Monday, October 27, 2008

Race for the UMNO Youth Head

I am baffled at how things are going for the race of UMNO Youth Head. Dato' Mukhriz is definitley leading as at today with 66 nominations while KJ and Khir with 44 nominations. Definitely, I am shocked with what one of the aspirant is doing in order to get the nominations especially in the state of Selangor. He is well known for his religious background but at the same time using money to woo the delegates to nominate him. He went to meet the delegates and uses sentiments such as he would be very sad if his own state does not nominate him. Well, I am sure the new generations in UMNO would not choose these kind of leaders to become the next UMNO Youth Head.

On the other hand, places where KJ thought that he will easily get the nominations are making clear signal that the grassroots wanted changes. Changes for the betterment of the party in order for the survival of the Malays. Believe me, if UMNO wanted to change things in the next general elections, UMNO has to have leaders who are capable to win the hearts and minds of Malaysians. May Allah protect UMNO.


  1. ala pencak silat...apa la sangat yang pelik...dunia hari ini, latarbelakang agama bukan penentu seseorang tu baik...macam yang saya tulis sebelum ni dalam artikel saya, hari ini islam hanya pada nama dan simbol...penghayatan dan aplikasi dalam kehidupan seharian belum tentu lagi...

    kalau orang PAS yang jelas claim diri mereka ISLAM pun boleh perangai tak senonoh dan pendirian bertentangan ISLAM, apatah lagi la orang UMNO....Ketua PKR lagi la hampeh...Special officer dia yang dah letak jawatan bagitau saya, antara sebab kenapa dia letak jawatan ialah kerana Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim ni manusia paling hipokrit dia pernah jumpa. Sembahyang tidak...tapi bila ader anak buah parti datang rumah atau dia pergi perjumpaan menuntutnya solat berjemaah, bukan main alim lagi...Ini bukan fitnah, tapi pengakuan direct daripada budak tu...skang dah lari pi kerja kat Sarawak...Kesian pun ader kat budak tu, tapi elok jugak dia dah saksikan sendiri....sebelum ni bila kita cakap semua tak percaya...semua nya mustahil...skang baru tahu yang mana intan yang mana kaca...dalam kes anwar ni, aku tak rasa la dia kaca, tapi sampah yang kalau recycle pun belum tentu lagi boleh guna pakai...

  2. khir toyo orang kampung yg suka makan salmon.
