Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tentang Bulan......


Semalam ketika saya termenung memikirkan tentang perjuangan agenda Melayu Islam, saya terfikir.. lalu hati saya bersedih.. Mengapa Melayu kini berpecah? berpecah kerana ideologi politik masing2.. Kenapa?? UMNO dengan isunya tersendiri.. PAS dengan agenda negara islamnya.. PKR dengan Anwar nak jadi PM.. saya termenung.. dan bersedih..saya memikirkan tentang AGENDA MELAYU...

UMNO - Semua orang tahu yang UMNO sejak tertubuhnya pada 1946 memperjuangkan kemerdekaan tanahair sampai termaktubnya Kontrak Sosial bagi kita hidup dalam berbilang bangsa dalam keadaan amai dan damai. Selepas itu lahirnya beberapa anak melayu yang tinggi semangat jati dirinya.. yang sayangkan bangsanya untuk membawa malaysia ke persada dunia.. Pemimpin2 Agung melayu ini membawa perjuangan Melayu Islam ini dengan cukup baik.. terbukti dalam 50 tahun Malaysia merdeka kita sudah mampu untuk menjadi sebuah negara yang terkenal..

PAS - Semua orang tahu yang Parti ISlam Se-Malaysia ini memperjuangkan isu-isu Islam demi untuk menjadikan Malaysia ini sebuah negara Islam.. Perjuangan mereka bermula pada tahun 1952 apabila ulama2 UMNO yang tidak berpuas hati dengan kepimpinan UMNO yang dikatakan tidak selari dengan perjuangan Islam sebenar.. Bermula dari itulah mulanya perjuangan PAS. Kedua dua parti terbesar Melayu Islam ini tertubuh adalah kerana memperjuangkan AGENDA MELAYU ISLAM.. tetapi dengan ideologi masing2..

Saya terus termenung... lalu saya terfikir..

UMNO yang keseluruhan ahli psrtinya adalah Melayu Islam.. UMNO tidak pernah membuka keahliannya kepada bukan Melayu..

tapi PAS ada juga ura2 ingin membuka keahlian kepada bukan Islam.. begitu juga jikalau cina dan india muslim boleh juga menjadi ahli PAS.. Baru saya sedar yang perjuangan PAS bukanlah kepada agenda Melayu Islam.. tetapi lebih kepada perjuangan ISLAM.. islam tidak mengenal bangsa kerana semuanya sama disisi Allah...

Saya terus lagi termenung.. saya tertanya??

Macam mana PAS nak tubuhkan negara ISLAM?? Dewan Rakyat di wakili oleh 222 kerusi jadi majoriti mudah mestilah separuh dari itu iaitu 112 kerusi.. macam mana PAS nak tubuh negara Islam sedangkan dia bertanding hanya 67 kerusi?? menangnya belum tentu..

UMNO pula bertanding 114 kerusi seluruh Malaysia.. dimana kalau semua kerusi ini di menangi maka perjuangan Melayu Islam itu akan boleh diperjuangkan.. kerana Melayu Islam itu sendiri akan kuat menubuhkan kerajaan dengan majoriti mudah..

Saya terdiam.. kemudian tertanya apa perjuangan PAS sebenarnya..

Saya berpendapat bahawa PAS tak lain dan tak bukan masih lagi sebenarnya memperjuangkan untuk melawan UMNO sahaja.. bukan sebenarnya ikhlas dalam memperjuangkan negara Islam.. kerana:

1) Semua kerusi yang ditandingi PAS dalam pilihanraya menentang calon2 UMNO... Kenapa cuba lawan MCA ke MIC ke.. tak boleh.. kenapa?? lawan UMNO ni boleh tertegak ke Islam di Malaysia ni??

2) Kenapa tidak ada keikhlasan dari pihak PAS bagi mereka berbincang duduk semeja bersama UMNO untuk bersama memperjuangkan aganda melayu Islam?? PAS kena hormat UMNO.. kerana PAS adalah Parti serpihan UMNO...

