Monday, May 10, 2010

Najib guris hati Melayu!

1. Kami melihat beberapa blog pro kerajaan telah memalu gendang, namun amat kurang yang menyahut walaupun terdapat ratusan, malah ribuan blog pro BN yang tumbuh bak cendawan. Sama ada mereka keliru, atau mengelak untuk membicarakannya...entahlah. Apa yang pasti, blog pro komplot pembangkang tidak akan sentuh isu ini kerana takutkan DAP.

2. Kami melihat isu Petronas, selain masalah yang disebabkan oleh kedangkalan akal si cucu Abdullah Fahim, rombakan terbaru Petronas Management Committee telah mengundang persoalan ramai pihak.

3. Setelah sekian lama Petronas diterajui oleh orang-orang Melayu sehingga tersenarai sebagai Fortune 500 dan The New Seven Sisters: The World's Most Powerful Oil Companies, sehingga menjadi igauan ramai kaum bukan Melayu, bukan sahaja Cina dan India, malah bangsa asing sendiri begitu teringin menyertai Petronas, akhirnya Najib telah membuka laluan dengan dasar "LIBERALISASI LUAR BIASANYA".

4. Inilah masalahnya apabila kelompok bangsawan menerajui negara.

5. Rasanya Najib tidak pernah sekalipun bekerja dengan syarikat bukan Melayu. Rasanya Najib tidak pernah merasai bagaimana peritnya berkerja separuh mampus, tetapi masih tidak diberi pengiktirafan dan ganjaran yang setimpal di syarikat bukan Melayu. Mungkin Najib tidak pernah merasai perit getirnya diskriminasi dan mainan politik ala komunis oleh majikan bukan Melayu terhadap pekerjanya yang terdiri daripada kaum pribumi.

6. Kami pernah menempuh getir itu dan kami tidak akan mudah melupakan semuanya.

7. Dan hari ini kami sebagai orang Melayu, kaum pribumi di Tanah Melayu, waris kepada nenek moyang kami yang dijajah selama lebih 446 tahun, merasa AMAT TERGURIS kerana syarikat yang dibangunkan dengan titik peluh orang Melayu, menjadi tunjang keyakinan diri orang Melayu dan merupakan simbol kemegahan orang Melayu, telah dibuka pula laluannya kepada bukan Melayu.

8. Apa korang yang duduk di singgahsana kuasa ni ingat bahawa syarikat seperti KNM Group, MUI Properties, Gamuda Berhad, Hong Leong Bank, Public Bank, Lion Group, Berjaya Group...bla...bla...bla...akan beri laluan mudah kepada orang Melayu sepertimana Petronas kini berikan kepada Wee Yiaw Hin selaku Naib Presiden Eksekutif Eksplorasi & Produksi, Lau Lai Tuang selaku Naib Presiden Infratsruktur & Utiliti, Collin Wong selaku Naib Presiden Teknologi & Kejuteraan, Effendi Cheng sebagai CEO Eksplorasi Gas, serta George Ratillal sebagai Naib Presiden Eksekutif Kewangan?

9. Kaum bukan Melayu bertambah kaya tanpa memberi sebarang laluan kepada orang Melayu, tidak pernah disekat mengumpul kekayaan, mempunyai sekolah bahasa ibunda sendiri yang mendapat sokongan serta bantuan kerajaan, menjadi wakil rakyat di kawasan majoriti Melayu, mengenakan syarat bahasa mandarin untuk bekerja di syarikat mereka, mengupah majoriti kaum sendiri dalam syarikat mereka, membezakan kadar gaji kaum mereka dengan kaum bumiputra di syarikat milik mereka, membekal barangan dengan kos yang rendah kepada kaum sendiri, masih diiktiraf warganegara walau sepatah habukpun tidak fasih berbahasa kebangsaan, IPTS milik bukan Melayu hanya ada kurang 10% pelajar bumiputra, membina rumah ibadat bukan Melayu yang besar di kawasan majoriti Melayu, bla...bla...bla.

