Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Apa kes BTN lagi ni, Ahmad Maslan?

Kisah 1

Perbelanjaan Biro yang begitu mewah tetapi buat program kedekut? Katanya Timbalan KP Training dan Ahmad Fairus pergi ke Scotland dan Paris untuk jumpa beberapa kerat pelajar?

Katanya ABIM sudah menerap masuk dalam Biro hingga projek, kontrak, gaji bulanan diberi kepada orang2 ABIM dan pejabat Biro jadi pusat ABIM?

Biar betul...ABIM sekarang pro Anwar dan Pakatan hingga Dr Md Nor Manuty dah jadi guru sesat yang kerja cari fatwa halalkan yang salah.

Orang bekas Anwarista ni tak boleh buang rasa hutang budi kepada Anwar sampai katanya Dato Ahmad Saad sabotaj Perkasa Pulau Pinag dari dalam dengan meperlecehkan Perkasa. Selanjutnya sini.

Kisah 2

The controvesial Biro Tata Negara (Bureau for Nation Building) comes under Ahmad Maslan's jurisdiction as Deputy Minister under the Prime Minister’s Department.

Though Ahmad Maslan was heard to be the person that recommended to PM to appoint the current Director General, Raja Dato Arif bin Raja Ali, apparently the DG does not give him due respect as the Minister.

It is believed Raja Arif does see the need to do so over such frivolous reasons of the Deputy Minister being his junior in New Zealand and in BTN.

What is happenning now is that the BTN DG is acting without giving due reference to Ahmad Maslan, as the Deputy Minister responsible for the agency.

Much of the tactical plan was to help the government deal with mis- and dis-information on government operations and especially to deal with slander and untrue allegations made relating with upcoming 13th General Elections.

The Bureau seem to be concerned and interested only with it's own agenda.

Among the agenda is to ensure that the DG get selected as BN candidate to contest the Kuala Nerus Parliament.

The reason for such speculation is that words from the ground is saying that BTN is making it their target to get close and secure support from certain division groups.

BTN was said to have sponsored air tickets for the Division’s Puteri UMNO wing was given sponsored air tickets, Umno Kuala Nerus Committee trip to visit Sabah and UMNO Youth wing all expernses trip to Thailand.

It seemed strange for the focused allocation to the leadership of Kuala Nerus when other more effective program are slashed the budget to deem it as ineffective.

It is double standard when considering that his Deputy claimed BTN should not be involved in GE work.

Raja Arif is seen more doing self promotion and bodek-ing in his Dale Carnegie styled public speeches than actually infusing nation building value and ideological content.

In a Perkasa retreat, he was in his elements to praise Dato Ibrahim Ali and subtly doing a personal bashing of a Perkasa member for his effective work.

Raja Arif is in a hustle and bustle with personal politics that he gave the opportunity to Dr Haji Hanafi, Deputy Director General (Training) and Haji Mokhtar, Deputy Director General (Administration) to channel funds to the opposition backing ABIM network.

In fact, it was heard that Hanafi "Abu Nawas" Harun, BTN Deputy Director for Training and co-coordinator for assembling ABIM people in BTN discouraged officers eager to help the government in the 13th general election.

To quote his words, "We BTN do not have to be involved in the general election."

What is the meaning of all of this?

In the meanwhile Abu Nawas is revamping the BTN as though it will be a future ‘lead agency’ and usrah body for ABIM, particularly ABIM members in the civils service.

What is the signal to the government emanating from BTN?

During a recent winter holiday at around 18 to 20 December 2012, Haji Mokhtar bin Sulaiman took the opportunity to meet Malaysian students studying in Paris, Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland. Most of them particpated in BTN’s  Transformation Program for overseas-bound University students.

He met 15 students for a casual chat at a Malaysia Restaurant, Paris while in Scotland, a total of 80 from the malaysian students community at Edinburgh and Glasgow attended with their families on the pretext of fostering closer relationships and networking with young Malaysians abroad.

The question is the trip to Europe cost hundreds of thousands and it was merely to  meet with 15 people in Paris and likely to come from all over outside Paris?

Why then, Ahmad Fairus, a character said to be previously linked with a RM1 million allocation for a cycling race program brought together in the trip? Why not other state BTN Directors?

Why must Haji Mokhtar exploit the 15 students when all along the trip was a personal visit to Ahmad Fairuz’s place of study?

Perhaps that is why Haji Hanafi could bravely make a statement in front of the bureau officials that the bureau does not have to be involved in as the 13th General Elections. BTN can not contribute anything but they will reap lots of things. Selanjutnya sini.

