Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jepun lebih "POWER"

US President Barack Obama (L) bows as he shakes hands with Japanese Emperor Akihito (C) and as Empress Michiko (R) looks on upon Obama's arrival at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on November 14. News photos of President Barack Obama bowing to Japan's emperor have incensed critics here, who said the US leader should stand tall when representing America overseas. - AFP/File/Mandel Ngan.


  1. Assalamualaikum Paneh,

    Masuk kandang kambing mengembek...jadi bila ke Jepun Obama ikut syle Jepun..tunduk hormat. Maharaja Jepun pula menghormati Obama dengan style Mat Salleh. Jadi sama-samalah hormat menghormati.

  2. Sekali-sekali inilah kelebihan oleh orang-orang berukuran rendah apabila berhadapan dengan orang tinggi.

  3. Obama suka tengok kote pemimpin negara lain