10. Petronas bukan sahaja sebuah Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan atau GLC. Petronas bukan sahaja milik Khazanah dan Kerajaan Malaysia. Tetapi Petronas merupakan nadi yang berdenyut dalam setiap batang tubuh orang-orang Melayu di negara ini. Petronas membawa simbol semangat, keyakinan diri, kemegahan, masa depan dan maruah setiap anak-anak Melayu yang masih bergelut dengan kepayahan hidup.

11. Namun hari ini Najib begitu mengguris hati setiap anak-anak Melayu. Bermula dengan kegagalannya mengawal Rosmah, kegagalannya menerangkan konsep 1Malaysia itu bukannya bermaksud sama rata sebagaimana yang difahami oleh kaum bukan Melayu, kegagalannya menjaga hati orang Melayu dengan memberikan wang berjuta kepada sekolah bukan Melayu, kegagalannya menerangkan mengapa keputusan Paklah melepaskan Blok L & M adalah baik kepada negara, kegagalannya 'mengangkat' bekas-bekas penghina kerajaan berbanding ahli Umno yang setia; dan yang terbaru kegagalan Najib menjaga Petronas untuk kekal menjadi milik Melayu sebagaimana yang dihasratkan oleh ayahandanya sendiri.

12. Ingin kami tegaskan di sini, insan bernama Najib tidak penting dalam institusi Perdana Menteri, insan bernama Najib tidak penting dalam kesepakatan Barisan Nasional, malah insan bernama Najib juga tidak penting kepada institusi keramat Umno.

13. Nakhoda boleh datang dan pergi, tetapi 3 institusi ini tetap akan kekal berpaksi kepada kedaulatan negara ini. Jangan sesekali kamu Najib, cuba untuk mempermain masa depan dan maruah anak-anak Melayu jika kamu berhasrat untuk kekal lama.

14. Kami di Paneh Miang menuntut penjelasan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan, agar segala kekusutan dapat dileraikan, agar segala kekeruhan dapat dijernihkan, agar jiwa kembali tenang.

15. Atau kami bakal menjadi saksi kepada satu permulaan bagi kehancuran bangsa Melayu yang disebabkan oleh kebaculan pemimpinnya sendiri?


  1. baru tau? hehhehehehe...

  2. Yang ada tinggal hanya - baju melayu, ketera api tanah melayu dan babi 'melayu' kata orang jawa.

  3. Melayu akan dipupuskan oleh ketuanya sendiri dalamasa 50 tahun .... kata satu artikel Mastika beberapa bulan lalu. Nampaknya memang begitu ... rasanya Najib jadi pemula yang seterusnya setelah Tun Dolah. dah lama Melayu terpinga-pinga, nak sokong UMNo atau PR atau PAS, kedua-duanya sama. PERKASA pula tak lah seperkasa yang diimpikan...

  4. Good article bro!,

    Najib lahir saja telah di suap dengan ' silver spoon!. Menjadi pemimpin UMNO kerana respect orang Melayu kepada Allahyarham Tun Razak. Dia cuma dapat fikir bahawa dia adalah PM untuk rakyat Malaysia tapi dia lupa sebelum nak jadi PM dia kena jadi Presiden UMNO. Yang memilih Presiden adalah ahli-ahli UMNO. Dan ahli-ahli UMNO adalah orang Melayu. Dia kena fikir bukan MCA, bukan Gerakan, bukan MIC yang mahu dia jadi PM. Dia akan jadi PM atas kapasiti sebagai Presiden UMNO! Tanpa UMNO he is nothing!.

    Sejak jadi PM, Najib telah simpan ungkapan untuk "TOLONG MELAYU" jauh didalam kerongkongnya dan belum pernah diluahkannnya lagi. Apa yang boleh kita faham liberalisasi Najib umpama racun kepada bangsanya sendiri.

    Manakala melayu didala PR adalah ibarat mayat hidup (PR Malay Zombies). Mereka sudah hilang semangat dan roh 'melayu' nya.

    Kalaulah PERKASA jadi sebuah parti politik, hari ini saya akan keluar UMNO!

