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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hahaha.. B.A.B.I.

A very good point indeed from my friend Papa Gomo. Excerpt from his blog.

Anwar bin Ibrahim, Dato Eskay sampaikan salam dan ingin bertanyakan soalan. 5 Soalan yang di pinta untuk Anwar Ibrahim jawap:

Dalam tempoh Dua Tahun ini berapa kali Anwar Ibrahim ke Thailand?

Siapa yang menyambut Anwar Ibrahim apabila sampai di Thailand?

Siapa yang menempah bilik hotel untuk Anwar Ibrahim?

Siapa yang menjelaskan bil bayaran segala pakej di Thailand?

Sepanjang masa di Thailand siapa yang bersama Anwar?

“You pi tanya dia...tengok apa dia jawab,”kata Eskay sambil mengakui beliaulah orangnya.

so Anwar Ibrahim jangan cakap banyak kerana Dato Eskay tak berniat nak mendedahkan hal hal lain. Namun jika Anwar Ibrahim nak cuba berlawan maka cerita lain yang berlaku di Thailand akan di buka bagi rakyat mengetahui nya.

Namun katanya jika Anwar cakap banyak beliau akan ‘ membuka a can of worms’ (mendedahkan pekung) di Thailand pula.

Boleh Anwar Ibrahim tunjukkan Pasportnya kepada media dan rakyat bagi menafikan kenyataan Dato Eskay?


"Suatu masa, Anwar duduk di kediaman rasminya sewaktu jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan, Anwar kehilangan wang tunai berjumlah RM200,000 di rumah tersebut….” Eskay memulakan cerita.

Eskay mendakwa Anwar kemudian mengajaknya ke rumah untuk melihat tempat wang itu disimpan dan hilang. Ketika di rumah tersebut, Eskay terlihat Sukma di dalam sebuah bilik bersebelahan dengan bilik tidur Anwar.

"Saya tanya dia, siapa tu… Anwar kata oh itu adik angkat saya…" tambah Eskay yang mendakwa dia curiga kenapa bukan anak-anak Anwar yang tinggal dibilik sebelah Anwar, sebaliknya, apa istimewa seorang lelaki dewasa yang ‘lembut’ itu untuk diberi bilik betul-betul disebelah bilik tuan rumah.

"You like him?" tanya Anwar. "Please, I am straight" kata Eskay dan menurutnya, Anwar juga segera menepuk tangan ke dadanya dan berkata, "I pun straight tau…."

"Selepas itu Anwar seolah-olah mahu buktikan bahawa dia memang straight dan ajak saya pergi berhibur…" itulah penjelasan Eskay bagi menceritakan bagaimana Anwar sering meminta dia ikut serta dan kemudiannya mengendalikan perempuan-perempuan untuk Anwar.

Lagi selanjutnya sila ke Blog Kickdefella.

Psssttt...habis lah lu Nuar, juak pakatan nak jilat nuar lagi?

Well, what is Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim's next move..?


Makin lamo hidup, makan meroyan B.A.B.I., sadis melihat riwayat politik songsang dan bahana selera so sial yang menjadi sarapan, kudapan, lunch, hi-tea dan dinner, rangkaian kenalan dan perayu simpati Anwar Ibrahim.

Pak Sedaro dok kiro, boleh terlingkup Gunung Nuang dek penangan dan selera Anwar Ibrahim.

Gamaknya, pengikut subjudis dan ahli judis yang bersekongkol dan bersenggama dengan tabiat luar jangka, makin bobrok dan apakah ini gerangan penyakit yang ditayang oleh Raja Azmi dalam Anu dalam botol?

Trio melaun telah meranapkan dan buat PM dan TPM kelam kabut menjawab soalan bodoh SPM bertalu-talu daripada reporter yang nak lakukan suratkhabar.

Inilah strategi politiking paling bahalol dan kurap kepada UMNO.

Sesunguhnya ANWAR tiada dalam kamus politik umat Melayu lagi. Dia sudah lenyap, kuburnya sudah bernisan, liang lahatnya sudah tersemat dan tersurat.

Apakah mandrem B.A.B.I. begitu sekali kuat, hingga Sarawak bakal korban?