3) Kelantan, sesudah 14 tahun PAS memerintah masih jauh ketinggalan dengan negeri2 lain.. satu agenda perjuangan Melayu Islam saya tidak nampak?? Hukum hudud tak jalan.. jenayah makin menjadi-jadi.. kalau ditanya mesti akan disalahkan orang UMNO balik..

Saya tidak beniat untuk mencari musuh... tujuan saya ikhlas.. Melayu Islam di Malaysia ini mesti bersatu.. Bersatu Teguh bercerai roboh..

Semua kuasa2 luar sedang memerhati kita.. janganlah melayu ini nanti hanyut hilang ditelan zaman.. Itulah Pesan Ayahanda TUN MAHATHIR... Pejuangan Kita Belum Selesai..

Ayuh Bangun Melayu.....








  2. Salam sejahtera buat ano yang dihormati.
    Izinkan saya mencelah seketika.
    ingin saya menceritakan soal sabah.
    Sabah adalah negeri yang luas. Sebuah negeri yang mempunyai bentuk geografi berbukit bukau serta bergunung ganang.Sabah juga adalah negeri yang mempunyai pelbagai suku kaum dimana hampir 22etnik yang ada.Situasi sabah tidak sama dengan orang semenanjung. Pembangunan disabah tidak boleh diterjemahkan dengan melalui pembangunan fizikal sahaja.Sebaliknya pembangunan disabah perlu dilihat daripada perpaduan serta hidup sejagat dikalangan 22 etnik ini dahulu. Saudara kena ingat, orang melayu di semenanjung juga dahulu memerlukan masa yang lama untuk bersatu.Ini adalah sejarah.sejarah ini adalah benar.Begitu juga disabah.Bukan nya hari ini kita bercakap soal bersatu esok dah boleh bersatu.Hari ini sabah juga dilihat terus dipacu hebat kearah pembangunan yang lebih pesat. Koridor ekonomi yang telah dirancang dilihat akan melihatkan sabah lebih maju.Secara akalnya, saya juga tidak mahu melihat sabah mengalami pembangunan yang drastik.Saya sebagai insan yang mencintai alam sekitar, saya mahu melihat pembangunan sabah dengan mengekalkan kehijauan yang ada sekarang.Janganlah kita berpikiran singkat tentang pembangunan dan kemajuan.Justeru, skop pembangunan kita perlu lihat dari konteks yang lebih luas.Doa saya agar sabah lebih maju dengan mengekalkan geografi yang ada.
    Suasana pembangunan dikelantan.
    Sebagai orang yang pernah tinggal di kota bahru dulu. Saya melihat ketika itu kelantan membangun dengan kadar perlahan.Saya tak nafikan apabila sekatan perbelanjaan negeri kelantan dilakukan oleh TUN M dahulu.Alhamdulillah apabila paklah mentadbir kerajaan pusat, paklah telah meluluskan jumlah peruntukan hampir 100juta kepada kerajaan kelantan. Hari ini kerajaan pusat juga mengalakkan pelaburan dilakukan di negeri kelantan.Tetapi saya ingin melihat agar kerajaan kelantan membuat pembangunan sejajar dengan slogan bandaraya KB.Jika ini dilakukan, saya yakin kerajaan PAS di kelantan dilihat akan dapat terus memacu negeri tersebut dengan lebih cemerlang. Ini kerana apabila dilihat faktor jenayah dan dadah dengan kadar kepadatan penduduk, kelantan masih berada di tahap tertinggi. Saya