  5. Baru Sedor ke Paneh. Ini tak termasuk cerita yg belum pun jernih sampai hari ini spt isu BMF,PERWAJA,SCORPENE dsbnya. Kita tolak ini geng Elitis Malay dan Mamak topeng Malay sejauh2nya. Kita wajib tolak pemimpin ultra Malay konon tetapi bersekongkol dgn judi. Den pun tak tahu dah cam no nak gosok otak ekau semuo. Yg terbaru Awang adik gesa diluluskan lesen judi sukan. Adakah pemimpin sebegini nak kita jadikan pedoman. Toyol sapu berjuta2 tetapi ekau masih membelanya! kenapa Paneh? Mana iman Ekau Tem Gedoyak.

  6. melayu jadi LAYU disebabkan pemimpinnya yang kurang cekap dan tunduk kepada kemahuan bangsa pendatang dari itu yang akan menolong orang melayu itu sendiri adalah PERKASA .... dan bukan UMNO itu sendiri .....

  7. Dah lama dah.....baru perasan ke?

  8. Bukankah Najib itu pilihan Mahathir? Bukankah Mahathir senyap sunyi sekarang kerana yakin pada kepimpinan dan perubahan yang dibawa Najib...

    Dan 100% Najib juga tidak boleh dipersalahkan kerana tali pemacu ada pada tangan First Lady.

    Sampailah masanya, ketika PAS sedang menggadai kesucian Islam pada DAP, Anwar sedang menjual maruah Melayu pada bangsa asing, UMNO juga terus menggali kubur sendiri...esok sama samalah kita terjun ke dalamnya.

    Tiada pengecualian, suka atau tidak, siapa sahaja nama Melayu, itu lubang kamu..

  9. Kpd Anom 2.39

    Sedikit pembetulan: Mamak ke arab ke tak pakai topeng Malay tapi kena ingat adakala mamak dan arab ni lebih Melayu dari orang melayu kerana melayu asal dan banyak yang jadi zombie

    Tengok saja Tun dr Mahathir sahaja antara pemimpin half-Melayu yang sanggup membela perkasa, mana pemimpin-pemimpin melayu zombie yang lain?

  10. Memang pemimpin Melayu UMNO bangang pun...apo nak dikato kan lagi..dua blok minyak malaya Blok L dan Blok M disedekahkan pd negara yg mewah minyak demi utk timbal balas lah konon!!!sedangkan minyak di negeri kelantan tak dibagi royalti...

    punya barua dan mangkuk hayunnya pemimpin baghal umno ni...judi nak dihalalkan pulak..waduh! apa nak jadi pemimpin tolol cam ni...hancur bangsa melayu kerana pemimpin umno yang menghancurkan bangsanya sendiri....

  11. Memang pemimpin Melayu UMNO bangang pun...apo nak dikato kan lagi..dua blok minyak malaya Blok L dan Blok M disedekahkan pd negara yg mewah minyak demi utk timbal balas lah konon!!!sedangkan minyak di negeri kelantan tak dibagi royalti...

    punya barua dan mangkuk hayunnya pemimpin baghal umno ni...judi nak dihalalkan pulak..waduh! apa nak jadi pemimpin tolol cam ni...hancur bangsa melayu kerana pemimpin umno yang menghancurkan bangsanya sendiri....