Apakah mandrem PAS akan menjadi hakikat dan kebenaran, bila mana Nik Aziz sebenarnya seorang ahli UMNO yang sah sejak 1965 dan akan terbongkar secara tidak sengaja oleh dirinya yang hampir nyanyuk?

Apakah Hasan Ali yang lama terkenan dek sawan Anwar bakal menerajui kerusi YAB Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor kerana Khalid gagap sudah dimurkai oleh DYMM Sultan Selangor?

Apakah trio Naib Presiden UMNO akan kekal atau akan dilanggar garuda selepas Jun 2012?

Trio Perak, Sabah dan Johor tidak ideal kepada UMNO. Trio yang relevan ialah Johor, Johor dan Johor atau Trio Johor, Kedah dan Pahang.

Jangan dilawan B.A.B.I. kerana akan lebih ramai tersampar dek sawan mautnya. Yang sedihnya, rakyat Raja kembali tertipu oleh si Penipu yang besar bedebahnya.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


1. Perisikan UMNO adalah yang terbaik seantero dunia. CIA, Mossad, KGB dan segala macam agensi perisikan di dunia ini pun tak mampu nak buat sebagaimana yang UMNO berupaya buat.

2. Hebatnya UMNO kerana mereka boleh pastikan Azizan digaji Anwar sebagai driver Azizah. Kemudian UMNO hasut pula Mior jadi tukang jahit baju Azizah. Seterusnya mereka rekrut pula Sukma untuk jadi adik angkat Anwar. Mereka ini adalah orang yang pernah dikaitkan dengan skandal liwat Anwar. Hebat betul UMNO hingga boleh mencaturkan mereka agar dapat menyelinap masuk ke dalam kehidupan peribadi Anwar.

3. Tak habis di situ, UMNO boleh paksa pulak bekas tokey judi si Nallakarupan untuk bersahabat baik dengan Anwar sehingga Anwar gembira main tenis setiap minggu dengan Nalla. Tak cukup dengan itu, Azmin Ali yang asalnya jadi pegawai khas Che Det, tetiba boleh pulak Anwar mintak izin Che Det supaya Azmin dapat bekerja bawah dia sendiri. Lepas tu UMNO ugut pulak isteri Azmin, si Shamsidar untuk selalu bergayut telefon dengan Anwar sehingga Shamsidar terlepas cakap mengaku dengan saudara mara sendiri yang Anwar itu boyfriend dia.

4. Nak tambah hebat lagi, UMNO boleh paksa Anwar ambil Saiful bekerja sebagai pembancuh kopi dan boleh pulak UMNO umpan Anwar untuk suruh Saiful ke Kondominium Desa Damansara, sebuah lokasi mesyuarat rahsia Anwar yang hanya 2 orang sahaja kakitangan pejabat PKR yang tahu tempatnya selama ini. Canggihnya UMNO kerana ada remote control yang boleh memastikan alat kelamin Anwar menegang sehingga terpancut air mani dalam dubur Saiful, di kondominium milik sahabat baik Anwar sendiri pulak tu? Siapa lagi yang boleh keluarkan air mani Anwar kalau bukan dia sendiri atau dengan kerjasama Azizah. Dan paling best UMNO boleh pulak paksa Saiful mengaku diliwat tanpa mempedulikan keaiban yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh keluarga dan keturunan Saiful. Huh...kagum pulak dengan kehebatan UMNO ni.

5. Tapi yang paling hebat di antara yang terhebat ialah sejak 1998 hingga 2011, yakni sudah 13 tahun berlalu, semua orang yang kononnya telah diupah untuk merencana konspirasi terhadap Anwar selama ini, tetapi TIADA SEORANG PUN yang tampil kepada umum untuk mengakui bahawa ini semua semenangnya konspirasi rancangan UMNO dan Kerajaan. Kesemua mereka yang bekerja di mahkamah, pejabat Peguam Negara, anggota polis, kakitangan HKL, kakitangan Pusrawi, kakitangan pejabat KDN, pejabat JPM, pejabat Kementerian Kewangan, tukang sapu, pembancuh teh, posmen, telefonis telekom, pekerja syarikat telekomunikasi, jaga mahkamah, jaga kondo, jaga hospital, jaga Anwar dan segala macam jenis manusia yang terlibat sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan kes Anwar, pasti sudah sangat MASYUK di bayar oleh UMNO selama ini sehinggakan mereka tidak berani membuka mulut walau seinci pun untuk mengatakan, "YA, KAMI MENGAKU TELAH DIBAYAR OLEH UMNO UNTUK BERKONSPIRASI TERHADAP ANWAR!"