berharap agar pelbagai prog kesedaran di kelantan ditingkatkan. Alhamdulillah dikelantan sudah mempunyai anak negerinya yang hebat.Saya bangga dengan kejayaan mereka.Saya berharap agar anak negeri kelantan yang hebat juga ini pulang ke negeri tersebut untuk membantu kerajaan yang ada atau secara ikhlasnya membantu orang-orang kelantan. Seperti yang dilakukan di negeri hangtuah dimana anak-anak negeri ini yang telah berjaya berdagang dinegeri orang, diminta pulang untuk membangunkan negeri ini.Alhamdulillah usaha ini dilihat berjaya.Di samping itu juga, saya berharap agar kerajaan kelantan memikirkan soal kebersihan.Ini mencerminkan identiti kelantan itu sendiri.
    Soal orang UMNO adalah angkara individu yang tak berpuas hati.Saya yakin PAS juga mengalami suasana yang sama.Hanya yang membezakan ialah UMNO perpecahannya di hebahkan oleh pihak media yang melakukan pelbagai provokasi tetapi PAS mungkin tidak ketara kerana tidak mendapat liputan meluas media. Ingat ketika krisis almarhum Fadzil Nor dan HAdi Awang kan. Sebagai orang melayu, saya mahu melihat UMNO kembali utuh seperti dahulu. Saya yakin, Paklah adalah seorang yang mempunyai naluri melayu yang tinggi.Saya berharap dan menaruh keyakinan kepada PAklah untuk memgembalikan UMNO kepada kekuatan serta perpaduan tapi dengan syarat orang-orang UMNO kena lah sedar dan tolak sekejap soal kepentingan peribadi. Bagi PAS, saya tak nafikan PAS dalam keadaan tersepit dengan slogan pakatan pembangkang.PAS perlu mencari jalan untuk keluar dari belenggu itu jika mahu membuktikan prinsip perjuangannya.Kesian saya tengok MB PERAK yang terpaksa diam tentang soal karpal ini. PAS perlu keluar dari PKR dan DAP. Saya yakin, kebijaksanaan Dato Nik Aziz boleh membantu PAS keluar dari situasi ini.Tapi jika tany saya Hadi Awang, maaflah, saya melihat beliau lebih emosional dan tidak mungkin dapat menyelesaikannya.
    Justeru, dalam blog ini, saya sentiasa menyarankan agar orang yang menyokong PAS dan orang yang menyokong UMNO hendaklah mengenepikan soal ideologi sebaliknya tumpukan soal orang-orang melayu.Soal PKR, saya tidak mahu mereka yang berbangsa melayu untuk mengelarkan diri mereka penyatu bangsa melayu.Kerana mereka berjuang bukan untuk orang melayu tapi kepenting penasihat mereka sahaja.Dulu anwar pertahan DEB tapi hari ini anwar juga yang meludah DEB setelah di mengakayakan dirinya dengan DEB. Justeru ANO, janganlah anda terlalu emo.Saya melihat artikal tentang bulan ini ada betulnya jika direnung-renung kembali.Penulis menyuarakan pandangan daripada kesudian pihak lain yang beromong-omomng kosong tentang perjuangan sebaliknya mereka yang dibawah tanggungjawabnya masih di takuk yang sama. Saya berharap agar kita bersama memikirkan soal penyelesaian bukan menuding jari siapa yang salah.
    salam perjuangan!
    -anak hangtuah-