  12. Tuan Paneh, mohon maaf kerana mencelah, tolong beri ulasan dan komen Tuan mengenai artikel dilampirkan ini:-


    Thuan Chye responds to Utusan Malaysia

    May 2, 2010
    Thuan Chye Responds to “Orang Cina Malaysia, apa lagi yang anda mahu?”(Utusan Malaysia article)
    By Kee Thuan Chye
    COMMENT Every time the Barisan Nasional gets less than the expected support from Chinese voters at an election, the question invariably pops up among the petty-minded: Why are the Chinese ungrateful?
    So now, after the Hulu Selangor by-election, it’s not surprising to read in Utusan Malaysia a piece that asks: “Orang Cina Malaysia, apa lagi yang anda mahu?” (Chinese of Malaysia, what more do you want?)
    Normally, something intentionally provocative and propagandistic as this doesn’t deserve to be honoured with a reply. But even though I’m fed up of such disruptive and ethnocentric polemics, this time I feel obliged to reply – partly because the article has also been published, in an English translation, in the Straits Times of Singapore.
    I wish to emphasise here that I am replying not as a Chinese Malaysian but, simply, as a Malaysian. Let me say at the outset that the Chinese have got nothing more than what any citizen should get. So to ask “what more” it is they want, is misguided. A correct question would be “What do the Chinese want?”
    All our lives, we Chinese have held to the belief that no one owes us a living. We have to work for it. Most of us have got where we are by the sweat of our brow, not by handouts or the policies of the government.
    We have come to expect nothing – not awards, not accolades, not gifts from official sources. (Let’s not lump in Datukships, that’s a different ball game.) We know that no Chinese who writes in the Chinese language will ever be bestowed the title of Sasterawan Negara, unlike in Singapore where the literatures of all the main language streams are recognised and honoured with the Cultural Medallion, etc.
    We have learned we can’t expect the government to grant us scholarships. Some will get those, but countless others won’t. We’ve learned to live with that and to work extra hard in order to support our children to attain higher education – because education is very important to us. We experience a lot of daily pressure to achieve that. Unfortunately, not many non-Chinese realise or understand that. In fact, many Chinese had no choice but to emigrate for the sake of their children’s further education. Or to accept scholarships from abroad, many from Singapore, which has inevitably led to a brain drain.


  13. 2/... Bahagian 2

    The writer of the Utusan article says the Chinese “account for most of the students” enrolled in “the best private colleges in Malaysia”. Even so, the Chinese still have to pay a lot of money to have their children study in these colleges. And to earn that money, the parents have to work very hard. The money does not fall from the sky.
    The writer goes on to add: “The Malays can gain admission into only government-owned colleges of ordinary reputation.” That is utter nonsense. Some of these colleges are meant for the cream of the Malay crop of students and are endowed with the best facilities. They are given elite treatment.
    The writer also fails to acknowledge that the Chinese are barred from being admitted to some of these colleges. As a result, the Chinese are forced to pay more money to go to private colleges. Furthermore, the Malays are also welcome to enrol in the private colleges, and many of them do. It’s, after all, a free enterprise.
    Plain and simple reason

    The writer claims that the Chinese live “in the lap of luxury” and lead lives that are “more than ordinary” whereas the Malays in Singapore, their minority-race counterparts there, lead “ordinary lives”. Such sweeping statements sound inane especially when they are not backed up by definitions of “lap of luxury” and “ordinary lives”. They sound hysterical, if not hilarious as well, when they are not backed up by evidence. It’s surprising that a national daily like Utusan Malaysia would publish something as idiosyncratic as that. And the Straits Times too.
    The writer quotes from a survey that said eight of the 10 richest people in Malaysia are Chinese. Well, if these people are where they are, it must have also come from hard work and prudent business sense. Is that something to be faulted?
    If the writer had said that some of them achieved greater wealth through being given crony privileges and lucrative contracts by the government, there might be a point, but even then, it would still take hard work and business acumen to secure success. Certainly, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, who is one of the 10, would take exception if it were said that he has not worked hard and lacks business savvy.
    Most important, it should be noted that the eight Chinese tycoons mentioned in the survey represent but a minuscule percentage of the wider Chinese Malaysian population. To extrapolate that because eight Chinese are filthy rich, the rest of the Chinese must therefore live in the lap of luxury and lead more than ordinary lives would be a mockery of the truth. The writer has obviously not met the vast numbers of very poor Chinese.