6. Maha hebat sungguh UMNO sehingga berjaya mengunci semua mulut orang yang terlibat dalam rekayasa konspirasi selama hampir 13 tahun. Pasti mereka semua tu dah kaya raya dibayar oleh UMNO.

7. Ingatkan selama ini hanya CIA, Mossad dan KGB saja yang hebat. Tapi rupanya UMNO yang paling hebat serta layak diiktiraf sebagai 'Bapa Konspirator Dunia'. Hahaha...lawak..lawak!

8. Apa yang kebanyakan pencacai pengangkut najis Anwar tidak tahu ialah, semasa mula-mula kes Saiful sampai ke pengetahuan HKL, Polis, Jabatan Peguam Negara dan Mahkamah, hampir kesemua kakitangan mengeluh, "Alamak...tak kan la kes ni lagi." "Aduh! Pening la macam ni. Kita buat kerja jujur macam mana sekalipun, rakyat bukan nak percaya." "Apahal la Nuar ni buat perangai lagi? Nanti kita jugak yang kena hentam...bukannya dia!"

9. Itulah antara keluhan yang terlafaz dari mulut kebanyakan kakitangan HKL, Polis, Jabatan Peguam Negara serta Mahkamah. Mereka tahu yang kes liwat ini susah untuk dibuktikan. Dan yang paling susah adalah untuk buat orang ramai yakin dan percaya. Lagipun mereka sendiri dah letih nak melayan tuduhan konspirasi pembangkang yang tak habis-habis nak memfitnah Mahkamah, Jabatan Peguam Negara, Polis dan HKL selama ini.

10. Belum lagi cerita perihal Mat Sabu dan Karpal Pusingh selaku individu terawal yang menghebohkan kepada umum isu Menteri BN meliwat pada 1997; sampai sanggup memberi gelaran Anwar Al-Juburi. Tapi sekarang mereka pula yang beriya-iya membela si Al-Juburi.

11. Tak masuk lagi bab cecite...cecite video seks di Lanson Place. Orang lain yang sepahkan air mani, UMNO dan Kerajaan pulak yang dituduh berkonspirasi.

12. Mungkin Allah SWT memang nak bagi hidayah, tetapi kita pula sombong dan enggan berfikir akan petunjuk yang telahpun terbentang di depan mata.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

كَذَلِكَ يَطْبَعُ اللهُ عَلَى كُلِّ قَلْبِ مُتَكَبِّرٍ جَبَّارٍ

"Demikianlah Allah mengunci mati hati orang yang sombong dan sewenang-wenang." (Ghafir:35)

Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam bersabda:

الْكِبْرُ بَطَرُ الْحَقِّ وَغَمْطُ النَّاسِ

"Sombong itu adalah menolak kebenaran dan merendahkan orang lain." (HR. Muslim dari Abdullah bin Mas’ud radhiyallahu ‘anhu)


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saudara boleh atur 100 pelacur...

Teringat kata-kata Lelaki Y kepada Dr. Mahathir di JPM sebelum beliau dipecat sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 2 September 1998. Jerit Lelaki Y kepada Dr. Mahathir ketika itu...

"Saudara boleh atur 100 pelacur dan saya akan katakan saya tidak bersalah!"

Tapi kini ada pula video seks berdurasi 19 minit yang dilapor lakonan sendiri Lelaki Y bersama seorang pelacur cina. Cuma satu saja masalah...perut pelakon porno itu buncit dan kononnya tidak serupa dengan Lelaki Y.

Huh...apa ada hal dengan perut buncit. Selain petua orang dolu-dolu menyapu perut yang buncit dengan campuran limau nipis+kapur sirih; makan Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1 pun boleh juga menyelesaikan masalah perut buncit dengan cepat. Tak caya? Baca testimoni di bawah ini;

"Setelah menggunakan Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1 selama seminggu, badan saya turun 3 kg. Bestlah, sebelum ini susah sangat nak turun. Bila makan phytolacca ni, saya tidak berdiet sangat tapi tetap turun juga. Dulu ada ambil sejenis JUS tapi kena ikut diet. Tak tahan rasanya. hasilnya turun naik. Ini masuk minggu kedua harap dapat turun lagi 2 kg. Insyallah", Azirah Mahmud – Seremban.