Kisah 3

Manakala Raja Arif pula sedang bergerak khusus di Terengganu menyusun calon-calon  khususnya kawan beliau daripada Angkatan Belia Islam (ABIM) dan ibu pejabat BTN dijadikan pusat himpunan anggota ABIM biarpun mereka tetap menyokong pembangkang namun atas nama ABIM, mereka ini boleh duduk bersama dan dibayar secara bulanan seperti Dr Wan Mohd Nor. Persoalannya atas geran manakah mereka ini dibayar gaji ataupun elaun?

Kumpulan ABIM yang sedang berdepan dengan masalah kewangan seperti Ustaz Zahidin Mahmud, Rosli Abdullah diberikan juga bayaran bulanan apabila mereka ini berhubung dengan Haji Hanafi, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah (Latihan).

Najib  harus tahu bahawa Timbalan Menteri iaitu Ahmad Maslan yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan BTN telah gagal. Ketika seluruh pemimpin sedang fokus berfikir mencari kemenangan 2\3 untuk kerajaan dalam PRU13, Ketua Pengarah dan pengurusan BTN  mengambil sikap sebaliknya.

BTN cuba mengasingkan diri malah dilihat anti 'lead agency'. Meeting penting 'lead agency' BTN hanya menghantar wakil pegawai gred 41 malah lebih malang Abu Nawas BTN iaitu Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Latihan yang menjadi co-ordinator Himpunan ABIM dalam BTN telah merendahkan pegawai-pegawai yang bersemangat untuk membantu PRU13 mengeluarkan kenyataan, "Kita BTN tak perlu terbabit dalam PRU!"

Apa makna semua ini sedangkan dalam masa yang sama Abu Nawas ini sedang memperkukuhkan BTN seakan-akan selepas ini BTN akan menjadi 'lead agency' sebagai badan usrah kepada ABIM khususnya anggota-anggota ABIM dalam perkhidmatan awam.

Apa signal kepada kerajaan akan perkara yang sedang berlaku dalam BTN hari ini? Selanjutnya sini.

p/s: Baik selosai an copek cagho elok yor...


  1. Tamatkan jelah kontrak raja arif ni. Sejak dia naik macam2 plak isu. Kalo takde angin masakan pokok bergoyang.

  2. kursus btn skrg ni mmg membosankan. balik-balik seminar ceramah seminar ceramah. takde lagi aktiviti ldk kenegaraan yang menyeronokkan seperti dulu. penceramah pun khabarnya bukan geng btn sendiri tp banyak orang abim. apa gila mengantuk tetido dengar ceramah banyak-banyak. berkesan ke pada peserta?

  3. huyoooo guna duit rakyat pegi obersee semata mata nak jumpa 15 orang student? memang sial orang btn ni.

  4. dah2 la tu husin. apa yang tak puas hati sangat?

  5. Cukup-cukup sudah... sampai disini saja...

    Jgn kita asyik berperasangka buruk terhadap orang, kelak ianya berbalik pada kita.... biar kita bermuhasabah.... dan mencari titik persamaan...

    Bagi saya, soal Raja Arif ni berbaik dgn ABIM, ianya kena dipandang secara positif, sebabnya dalam situasi politik hari ini yang sedikit menyentuh aspek kerohanian Islam, dan memberi kesan kepada pemikir-pemikir agama Islam dlm kekeliruan yang ditimbulkan oleh kepimpinan PAS.

    Adalah tepat pada masanya bagi Raja Arif serta BTN untuk mendekati mereka ini agar pemikiran mereka ini berubah bagi menyokong BN hasil kecelaruan yang ditimbulkan oleh kepimpinan PAS itu sendiri.

    Nak mengharapkan orang UMNO mendekati mereka... memang tidaklah
    Nak Harapkan Tuan juga mendekati mereka.... nampak macam tidak juga....

    So, bagi pemikiran saya adalah elok juga BTN merapatkan hubungan dengan ABIM ini bagi memberi penerangan serta mendapatkan sokongan mereka agar menyokong BN pada waktu PRU yang makin hampir...

    Sebagai umat Islam, kita kena sentiasa berfikiran positif.

    1. Naive? Buat-buat tak tahu? Saja mengalih pandangan?

  6. Apabila Pesara, selebriti awam, pesara keselamatan dan pegawai tinggi mula menunjukkan pro-kepada kumpulan sebaliknya, ia adalah tanda-tanda ke arah kerajaan baru kelak? Kerajaan baru dibawah kepimpinan Tan Seri Muhyiddin @pun kerajaan Pakatan rakyat. Wallahu'alam, bersediakah kita?
