Saturday, February 21, 2009

Volvo bah tu..

Sabah government dumps Perdana for Volvos!

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman says his government has switched from the Proton Perdana V6 Executive to new “black Volvo 2.5″ cars as the state’s new official cars. Once again as with Perak (Camry) and Terengganu (Mercedes-Benz E200K), the reason given was the high maintenance cars for the Perdanas.

He says the arrangement for the purchase is through a company called Angkatan Hebat Sdn Bhd (a company which the state government holds 70% of through its Warisan Harta Sabah Sdn Bhd investment arm), which will then lease the cars to the state.

The Perdana V6 is still in use as official cars for some senior officers including permanent secretaries and heads of departments. The new imported Volvos are for the 12 Sabah Ministers only. A 2.5 liter Volvo sedan would most likely point to the Volvo S80, the 2.5T model in particular, which offers an effortless drive thanks to its torquey 2.5 liter inline-5 turbocharged engine. The Volvo S80 2.5T has also been spotted being used by the PDRM as part of its police car fleet. But if it is not a sedan (New Sabah Times sources only revealed it was a “car”, did not specify any bodyshape), an XC90 would make sense.

The only question right now is, how will the S80s be maintained well when according to the Volvo Cars Malaysia "Find A Dealer" page, there are no authorised dealers or service centers in Sabah? I hope Volvo Cars Malaysia will be able to provide training to Angkatan Hebat technicians or some other kind of arrangement, otherwise it might end up being “high maintenance” all over again. A quick check with Angkatan Hebat's company profile (page 14) shows it already maintains a fleet of 38 Volvos and 14 service centers around Sabah so hopefully it should be sufficiently equipped.

Sources Paul Tan


  1. apa la org sabah ni.
    macam la dia tak tahu keadaan sekarang ni.
    Kenapa la nak buat isu macam ni.
    What is it you want to prove, CM. Sabahan is immune to the wrath of rakyat sabah?

  2. hah ! Ini isu sensasi ni.. Tak sabar nak tengok reaksi ngok-ngek politikus..

  3. pemimpin sabah memang bangang pun...kalau tak takde la negeri dia jadi macam tu...

  4. berdasarkan keadaan jalan di sana, aku rasa praktikal berbanding perdana yg manja. apa pendapat kowang?

    -tom tem bak-

  5. Tiada sudah kereta yang sesuai. lagipun kalau setakat 21 buah Musa Aman boleh sponsor saja..kau orang tahu berapa duit dia sebelum jadi KM pun..315 juta beb..apa masalah??
    sekarang kalau 1 atau 2 billion, kacang saja

  6. Salam,
    mgkin kjaan Sabah sudh plan nak repair semua jln raya Sabah lps ni agar sesuai dgn keta Volvo ni...

  7. sabah nk glam jgk, mayb mcm negeri lain, sbb b4 ni mcm bese2 je.
    jln kt sana, bkn praktikal takat pakai perdana, better beli myvi la, murah, jimat myk, n tahan jgk la, ;)
    tp, if btol kt sana nk guna volvo ganti perdana, mmg sy sanggup pg sana nk keje kt gov san..

  8. Kene la ekot trend org jgak, kan? Org kecoh..diaorang pn nak jgak join skaki. Tak kn tak leh kot?

    Nak ckp diaorang bangang tu pyah skit sbb org yg byk kecoh2 skrang ni lagi bangang. Diaorang tinggal kt bandar...lebih maju, takkan bangang nyer sama dgn bangang org yg tinggal di pndalaman.

    Bangang tul......