"Sejak makan Phytolacca Amercina ini, saya kurang bernafsu sikit nak makan benda yang manis. Minggu kedua makan benda ini, pergi jalan-jalan ke shopping complex, nampak timbang, saya terus timbang. Terkejut juga turun hampir 5 kg. Padahal saya tak pantang makan langsung. Yang bagus phytolacca ini dia tak de kesan buang2 air lah. Cuma senang aje nak buang air. Bukan cirit. Nanti Azhaan simpakan saya stok 2 kotak. Cukup bulan nak order lagi", Hazman Ahmad – Johor.

Persoalannya, adegan seks dengan pelacur dikhabarkan berlaku pada 21 Februari, dan video pula didedahkan oleh geng trio pada 21 Mac. Hampir sebulan tempohnya, confirm sempat nak kempiskan perut yang buncit...kan..kan..kan? Lagipun ramai orang sekarang update twitter dan facebook pakai smartphone jer; sambil 'main' pun bulih update...kan..kan..kan?

Just wondering...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pukulan SPM 2010

Dek penangan Soalan Bocor SPM 2010, alhamdulillah ramai anak-anak Malaysia menguasai ilmu SPM 2010. Jumlah pertambahan kelulusan dan tidak berkurang juga bilangan pelajar yang BUNGKUS TERUS.

Mungkin Soalan Bocor SPM2011 tidak berulang. Tapi percayalah, bahawa poket rakyat akan terus bocor daripada pegangan masing-masing.

Dalam kesibukan anak-anak untuk menerus cita-cita ke IPTA, IPTS, IPTS Luar Negara, IPTA Luar Negara, Kolej-Kolej Awam dan Swasta, maka, para ibu bapa penjaga, sudah mula:

1. Mencongak hari, bila nak keluarkan Dana Simpanan Insurans Pendidikan anaknya.

2. Menghitung masa, boleh dikeluarkan rezab KWSP untuk bayar penganjuran pelajaran anaknya.

3. Mengenal siapa PTPTN, MARA, Yayasan-yayasan Negeri, Pusat Zakat dan BaitulMal, Para Penaja Pendidikan Korporat seperti PETRONAS, TNB, TM, 1MDB, Sime Darby, Felda, Khazanah Nasional, MONBUSHO JEPUN dan banyak lagi.

Dalam kemaruk anak-anak selepas keputusan SPM keluar, ada lagi mak bapak yang masih lupa diri:

1. Belilah kereta dan motorsikal untuk bunuh anak mereka yang gila stereng dan merempit ibarat jalan mak-bapak dia yang bikin. Kalau mak-bapak ada anak soleh dan solehah, alhamdulillah, ke syurgalah mereka.

2. Mulalah merancang acara-acara khas meraikan anak mereka. Adalah lebih mulia, jika yang banyak gila duit, hantar anak itu ke Tanah Haram. Berikan budak itu hadiah paling mahal dalam dunia mudanya iaitu menghayati nilai hidup di Masjidil Haram dan Masjidil Nabawi.

3. Mana yang tak beduit, hantarlah setandan pisang emas atau berangan ke Masjid berdekatan masa Jumaat akan datang ini. Sebagai jariah daripada zuriat yang dijanjikan rezeki melimpah ruah kepadanya.

4. Ada yang kaya raya lagi, minta catering hantar makanan kepada rumah anak-anak yatim dan orang tua di kawasan sekitar. Taja beberapa orang anak yatim dan orang miskin untuk belajar seperti mana yang diperoleh faedah oleh anaknya.

Pak Sedaro fikir umat Melayu kena ubah konsep mencongak keputusan SPM. Daripada amatan Pak Sedaro, soalan SPM sejak tahun 2004 amat mudah kerana diulang-ulang, yang membezakan hanyalah fakta. Konsep soalan sama setiap tahun. Apakah anak-anak kita benar-benar pandai, diuji mengikut kasta ilmu? Atau sekadar menongkat masa, buat pengumuman bahawa rakyat Malaysia makin pandai?