  3. Pertamanya aku nak gtau Apa maksud bulan dalam parti PAS.. Hanya orang yang tak pasti je kata bendera PAS tu bulan... Perlembagaan PAS Fasal 71 menyatakan bahawasanya bendera PAS adalah BULAT putih berleterbelakangkan hijau.. Ini sudah semestinya..

    Macaman plak mudahnya Parti PAS ini tertubuh.. Dalam tempoh 2 minggu sahaja parti PAS ini ditubuhkan kerana British menganggap ini akan membuatkan rakyat berpecah balik... Sebab 3 kaum majoriti, Melayu, Cina dan India..

    Aku ingat dasar kerajaan ni dah cantik dah... tinggal lagi diri kita sendiri. Bab kemajuan di negeri-negeri ni aku ingat Dasar Ekonomi Baru tidak pernah membezakan mana-mana parti atau kaum.. Yang penting mereka rakyat Malaysia, pasti akan merasa nikmatnya.. Tapi kalu dah bengap.. mulut sentiasa ternganga harapkan duit jatuh ke langit, lepas tu mintak apa2 tak dapat, tak nak usaha.. memanglah takkan rasa nikmatnya.. Dasar ada.. USAHA lah bro...

    SAtu kita kena ingat jugak.. PArti Anak Beranak.. Semua parti Melayu yang lahir kerana timbul perbalahan dan ketidakpuasan hati.. Sebab apa.. PAS ditubuhkan bukan kerana agenda Islam... tetapi kerana tidak berpuashati, Pengasasnya YANG BUKAN AHLI PAS HJ ahmad Fuad yang sebahagian daripada ahli Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu, menubuhkan parti baru.Tidak lama kemudian beliau dilantik sebagai gabenor di Penang.

    S46.. Semangat 46 pun macam tu gak.. apabila Ku li tidak mendapat tempat sebagai Presiden UMNO, maka keluar daripada parti dan menubuhkan S46, PKR pula kerana DSAI atau Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim... dikatakan telah menyalahgunakan kuasa dan dipenjarakan... PKR ditubuhkan untuk keAdilan Anwar.. dan sepatutnya Parti ini perlu dimansuhkan kerana Anwar dah pun keluar penjara. Itu matlamat utama PKR.. Tinggal Lagi bila ada kuasa.. mesti seronok jadi pakat ramai2 mintak kuasa tak kira apa cara sekalipun.. Matlamat Menghalalkan Cara...

    Cuma persoalan, kenapa orang melayu tak bersatu.. Orang Melayu hanya boleh bersatu melalui ISLAM... Cuba lah... pakai pakaian gelap dan panas.. pegang parang.. laungkanlah ALLAH AKBAR... nak tengok semangat-semangat itu bersatu.. cubalah..

    TAPI harus diingat... jika Melayu bersatu melalui cara yang begitu.. maka Melayu juga perlu bertanggungjawab atas apa yang akan berlaku pada generasi pada masa akan datang.. Anak2 cucu2 cicit2 kita pada masa akan datang akan menumpang di negaranya sendiri....

    Fikir dan renung2kanlah..

    Buat Pencak Silat... kimma daging tu memang buat aku sentiasa lapar... TQ

  4. ORG UMNO SESAMA UMNO PON BERPECAH DAN PENUH HASAD DENGKI, MACAMMANA KO NAK JAGA TEPI KAIN ORG LAIN. - den nak bagi cadangan kepado ano yg emos ni. pertamo eh poie la tgk skit parti pas tu, botul ko takdo yg berpocah bolah dan hasad dengki. betul cakap anak hangtuah. media mainstream jarang kluar berita perpecahan pas pada umum. kalo sedaro selidik, maka akan didapati ada 2 golongan besar dlm pas iaitu kepimpinan ulama dan kepimpinan profesional. ontah kenapo ado beza duo tu walhal masing2 mengaku Islam yg dikatokan bezo disisi Allah hanyalah iman dan taqwa. kenapa ada lebel ulama dan profesional dlm pas? kalo sedaro kaji lebih mndlm sering berlaku percanggahan pendapat antara 2 kumpulan ini. yg pasti golongan ulama dlm pas sering mengenepikan pandangan golongan profesional ni. bondo ni yg den tak paham, ulama bawa mereka masuk tapi tidak memberi layanan sepatutnya kepada mereka. tu blum lagi cerita antara golongan muda dan veteran dlm pas. lagi byk cerita dlm kain bole selongkar. kajilah sendiri. jgn menuduh org je. semut seberang laut bole nampak, gajah dok isap rokok kek sebolah tak nampak.

  5. salam ..

    mari kita nyanyi sambil hayati maksud lagu ni..

    Biar Bulan Bicara oleh Broery Marantika

    Bulan sabit
    Yang jatuh dipelataran
    Bintang redup
    Tanpa cahaya gemintang
    Langkah tanpa arah
    Sesat di jalan yang terang
    Aku yang terlena dibuai pelukan dosa

    Ingin pulang membalut luka hatimu
    Ku pun tahu betapa pedih batinmu
    Beri kesempatan atau jatuhkan hukuman
    Andai maaf pun tak kau berikan

    Air mata tulus jatuh di sudut bibir Mu
    Tak terlintas dendam di bening mata indah Mu
    Aku yang merasa sangat berdosa pada Mu
    Masih pantaskah mendampingi Mu

    Biar lah bulan bicara sendiri
    Biarlah bintang kan menjadi saksi
    Tak kan ku ulangi walau sampai akhir nanti
    Cukup derita sampai di sini

  6. (1) Some malays will say:

    · Without Mahathir, who is going to fight for us?

