distorting facts seems to be the good old habitual ways of Malaysia malays, which is probably inherited by their much loved masters, the "malay killers" - Umno.

    To add to this, constant distorted facts with regards to the situational state of the Singapore malays remains among the commentators of Umno. It is hard not to see that some people really need to see the situation and know it first hand before dishing out their empty vessel mentalities.

    Anyways, good thing you be it Malay, Indian, Chinese in Singapore is open to competition, and cherish diversity. Not like the radical son of terrorist we can find many in Malaysia.

    Most malays in Malaysia hate diversity and discontent to the minorities, especially the Chinese. In blog, radical malays can be either extreme or pretentiously diverse-minded. Very few is genuine.

    I do admit there are lazy malays that depend on handouts, but this kind of malays will be phase out and this kind I would say hypocrites. They tend to claim they work hard to achieve success, in fact they relaying on government support. I myself despise this kind of human being.

    Little do they realize this safety net is fast disappearing because the government is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the system in the face of global challenges! But these handouts have become an addiction. Refuse the junkie and you get booted out of power.

    It is the malays themselves that must come to realize the damaging side effects of the NEP. For someone who wants no better than to see his own race succeed, this must be painful.

    And you can often see the malays are usually envious of not only the non-malays, but of their own successful malays as well.

    Malays failed is a fact. What make non-malays not happy about their failure is, they fail despite get ample help from the government.

    And they continue putting the blame on their fail to, especially the Malaysian Chinese. This is why created so many issue and argument here.

    But those greedy Umno guys keep emphasis the NEP, how many percent of the country wealth belong to malays. In fact, those Umno guys having super good life by easy way.

    And they keep on demanding, not really review what was wrong with it, putting the blame to non-malays, to stir the racist sentiment in the country.

    If present situation continue, even the malays get 60% of the country wealth, majority of the malays will still munch.

    Simple solution - come to Singapore and see for yourselves even if you want to guise that our Singapore malays are in lesser numbers on success than the Malaysia idiotic counterparts - our Singapore malays are based on merit and not on such keris wielding Umno policies……….are you proud of that?

    Once again, in a subtle and indirect manner, this forum has proven how naive and "katak bawah tempurung" a Malaysia malay can be. Blame who? The Umno policies.

    Yes, start collecting the achieves with regards to moral degradation among Malaysia malays. Look at the Umno ministers when they speak on national TV. Qualify or not become ministers with such low reactive capabilities?

    Some Malaysia malays saying Singapore malays quota should be more in the Singapore cabinet if compared to the Indians. First, Singapore government is based on merit system and not like you bunch of racist morons here. That is why Malaysia is so backward if compared to Korea and others.

    Not many Malaysia malays can survive if they go oversea because they are slow and lazy and that is why they can't compete with the competitive market out there. Normally they will end up hiding their heads in Malaysia with the protection and biased system by the Malaysia government.

    Come on, man. We do not have time to argue the truth of your on and on talk about "not all malays are spoon fed, not all malays are lazy". Like we are dying to argue that when we already know it is true.

    It is human nature to blame everyone about their plight rather than blame themselves. The majority of new generation of malays in Singapore is educated, unlike their parents.

    Please read the comments made by Singapore malays why they can hold their heads up and be proud as a Singapore malay and then maybe it will sink into you.

    Muslims everywhere unless they are the minority, cannot tolerate people with different religions. The Singapore government handles the situation rather well as they handle their malay community with kid gloves.

  23. Concur with puaka desa 100% pertaining this article...

  24. Assalamualaikum kepada semua pembaca...

    Sebagai salah seorang penyumbang kepada blog ini, menjadi tanggungjawab saya untuk menjelaskan kepada pembaca semua betapa tujuan BLOG ini dilancarkan ialah untuk menjadi 'CHECK and BALANCE' kepada kepimpinan negara samada di pihak kerajaan mahupun di pihak pembangkang...terutama pemimpin2 yang telah dipilih oleh rakyat dalam PRU 12 baru2 ini...

    PANEH, izinkan saya menulis dalam bahasa inggeris...sekadar nak membuktikan betapa MELAYU yang selam 50 tahun dipimpin oleh 4 PM yang hebat adalah golongan yang well educated and highly par with the WESTERN society sebagaimana yang di julang oleh pemberi2 komen di atas...apatah lagi jika dibandingkan dengan rakyat AUSTRALIA yang asalnya ialah penjenayah2 dari AMERIKA yang di buang negeri... (PAK LAH tak termasuk dalam golongan pemimpin negara yang hebat sebab lembap sangat untuk memahami kehendak rakyat...jadi dia masuk kategori BELOW AVERAGE LEADER)

    While we appreciate free flow of idea and we do to certain extent celebrate the idea of freedom of expression, we believe that what ever contention made or arguments presented MUST be based on TRUE FACTS and proper analysis...Failure to do so, would leave those arguments or ideas remain as a mere BIG today's knowledge based era, we Malaysians who are proud to be Malaysians particularly Malays who are Muslims, are not that stupid to believe in BASELESS,NON JUSTIFIED ARGUMENTS.

    The above writers who has been condemning a lot about Malaysia,Malays, Islam and who is so proud to be part of AUSTRALIA (based on his assumption that Australia government regards him as one of them), he proved nothing BUT his stupidity, shallow mindedness and how conservative he is...JUST like the Australians...

    Jadi kepada pembaca di luar sana, akal yang dikurniakan kepada kita jangan dipersiakan begitu sahaja...Sesungguhnya, segala tohmahan yang dilemparkan tidak lain kecuali CUBAAN bertaraf budak tadika untuk memecah belahkan kita dan merosakkan keharmonian yang kita nikmati...

    Saya akan menulis dalam beberapa hari lagi sebuah artikel yang bakal menjawab segala tuduhan2 PALSU beliau. Jelasnya, debaters2 saya yang baru berumur 18-20 tahun jauh lebih matang dalam menilai isu2 yang beliau momokkan...

    Apapun, terima kasih kepada penulis komen kerana meluahkan ketidakpuasan hati anda...kami terima semuanya sebagai check and balance buat kami dalam menyampaikan fakta2 kepada pembaca...HONESTLY, YOU TRIED TOO HARD...AND YOU FAILED...SHAME ON YOU!!! YOU FAILED AGAIN AND AGAIN...REPEATED FAILURE!!!...BUT, NO HARM OF TRYING HA????


  25. Just to make a correction out of neracakeadilan's statement...Australians' forefathers are in fact those criminals who were from the United Kingdom and not the United States of America..

  26. You are most welcome neracakeadilan