Soalan zaman Pak Sedaro jika dikupas daripada tahun peperiksaan 1970-1995, akan ada 10 pola berbeza. Mencabar dan terasa kesusahannya. Apakah kita terus melahirkan robot manusia? Atau kita melahirkan insan berfikir, insan "thinking leader", insan "transformasi ilmu mantiq dan ilmu metafizik"?

Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, jadikanlah SPM sebagai mauduk penyusunan strategi sejak pelajar berumur 13 tahun. Indoktrinasi ilmu kolonial British sudah dirasai basi oleh anak-anak Malaysia. Transformasi pendidikan Malaysia mesti diberi jatidiri dan pengukuhan.

Belajarlah daripada Profesor Berilmu, bukan daripada Profesor Buta Kayu.

Church protecting the perpetrators

As everyone now knows, for decades church superiors repeatedly chose to ignore complaints about pedophile priests.

In many instances, accused clerics were quietly bundled off to distant congregations where they could prey anew upon the children of unsuspecting parishioners. This practice of denial and concealment has been so consistently pursued in diocese after diocese, nation after nation, as to leave the impression of being a deliberate policy set by church authorities.

And indeed it has been. Instructions coming directly from Rome have required every bishop and cardinal to keep matters secret. These instructions were themselves kept secret; the cover-up was itself covered up. Then in 2002, Pope John Paul II put it in writing, specifically mandating that all charges against priests were to be reported secretly to the Vatican and hearings were to be held in camera, a procedure that directly defies state criminal codes.

Rather than being defrocked, many ousted pedophile priests have been allowed to advance into well-positioned posts as administrators, vicars, and parochial school officials - repeatedly accused by their victims while repeatedly promoted by their superiors.

Church spokesmen employ a vocabulary of compassion and healing - not for the victims but for the victimizers. They treat the child rapist as a sinner who confesses his transgression and vows to mend his ways. Instead of incarceration, there is repentance and absolution.

While this forgiving approach might bring comfort to some malefactors, it proves to be of little therapeutic efficacy when dealing with the darker appetites of pedophiles. A far more effective deterrent is the danger of getting caught and sent to prison.

Absent any threat of punishment, the perpetrator is restrained only by the limits of his own appetite and the availability of opportunities.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Kalau tok guru koncing bediri, dah tontu pongikut koncing menari-nari. Itulah yang tersirat dalam Haprakdaily yang Atok sompek baco tadi. Saman ekor yang dibuek kek PDRM selamo ni hanyolah untuk mendoro rakyat jelata bukan eh nak mendidik. Peh tu kato Haprakdaily, kutip saman bojuta-juta.

Apokah ini deh orang yang nak momorentah Tanah Melayu ni?
Apokah ini deh orang yang nak menyebarkan syiar Islam?
Apokah ini deh orang yang nak mentemadunkan pemikiran rakyat Tanah Melayu ni?
Apokah ini deh orang yang nak mengIslamkan Tanah Melayu ni?

Cubo tanyo kek budak tadika tu:

Bawak moto tak pakai tupi keledar, salah tak?
Bawak keto tak belesen, salah tak?
Naik keto tak pakai tali pinggang keledar, salah tak?
Bawak keto laju-laju macam polosit, salah tak?
Langgar lampu merah, bodoso tak?
Motong kek garisan lurus, salah tak? (bukan eh motong gotah doh!)

Yang sebonar eh, nilah yang dikato an pomikiran sekular. Momikirkan hanyo semayang dan poso tu sajo yang dipanggil ibadah. Bawak keto laju-laju tu di koba an hal dunio. Kok mati orang dilanggar eh, tu hal dunio. Buleh claim insuran jo. Itulah ajaran sekular yang diajar sojak dulu olih PasPisPus.

Atok bukan eh nak bokotubah doh, tapi tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang bijaksana sini cubo-cubo bawak pikirlah. Sokironyo inilah ngoman pemimpin Pas yang nak di kotongahkan menjadi pemimpin Tanah Melayu ni, mako apobilo diorang momorentah, pasti akan diwujudkan satu laie cabang ioitu "Jabatan Mongutip Mayat" yang bogolempangan di sepanjang lebuhraya atau mano-mano jalan disobabkan bawak tolobih laju. Sodangkan ado undang-undang mencogahpun masih ramai yang mati, inikan pulak bulih bawak laju sosuko hati.