    · Without Mahathir, where can Malaysia go?

    · Without Mahathir, we will all die?!.

    (2) Independence malays will say:

    · I don't need Mahathir to make a living.

    · I don't need Mahathir to fight for my respect and dignity.

    · I don't need Mahathir so that I can gain recognition on my own two feet.

    But sadly to say, most Umno malays fall into category (1). The malays mindset, when are they going to change!

    Umno malays mentality:

    They want money but they don't want to work for it. They want investment but at the same time, they are afraid of being taken advantage by foreigners. The real fact is, nobody is taking advantage of them.

    The fact is, Umno malay leader has spoil their own malays.

    The fact is, Umno malay leader has never think about the malays.

    The fact is, Umno malay leader in the name of "fighting for the rights of malays" has abuse their power to enrich themselves.

    The fact is, Umno government has destroy their own reputation by being unfair to their own citizens include their own malays.

    The fact is, Umno government has display no respect for international rules, no fair play, don't play by international rules, being a recalcitrant like Mahathir, and hence no respect from anybody on earth.

    The fact is, Umno government is corrupted to the core and always wants something in return by just giving speech and signing a few documents.

    The fact is, Umno government does not get much recognition from other nations except for third world countries like Zimbabwe, Somalia and Cuba.

    The fact is, Umno government can never provide high skills job to the malays. MNC company can provide high skills job to the malays.

    The fact is, there is no substantiate fact to justify that Umno malay leader has improve the education levels of their own malays.

    The fact is, so many malays can't get high skills job is because Umno malay leader has fail to emphasize education as much as Chinese parents onto their children.

    The fact is, Proton is failing. The fact is, MAS is failing. The fact is, Malaysia is failing.

    The fact is, malay land will never be develop, unless Malaysian Chinese, Singaporeans or MNC company invest and create value out of it.

    The fact is, Mahathir has brainwash malays into believing that Umno will be their free welfare system, insurance system, and also provides money and food for all malays as long as they can.

  7. I have mentioned in my posts that NEP is not constitutional and has extended its period beyond what has been planned to be necessary. 20 years has passed, but greed has set in.

    Greed to benefits only a few and not the poverty stricken Malaysians. An affirmative policy that helps the poor regardless of race is needed.

    I have also demonstrated that India has Muslim presidents despite being 80% Hindu. Similarly, in Australia there are Asian mayors. In America, New Zealand and many countries, top positions are for the capable not based on race or religion.

    Now, let us not sweep all discussions under the carpet with the term Article 153.

    Article 153 should always be interpreted together with Article 8 that all Malaysians must be dealt with fairly and treated as equal.

    While the positions of the malays are respected and their heritage not forgotten, they are not meant to be the guardians of toll and wealth and collectors that usurp all money, oil and some natural resources till it is left dry.

    It is important we publish this, so we do not just shiver when we hear Article 153, and begin to think of greedy ways to gain from another or use it to put down another races.

    Article 153:

    (1) The quotas reserved must be reasonable and the reservation of licences and permits for malays and natives must be of such proportion as may be deemed reasonable.

    (2) The scope of the reservation of quotas is only with respect to positions in public service, scholarships, and other similar educational or training privileges accorded or given by the federal government.

    (3) The special reservation of quotas must not affect the rights of other communities.

    Apart from the provisions allowed under the abovementioned Article 153, all citizens of Malaysia must be treated as equal. This is clearly provided for under Article 8 of the Federal Constitution.

    Article 8:

    (1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.

    (2) No public authority shall discriminate against any person on the ground that he is resident or carrying on business in any part of the federation outside the jurisdiction of the authority.

    (3) There shall be no discrimination in favour of any person on the ground that he is a subject of the ruler of any state.

    NEP: It will destroy the Malaysia.

    We must demand these changes and the power is with the people. We must go against a corrupt government, a fanatic religious social structure and not accept crime rates and the NEP. We need to change Malaysia and the social structures that are not relevant for Malaysia anymore.

