Saturday, February 21, 2009

3 Hills

It seems that a lot of events unfold these past few weeks. The by-elections in Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau are confirmed on the 7th of April while it is definitely going to be another by-election in Bukit Lanjan. Ironically, the events that lead to the by-election in Bukit Selambau and the ADUN for Bukit Lanjan wanting to quit her post are because of moral issues. I found it strange that the Wanita Head of PKR, Ms Zuraida stated last year that any politicians in her party must uphold their integrity and not involve in any morality issues yet when the semi nude pictures of one of her party member were widely circulated in the internet, Zuraida came to her defense and said that Elizabeth Wong was the victim and she is innocent. Put it this way, is it morally right to have a male companion to be in the same room if both of them are not married? Well, two wrongs does not make one right, Ms Zuraida. As for Anwar Ibrahim, he insisted that Elizabeth stays as the exco and the ADUN for Bukit Lanjan. I do wonder whether he will stay on as the Ketua Umum of PKR if he is later found to be guilty of sodomising Saiful, his ex aide. Go figure.


  1. Kenapa Anwar berdolak-dalik pasal kes liwat dia. Anwar pun tak nak bersumpah dalam masjid. Memang PKR ni ramai kaki maksiat.

  2. Bak kato nenek den,
    "Bapak borek, anak rintik"
    Dah kopalo eh congko, apo toh jo laie badan, ekor eh..
    Kek dahi sekor-sekor dah ado cop "KAKI KONCING" "AHLI MAKSIAT"..
    Waden takdo kato yg UMNO tu broseh na.. Tapi kan baik setan khobar an setan daripado setan khobar an maklekat..

  3. bob...betui kata bob azrul,kalau setan biaq ngaku setan . tak usoh nak nganku melekat..

  4. Hahaha...lawaklah si Elizabeth ni..tapi sexy jugak gambar kangkang dia

  5. Masalah org dalam PKR nie tak boleh terima hakikat yg wakil mereka buat maksiat. Perlu diingatkan, PR hanyalah satu parti yg direkacipta oleh Anwar.

    Bukannya parti yg diperturunkan oleh Allah. Jadi mereka tak terlepas dari membuat kesilapan. Mengaku je lah kalu dah buat silap.

    Ini bagi alasan mangsa keadaan la, kerja BN la, tak abis-abis nak menuduh org lain semata-mata nak menutup kesalahan sendiri.

    Yg menjadi persoalannya sekarang, bukannya gambar bogel waktu tido tu, tetapi moral seorang ADUN yg memimpin tetapi bersekedudukan dengan teman lelaki yg bukan muhrim. Teman lelaki pulak beragama Islam, ahli PKR. Yg peliknya, Tuan Guru boleh kata ADUN tersebut dianiaya.

    Sebagai Tuan Guru, beliau perlu konsisten. Yg salah, totap salah dan yg bonar, totap bonar.


  6. Elizabeth Wong ni kalau masuk Islam nama dia ialah Eliza Kankang Abdullah kot..muahahahaha