Eee wah, macam bocoramah pulak Atok kali ni.

Datuk T ke Ezam punya jalan cerita?

Anwar: I'm not the man

PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has vehemently denied that he is the man in the sex video, saying that this was a “scurrilous attack” on him.

"I categorically deny it," said the Opposition Leader.

Anwar said he had been told that the man in the video looked similar to him but with a larger tummy. - The Star.

Membaca tajuk-tajuk berita akhbar hari ini, semuanya menceritakan tentang Datuk T dan video lucah yang disensasikan. Apakah benar ianya dilakonkan oleh Manusia Anugerah Tuhan yang 'maksum' itu?

Pada hemat dan pandangan Ese lah,

1. Konspirasi terancang CIA dan Yahudi yang ada dalam Parti Kencing Rakyat untuk melarikan isu Manusia Anugerah Tuhan, Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim daripada terus di desak untuk memberikan DNA bagi pembuktian identiti Lelaki Y.

2. Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim sangat terdesak untuk mempertahankan dirinya atas kebenaran DNA Lelaki Y yang ada dalam dubur mangsanya.

3. Supaya rakyat atas pagar yang kurang membaca dan kurang pula berfikir seperti pengikut setia Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim, terpesong perhatian pada kes liwat-liwatan itu.

4. Supaya rakyat fikir Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim adalah 'straight' dan bukan sebagaimana didakwa mangsa liwatnya.

5. Pilihanraya Sarawak dah dekat sangat, Parti Kencing Rakyat sangat terdesak apatah lagi DAP semakin mendesak untuk lebih kerusi parlimen sebagai habuan mereka.

6. Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim mesti glamerkan dirinya supaya rakyat kesian padanya.

Bak pegangan Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim, "If we can't convince them, we confuse them."

Jadi rakyat kena fikirkan perkara ini. Baca juga apa komentar Khalid Gagap dalam suratkhabar. Too suspicious. Ese tak rasa akan jadi kes pada porn actor yang dikhabarkan lakonan Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim, selain sahabt sepornonya Chua Soi Lek yang bangang tuh.

Kesimpulannya, pergi jahanam la Bro Anuwar Bin Ibrahim serta geng sekuncunya yang tak habis-habis nak merosakkan negara semata-mata nak jadi PM!!!

KDN: Kementerian Dek Non

Pelbagai hujah dari sudut perlembagaan, perundangan serta fakta telah diberikan, namun Perdana Menteri dan Menteri KDN masih nak playsafe sehingga mengguris hati ramai orang Melayu. Alang-alang geng kristian sengaja cari pasal isu bible Melayu, maka blog ini mengisytiharkan PERANG kepada sesiapa sahaja penganut kristian di negara ini yang TERSANGATLAH KURANG AJAR terhadap sensitiviti umat ISLAM di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Berikut adalah siri keempat, "20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity" by Chaz Bufe.

AMARAN: Artikel ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana "Itulah pentingnya english education."

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

16. Christianity is misogynistic

Misogyny is fundamental to the basic writings of Christianity. In passage after passage, women are encouraged—no, commanded—to accept an inferior role, and to be ashamed of themselves for the simple fact that they are women. Misogynistic biblical passages are so common that it’s difficult to know which to cite.

From the New Testament we find: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church...."

"These [redeemed] are they which were not defiled with women; . . ."

From the Old Testament we find: "How then can man be justified with God? Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?"

Other Old Testament passages include Numbers 5:20–22 and Leviticus 12:2–5 and 15:17–33.

Later Christian writers extended the misogynistic themes in the Bible with a vengeance. Tertullian, one of the early church fathers, wrote:

In pain shall you bring forth children, woman, and you shall turn to your husband and he shall rule over you. And do you not know that you are Eve? God’s sentence hangs still over all your sex and His punishment weighs down upon you. You are the devil’s gateway; you are she who first violated the forbidden tree and broke the law of God. It was you who coaxed your way around him whom the devil had not the force to attack. With what ease you shattered that image of God: Man! Because of the death you merited, even the Son of God had to die... Woman, you are the gate to hell.