    We need to free ourselves from these chains that make our lives not worth living.

  8. When Umno says that you have insulted race and religion and that you are a traitor, then wear it as a badge of honour.

    If Umno fascists and supremacists say that you are a traitor to the cause, then you must have done something right and that you are on the right path.

    You should be really worried if Umno starts praising you and putting you on a lofty pedestal, because it means you have turned your back on everything that is positive, rational and just.

  9. In Malaysia, the Chinese are suppress. Yes, I think so too. Is not so much a matter, whether the rich Chinese entrepreneur made it, but is about our rights as a Malaysian citizen!

    As a Malaysian citizen, don't you think that we have the rights to affordable education like anyone else in the world? As a Malaysian citizen, don't you think that we have the rights to assemble, protect our religion and voice our expression?

    I can almost guarantee you that the Umno malays treat the Europeans and Japanese better that their own Malaysian Chinese.

    Don't the Umno government realize that there are many more Chinese entrepreneurs who didn't made it! There are many who still live below poverty line with no education.

    If you attend some of the Umno division meetings or Umno Youth meetings, the amount of Chinese bashing in the meeting is unbelievable.

    But if the non-malays were to hold a meeting talking about non-malays rights such as citizen rights or religious rights, immediately Umno brand the non-malays as causing racial and religious tension.

    If the malays can't treat their own citizens fairly, how much respect do you think they will earn from the international community!

    Obviously some leaders like Mahathir, don't give a shit what international community think of Malaysians, until he needs money or trade, then he will start to bribe.

    Robert Kuok, so called richest Malaysian has set up his head office in Hong Kong more than 20 years ago because he knew that he will never be able to expand his business had he continued in Malaysia.

    Krishnan, spend most of his time in London. The richest Malaysians now are the AP kings and they are still growing. The malays already control 45% of the KLSE and had it counters like Carsberg, Genting, Guiness, Magnum, Toto, their market share is probably 55%.

    Can we publish the names and identify all the nominees and settle the issue once and for all! The people who are suffering are all the poor irrelevant of race.

    The malays have been so selfish. Chinese, Indians……….leave Malaysia if you don't like it here that is what malays always say. Malays have to see the fact that they are also pendatang from Indonesia. Even Pakistanis with PR enjoy privileges like malays.

    The Orang Asli have been always marginalised. Their option is convert to Islam to live like others. The malays have set in their mind Malaysia and everything belong to them.

    Even Indonesia doesn't have such racist category. Nowhere else in the world have bumi/non-bumi double standards citizenship. So what Lee Kuan Yew say is right.

    You somebody miss the point here. You always look at the successful Chinese entrepreneur but you didn't look at those non-successful one.

    As for the malays, you don't have to fight it out with other competitors. All you need is to join Umno and you will get government project. That in fact is the biggest corruption. The malays are usually the biggest corruptors in most government business.

    Let us just say, all Chinese become Muslims. There will still be difference between Chinese and malays. I can still guarantee you that the Chinese will still be more successful, because we don't sit under the coconut tree and hoping for coconut to fall. (As how the late Tunku Abdul Rahman describes the malays.)

    Let me tell you, the Japanese, Koreans are also corrupt. But they are still more successful. Corruption is not the major hindrance of the progress for the race. It is the race's self determination and initiative that decide the race progress.

    NEP is the biggest legalise corruption practice ever establish in world history. Umno, in the name of malays protector, uses NEP to enrich their families and their friends.

    If you are not one of them, malay dude, I pity you. But if you are a smart malay, you should be like Japanese.

    Malays have dominated the police, army, government ministry, government projects and KLSE big capital companies. What else do you want? Bungalow house, Mercedes Bens and maybe a printing money machine.

  10. A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to as the supreme race above all others.

    A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to corruption of the highest level.

    A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to discriminately sideline and marginalise non-Umno rights.

    A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to pilferage the country's resource and wealth.

    A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to play the Mayday game and live in constant fear and threat.

    A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to tend this country does indeed belongs to only the few privileged.

    A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for condoning Umno to use racial bias as the agenda for all future policies.

