Thursday, October 16, 2008

Muhyiddin will win hands down

It is a ridiculous statement made by some quarters as reported in a Malay local newspaper today that Tun Mahathir is behind the Najib-Muhyiddin pack for the President and Deputy President of UMNO. They were seen together in a function and the speculation arose that Tun was behind the so called agenda for the transition of power. What a crap.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin has been in the cabinet for years. He has the experience and the qualities to become the next Deputy Prime Minister. I look at Tan Sri as a person who has the traits as a leader that could complimet Dato' Seri Najib in leading the country. Muhyiddin has taken a bold step when he said that Pak Lah should step down earlier as his conscious was clear. He was just conveying the message from the grassroots. UMNO has to have bold leaders in order to helm this country. He took the risk that not many in the cabinet would do by saying the truth. We need these kind of leaders. Hopefully, by the 9th of November, Muhyiddin will win uncontested as the Deputy President of UMNO.


  1. muhyiddin and najib was also seen with Pak Lah during MT UMNO mtg.
    So, Pak Lah also supports the duo,eh?

