Thursday, May 7, 2009

Muhamad Sabu is a clown

What happened yesterday in front of the Harakah office at Jalan Pahang is actually a cheap act by Muhamad Sabu. My friend who happened to be there yesterday sending his son to the Tawakkal Hospital saw all the brohuha made by Muhamad Sabu. It was around 3 in the afternoon and my friend saw with his own eyes how the police treated Sabu in a gentlemanly manner. The police came to the office to bring Muhamad Sabu to the police station for his statement to be taken. Muhamad Sabu refused to follow the policemen and dashed in front of the office and shouted "Aku kena tangkap (I will be caught)" repeatedly even though the policemen did not even touch him. He managed to grab the attention of the public by making a cheap act.

Meanwhile in Brickfields, scores of opposition supporters came with candle light and purposely provoke the policemen to detained them by gathering in front of the police station. Why on earth they have to come in hoardes and make a fuss in front of the police station just because their friend has been detained for allegedly spreading news in his blog about the illegal gathering in Ipoh.

In Putrajaya, Cikgu Bard who is a member of PKR made his way to the PM's office and wanted to send a cake to celebrate Altantuya's birthday. Boy, he is really making ways to provoke the authorities by doing stupid things just to show that the so called 'relationship' between Najib and the deceased in order to 'prove' that Najib and the deceased do knew each other. This is something like the Machiavellian principles that repeated lies can eventually leads to people believing it at last. Again, Malaysian politics is more of perception than realities. To Muhamad Sabu, you really made yourself infamous by doing stupid act yesterday. For the record, he is the one who likes to label Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim as "Al-Juburi" before Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim was sacked from the government and later called Mahathir 'Mahafiraun" for sacking Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim. What a mockery indeed.


  1. Mat Sabu perlukan promosi untuk bertanding nanti.

    Cikgu Bard tu sapa? Ada kena mengena ke dgn Anwar?

    Tau, tak apa...

  2. Mad Sabu ni masa belajar di pondok pokok sena pulau pinang selalu jadi pelawak boria.Buat lawak bodoh memang kerja dia.

    Dia diperbodohkan Anwar untuk masuk PAS, kononnya Anwar akan menyusul kemudian masuk PAS.Anwar tak juga masuk PAS, Anwar masuk UMNO atas jemputan Mahathir, bertanding pilihanraya sampai jadi TPM. Mad Sabu terperangkap dalam PAS. Orang PAS pun bodoh juga boleh terima Mad Sabu yang hanya lulus cemerlang dalam kelas ceramah dan gagal dalam pelajaran lain semasa pengajian di pondok.

    Mad Sabu mengharap UMNO menawarkan kepadanya jawatan semasa beliau jadi AP dulu. Beliau sedia lompat jika ditawarkan jawatan. Namun impiannya tidak kesampaian.

  3. Sabu dengan Labu Labunya....Biarkan.

  4. Lawak jugak baca cerita pasal Mad Sabu ni..dahlah sekarang PAS tengah bergolak...Nik Aziz vs Hadi Awang