    A vote for BN Gerakan, MCA, MIC etc, is a vote for our own stupidity!

  11. I have suggested in the past that Chinese Malaysians should just gather their wealth and leave Malaysia and let malays them become backwards.

    Singapore is desperately looking for skilled foreign workers due to dwindling birthrates. Many Indians are working over there. Seriously Chinese Malaysians should look into moving to Singapore.

    I am sure China can make good use of the wealth of Chinese Malaysians. Is there any policy the China government have enacted to encourage overseas Chinese to come back and make China their home once again?

    That will teach the Malaysians a lesson. Their economy will crumble and will put them back 50 years.

  12. Government controlled newspapers are good for wrapping nasi lemak. Read Malaysia Today for real news……….Bravo Raja Petra!

  13. Let us face it, Malaysians.

    National Airline = MAS = Loss Big

    National Bank = Bank Bumi = Loss Also

    National Car = Proton = Tak Boleh

    National Policy = NEP = Never Ending Problem

    National Road = Toll = Money For Warlock

    National University = UM = Joke

    In other words, whatever touch nationalised, just wait for the vultures to start feasting. Malaysians, you buggers are being taken for a ride by your leaders and yet, come election, don't know how to vote properly for the future of your children and next generation.

  14. I wish to point out that the Orang Asli, not the malays, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Most of the malay Malaysians came from Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia. They only migrated here much earlier than the Chinese and Indian Malaysians. It does not mean they deserve privileges or rights just because they were the pioneer immigrants.

    It is true that there have been abuses under the name of malay special rights and it is the duty of the malays in particular, and all Malaysians in general, to stop it so that the rightful malays get their rights, and the non-malays get their rights as citizens of this country.

    It is a sad thing to say, but I do believe the main thing that is holding back malays is not the Chinese or the Indians, but the malays themselves. That is why Badawi and Mahathir have been quoted as telling to throw away crutches and work hard to face the challenges of globalisation.

    The malay and others of the same mind should learn to stand on their own feet rather than claim for special rights and privileges. The world is becoming globalised and if they don't change their attitude, they will only become beggars in their own country.

    As for the malays who insist on hiding behind the veil of malay special rights - you have lost the respect of non-malays a long time ago.

    We also suspect that the current situation will, unfortunately, get worse if no action is taken now. Why? Because our kids in school hardly mix with each other. They will grow up with little understanding of their fellow Malaysians, and with the suspicions that exist, it will be worse.

    The truth of the matter is that polarisation in Malaysia is caused by the discriminatory practises of the government - especially after the NEP - rather than vernacular education.

    The NEP is upheld for the rich and not the poor in Malaysia.

    Whether we admit it or not, the problem is that the special rights and privileges given have now resulted in only a selected few malays getting richer and richer. The bulk of the malays, especially in the rural areas are not benefiting from the system.

    Poor people are poor people, rich people are rich people - no matter which race they come from.

    The poor in Malaysia must be served but I am sure all taxpayers feel that this should be done in a manner which is blind to age, ethnicity, gender and religion.

    What is wrong with extending help to all deserving citizens based on merits and needs regardless of race?

    The Malaysia problem is that rich do become richer. And because of the political system, the players are the same.

    Out of control - this is all I can say about any type of enforcement and the level of corruption in Malaysia. No idea what Badawi has done in his four years in office but judging from the ground, I guess nothing much.

    If you have ever heard of the simple saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime." you will realise that many non-malays have learned how to fish but the government is still handing out fishes to the malays. One day the fish will run out.

    If you want to say discrimination is here in the US, yes, of course it is. Can you name a country where it doesn't happen? But let me tell you one thing - if you go looking for it, you will find it. But in Malaysia, you don't have to go look for it because it seeks you out, slaps you in your face every which way you turn, and is sanctioned by law!

    Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.

    For most professionals, living abroad has its own ups and downs. But you get dignity, fair treatment and respect for your ability. You get a voice too. And ears to hear you.

    Brain drain by the tank-loads is what we get. Every single year, Malaysia loses people who could potentially contribute to the country immensely.