    Dilampirkan: Hatihitam

  14. 3/... Bahagian 3

    The crux of the writer’s article is that the Chinese are not grateful to the government by not voting for Barisan Nasional at the Hulu Selangor by-election. But this demonstrates the thinking of either a simple mind or a closed one.
    Why did the Chinese by and large not vote for BN? Because it’s corrupt. Plain and simple. Let’s call a spade a spade. And BN showed how corrupt it was during the campaign by throwing bribes to the electorate, including promising RM3 million to the Chinese school in Rasa.
    The Chinese were not alone in seeing this corruption. The figures are unofficial but one could assume that at least 40 per cent of Malays and 45 per cent of Indians who voted against BN in that by-election also had their eyes open. So, what’s wrong with not supporting a government that is corrupt? If the government is corrupt, do we continue to support it?
    To answer the question then, what do the Chinese want? They want a government that is not corrupt; that can govern well and proves to have done so; that tells the truth rather than lies; that follows the rule of law; that upholds rather than abuses the country’s sacred institutions. BN does not fit that description, so the Chinese don’t vote for it. This is not what only the Chinese want. It is something every sensible Malaysian, regardless of race, wants. Is that something that is too difficult to understand?
    Some people think that the government is to be equated with the country, and therefore if someone does not support the government, they are being disloyal to the country. This is a complete fallacy. BN is not Malaysia. It is merely a political coalition that is the government of the day. Rejecting BN is not rejecting the country.
    A sense of belonging

    Let’s be clear about this important distinction. In America, the people sometimes vote for the Democrats and sometimes for the Republicans. Voting against the one that is in government at the time is not considered disloyalty to the country.
    By the same token, voting against UMNO is also voting against a party, not against a race. And if the Chinese or whoever criticise UMNO, they are criticising the party; they are not criticising Malays. It just happens that UMNO’s leaders are Malay.
    It is time all Malaysians realised this so that we can once and for all dispel the confusion. Let us no more confuse country with government. We can love our country and at the same time hate the government. It is perfectly all right.
    I should add here what the Chinese don’t want. We don’t want to be insulted, to be called pendatang, or told to be grateful for our citizenship. We have been loyal citizens; we duly and dutifully pay taxes; we respect the country’s constitution and its institutions. Our forefathers came to this country generations ago and helped it to prosper. We are continuing to contribute to the country’s growth and development.
    Would anyone like to be disparaged, made to feel unwelcome, unwanted? For the benefit of the writer of the Utusan article, what MCA president Chua Soi Lek means when he says the MCA needs to be more vocal is that it needs to speak up whenever the Chinese community is disparaged. For too long, the MCA has not spoken up strongly enough when UMNO politicians and associates like Ahmad Ismail, Nasir Safar, Ahmad Noh and others before them insulted the Chinese and made them feel like they don’t belong. That’s why the Chinese have largely rejected the MCA.
    You see, the Chinese, like all human beings, want self-respect. And a sense of belonging in this country they call home. That is all the Chinese want, and have always wanted. Nothing more.
    The Utusan Malaysia article: Orang Cina Malaysia, apa lagi yang anda mahu?

    Dilampirkan oleh Hatihitam

  15. Terima kasih kerana berkongsi komen Kee Thuan Chye itu dengan kami hatihitam. InsyaAllah jika berkesempatan, warga PM akan ulas mengenainya.

  16. Alamak Hatihitam punya ulasan adalah inspirasi atau kata hati setiap rakyat Msia tak kira apa bangsa pun. Jika Hatihitam sentuh soal kehakiman terpilih, Precedent case of Sodomy with no penetration dan juga cerito 1 Msia 1 Monggolia serta enjin jet hilang termasuk kes kapal solam tak boleh menyolam sampai hari ini, nescaya aku rasa Hatihitam seorang melayu. Hah! tunggu apo lae Paneh? Ulaslah secara sepontan ko nak ambil nafas panjang. Den mintak ekau ulas dalam BI pun takpo, jgn tunjuk lekeh sgt. Kato ngaji tinggi. Den raso Cicit Kamat, gedoyok, melayuangkat, Sojuk dan Tom Tom Bak tak payah ulaslah sobab ulasan Hatihitam panjang, ekau org ulasan pendek juga dlm bahaso sastera kuno juga ekau lomah bonar BInyo!

