Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Birthday UMNO

Yesterday, UMNO celebrated it's 64th birthday. Alhamdulillah, UMNO is still the party that leads the country. As in the UK, we have yet to see which party would govern after the general election last week. A lot of things happen but UMNO prevails. Ironically, Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim said that UMNO is obnly for those who wants contracts and shares. Well, he was the one who gave pink shares and projects to his cronies when he was the Deputy President of UMNO and the Finance Minister back in the 90s. Luckily, he is no more with UMNO. Good riddance. The President said yesterday that UMNO must serve the rakyat and serve with sincerity. UMNO will face the next general election. Insya Allah, UMNO will still be in the heart of the nation, especially the Malays. UMNO is the protector of Islam, Malays and the nation.

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