    So malay, you may keep your rights and perpetuate them. Such things are archaic. Who loses in the end? Your country, which should have been a first world one by today.

    I sympathize with those that have benefited from the NEP, but the bad news is that the price he pays for his progress is much higher than what he pays for his benefit.

    These special rights and privileges were once a necessity for them to move forward. Today, after many decades, they find themselves still standing in the same place.

    It is a shame that our history has been constantly twisted so that our younger generation has no understanding of Malaysia's foundation and its true aspiration.

    It is arguable that if not for the contributions of the Chinese and Indian Malaysians who helped in the development of this country tremendously, Malaysia would probably be in same category like Indonesia or the Philippines, if not worst.

    To improve the malays lot, more have to be made to work in private companies where competition is real and what count is your ability. If special rights only help malays to become government servants, then all the more reason not to invoke special rights.

    But of course, the present ruling elite drunken with wealth, will continue to fight this dream to ensure that Malaysia is kept divided so that BN can continue to rule.

    Alternatively, Malaysians may begin to realise the dream of a new Malaysia.

    The bitter truth is that the majority of this nation don't see the need to change things yet and until then, we can do little about it.

    The bottom line with present day globalisation is this: compete on a level-playing field or you will lose. Plain and simple.

  15. This is just another example of how sick our present government under BN is.

    It makes us all wonder how low can they go before the whole country collapses……….

  16. Brader,

    When PM is weak = UMNO leaders use their positions to make wealth and keep them within their circle of friends

    When UMNO leaders jaga kepentingan masing-masing = UMNO main objective to safeguard malay interest become second to none

    When malays no longer believe in their leaders = they go to PKR and PAS

    When Malay go to PKR = PKR uses it to campion Anwar sole cause to be PM = back to square one (no leaders to champion malay cause & rights)

    When malays go to PAS = things become stagnant and slow mo

    When PM is weak = the BN coalition will be weak

    BN coalition weak = integrity of racial harmony weak

    Racial harmony weak = races start making their own demands without considering others

    when races start championing their own goals = chaos

    Anwar in UMNO = hentam PAS and DAP cukop cukop

    Anwar in PKR = member abih dgn PAS and DAP

    Anwar jadi PM = malaysia under US
    Anwar jadi PM = Malaysia macam Singapore
    Anwar jadi PM = no more ketuanan melayu
    Anwar jadi PM = no more DEB
    Anwar jadi PM = chaos!

  17. Tentang Bulan ni, aku memang susah nak percaya sebab bulan yang satu ni ciptaan manusia.

    Dari dulu sampai sekarang cakap tak serupa bikin. Tak pernah konsisten dengan hukum.

    Bab amalan dan nak hukum seseorang aku tak beranilah sebab itu bukan kerja aku.

    Tapi kalau nak cakap bab politik, mati hidup balik pun aku tak percaya pada bulan ni, sebab aku bukan pungguk yang sentiasa rindukan bulan. Aku lebih suka jelajah bulan yang original sebab nak buktikan kemajuan sains dan teknologi aku agar orang Melayu boleh bersaing dan berdiri sama megah dengan kaum-kaum lain.

    Aku berani cakap sebab aku pun lama juga duduk Kelantan. Kelebihannya sebab Melayu lebih ramai.Aku pun pernah duduk JB dan Melayu pun ramai di sana. Aku lebih suka JB sebab Melayu dan Islamnya lebih praktikal dan maju untuk aku contohi. Aku puji orang-orang Johor, praktikal and progresif.


    Engkau nak tau kenapa UMNO asyik bergaduh dan berpecah?

    Jawapannya sebab UMNO dah tak boleh buat kerja lain asyik nak melayan orang-orang macam saudara. Orang orang macam saudaralah penyumbang terbesar kepada kacau bilau ni sebab kau orang dah tak ada kerja. Aku nak tengok, sekarang ni rakyat dah mula bagi orang orang sdr lebih kerja, boleh tak puaskan hati kami, kalau tak boleh naas sdr.

    Saya nak tanya anonymous, selain bercakap dan menulis ada tak sumbangan lain sdr pada bangsa dan negara, tolong beri contoh.