  17. To respective Anon 11 may 2010 1000am and all his@her alliances. Do you wish to being classified as "Dishonoured Land-Lord " or You all the so-called Malay Futurist whom are imaging that Clause 152, Federation Constitution is vague and should be eliminated in the coming future.

    Are you SURE you are in the right discourse arena or you are in Singapore@Australia@United Kingdom@United States of America? Are you aware that you are unable to furnish and deliberate brain-worth comment in some of the English discourses in this avenue " Call A Spade A Spade"?

    Are you in the midst of fishing the integrity of the PM writer@writers? Or you are saying that the bunch of you guys rotten and spoiled Malaysian are piloting yourselves into "THE HELL OF UNFAITHFUL PROPAGANDA AND MISLEAD IDENTITY"...

    Shame on your guys. A Malay Malaysian friend works in Pearson Lane, London, UK.

  18. baru saje ye.. ini baru sedikit yang namapak. belum lagi cerita sejarah yang telah diputarbelitkan oleh amno..sebab kenapa konfrontasi indonesia-malaya..carila sejarah yang betul.. jangan la perjuangkan bangsa tapi perjuangkan la agama Islam itu sendiri..Islam terpelihara maka barokah la negara..itulah tanda kehancuran setiap kaum yang menolak Islam. seperti kaum zaman2 namrud, nabi Nuh dll yang telah dijahanamkan oleh Allah.

  19. I would like to respond to Kee Thuan Chye's article. Well, facts are facts. The fact is that the Malays gave the 'jus soli' principle in order for the non Malays to get the citizenship. Another fact is that from 1957 until the year 1969, the Malays were sideline. The non Malays were the majority in the public sector at that point of time. The affirmative action taken by the government in ntroducing the 'Dasar Ekonomi Baru' is to restructure the society. Thus, we have Malays who are now successful. Nevertheless, in a country where the Bumiputra(66%) are the majority, the Bumiputra are left behind in many aspects. Please study the Malaysian history. The British did a lot in order for the Malays to be left behind. The British left a legacy so that the Malays will be weak and could not be a competitive race. Should I say more. I think enough is enough. The Bumiputra wants a larger cake in the economy because the Bumiputra indeed are the majority!

  20. sampai sekarang aku tak paham jenis Melayu apa yang suka cakap "jangan perjuang kan Melayu , perjuangkan Islam" orang jenis ni ada bangsa tak? atau tak tau keturunan sebab ditemui dibawah pokok keladi atau ditepi tokong. Kalau sdr masih tak tau keturunan sdr tak apa , kami faham, cuba pelajari dahulu ragam bahasa Melayu sebaik mungkin

    Aku dilahirkan Islam tapi bangsaku tetap Melayu kerana aku tau siapa keturunan aku.

  21. Aku orang UMNO , Aku terlibat dalam memilih pemimpin, malangnya orang yang aku sokong kalah. Aku tak sokong Najib kerana aku tau najib ni beban buat UMNO. Apa yang aku tak ingin jadi , ia terjadi. Najib menang. The rest ... history will tell, hopefully for the better ...

    so Sdr Paneh, keresahan mu keresahan ku jua .... lebarkan perjuangan ini kerana satu suara ibarat anjing yang menyalak bukit ..


  22. kelu lidah ka hompuk? x membalas langsung nampaknya. sometimes people show their mental illness n stupidity just through their words like hompuk n d geng. heheheh...hompuklah kepalamu dgn bata agar lebih cerdik dr cino dap.

    -tom tem bak-

  23. Statments yg dibuat disini ternyata begitu racist..berat sebelah..dan hanya mengundang kepada provokasi kaum yg tidak sihat di dlm satu masy. berbilang kaum.. berhentilah bermain dgn "race-card"..jgn lupa api kecik adalah kawan tapi dah api besar akan memusnahkan negara tercinta kita.

  24. tu la..padahnya bg muka sgt kepada kaum lain sehingga muka bangsa sendiri di ketepikan...
    muka najib pun hampir2 di ketepikan ...sedar2 lah orang melayu masih bg sokongan...jagalah mereka...tak perlu nk susukan kera2 tu...anak2 di biarkan...
