Friday, April 9, 2010

UMNO: Honor your Establishment!

Pak Sedaro will embarked into a brief biography of Naquib Al-Attas, who has drawn UMNO into its limelight. Prior, to this discourse, Pak Sedaro is proudly honored my Master Guru, Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud and the Grand Master Exemplary Guru, Prof. Al-Attas.

Syed Muhammad Naquib bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Muhsin bin Muhammad al-Attas (Abdullah bin Muhsin is known as Habib Keramat Bogor) was born on 5 September 1931 in Bogor, Jawa. His genealogical tress can be aunthentically traced over a thousand years throgh the Ba'Alawi sayyids of Hadramaut and all the way back to the Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). (by thirty seven generations) His earlier illustratious ancestors include saints, scholars and savants, one of whom, from his maternal side, was Syed Muhammad al-Aydarus, the teacher and spiritual guide of Syed Abu Hafs Umar ba Syaiban of Hadramaut, who initiated one of the most prominent scholars in the Malay world, Nur al-Din al-Raniri into the Rifaiyyah Order. Syed Muhammad Naquib's mother Sharifah Raquan al-Aydarus, from her maternal side, came from Bogor and was decendant of the Sundanese royal famili of Sukapura. His paternal grandfather, Syed Abdullah bin Muhsin bin Muhammad al-Attas was a saint (wali) from Jawa. His paternal grandmother, Ruqayah Hanum, a Turkish lady of aristrocratic lineage, was married to Ungku Abdul Majid, the younger brother of Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor, while her sister Khadijah was married to the Sultan himself, and became the Queen of Johor.

What makes Prof Al-Attas so important to UMNO?

After Second World War in 1946, Prof. al-Attas resumed his education in Johor, first at Bukit Zahrah School, and the at English Colege (1946-1951). During this period he lived with one of his uncles, Ungku Abdul Aziz bin Ungku Abdul Majid, a cousin of the Sultan, who was then the Sixth Chief Minister of Johor. After the retirement of Ungku Abdul Aziz, Syed Muhammad Naquib stayed with another uncle, Dato' Onn bin Dato' Jaafar, the seventh Chief Minister, until the completion of his secondary education. Al-Attas recalls clearly that Dato' Onn noticed his artistic ability, and had requested him to create UMNO's official flag which should contain symbols of power, Malay royalty and the Islamic religion. So al-Attas designed the flag: the green kris on a yellow background both symbolize Islam dan Malay power and royalty. The red and white background, according to al-Attas, were the colors of Hang Tuah, the fame Malay warrior and admiral, as well as those of the Indonesian flag. Al-Attas knew the various symbols of the Indonesian flag because his adolescent experiences in Jawa during the height of the Indonesian struggle for Independence in 1945.

Dato' Onn then brought the drawing, about 3 1/2 feet long and 1 1/2 feet wide, to a meeting at his house at No. 303, Jalan Mariamah, Johor Bahru, attended by Dato' Panglima Bukit Gantang, Dato' Zainal Abidin bin Abas, Dr. Ismail bin Dato' Abdul Rahman, and Colonel Musa (or Pak Lomak) who all agreed the design.

This very rare occasion took placed some 64 years back. To ALL UMNO and non-UMNO who claim as Rakyat Raja, or Melayu, do honor your respect to a noble-man within us today, who took the desire to nesting the wisdom of A United Malay National Organization, before others birth.

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