One can find similarly misogynistic—though sometimes less venomous—statements in the writings of many other church fathers and theologians, including St. Ambrose, St. Anthony, Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory of Nazianzum, and St. Jerome.

This misogynistic bias in Christianity’s basic texts has long been translated into misogyny in practice. Throughout almost the entire time that Christianity had Europe and America in its lock grip, women were treated as chattel—they had essentially no political rights, and their right to own property was severely restricted. Perhaps the clearest illustration of the status of women in the ages when Christianity was at its most powerful is the prevalence of wife beating.

This degrading, disgusting practice was very common throughout Christendom well up into the 19th century, and under English Common Law husbands who beat their wives were specifically exempted from prosecution. (While wife beating is still common in Christian lands, at least in some countries abusers are at least sometimes prosecuted.)

At about the same time that English Common Law (with its wife-beating exemption) was being formulated and codified, Christians all across Europe were engaging in a half-millennium-long orgy of torture and murder of "witches"—at the direct behest and under the direction of the highest church authorities.

The watchword of the time was Exodus 22:18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," and at the very minimum hundreds of thousands of women were brutally murdered as a result of this divine injunction, and the papal bulls amplifying it (e.g., Spondit Pariter, by John XXII, and Summis Desiderantes, by Innocent VIII).

Andrew Dickson White notes:

On the 7th of December, 1484, Pope Innocent VIII sent forth the bull Summis Desiderantes. Of all documents ever issued from Rome, imperial or papal, this has doubtless, first and last, cost the greatest shedding of innocent blood. Yet no document was ever more clearly dictated by conscience.

Inspired by the scriptural command, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," Pope Innocent exhorted the clergy of Germany to, leave no means untried to detect sorcerers . . . [W]itch-finding inquisitors were authorized by the Pope to scour Europe, especially Germany, and a manual was prepared for their use [by the Dominicans Heinrich Krämer and Jacob Sprenger] — "The Witch Hammer", Malleus Maleficarum... With the application of torture to thousands of women, in accordance with the precepts laid down in the Malleus, it was not difficult to extract masses of proof... The poor creatures writhing on the rack, held in horror by those who had been nearest and dearest to them, anxious only for death to relieve their sufferings, confessed to anything and everything that would satisfy the inquisitors and judges... Under the doctrine of "excepted cases," there was no limit to torture for persons accused of heresy or witchcraft.

Given this bloody, hateful history, it’s not surprising that women have always held very subservient positions in Christian churches. In fact, there appear to have been no female clergy in any Christian church prior to the 20th century (with the exception of those who posed as men, such as Pope Joan), and even today a great many Christian sects (most notably the Catholic Church) continue to resist ordaining female clergy. While a few liberal Protestant churches have ordained women in recent years, it’s difficult to see this as a great step forward for women; it’s easier to see it as analogous to the Ku Klux Klan’s appointing a few token blacks as Klaxons.

As for the improvements in the status of women over the last two centuries, the Christian churches either did nothing to support them or actively opposed them. This is most obvious as regards women’s control over their own bodies. Organized Christianity has opposed this from the start, and as late as the 1960s the Catholic Church was still putting its energies into the imposition of laws prohibiting access to contraceptives. Having lost that battle, Christianity has more recently put its energies into attempts to outlaw the right of women to abortion.

Many of those leading the fight for women’s rights have had no illusions about the misogynistic nature of Christianity. These women included Mary Wollstonecraft, Victoria Woodhull, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Margaret Sanger (whose slogan, “No God. No master,” remains relevant to this day).

17. Christianity is homophobic

Christianity from its beginnings has been markedly homophobic. The biblical basis for this homophobia lies in the story of Sodom in Genesis, and in Leviticus.

Leviticus 18:22 reads: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination"

Leviticus 20:13 reads: "If a man lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them"

This sounds remarkably harsh, yet Leviticus proscribes a great many other things, declares many of them "abominations," and prescribes the death penalty for several other acts, some of which are shockingly picayune.

Leviticus 17:10–13 prohibits the eating of blood sausage

Leviticus 11:6–7 prohibits the eating of "unclean" hares and swine

Leviticus 11:10 declares shellfish "abominations"

Leviticus 20:9 prescribes the death penalty for cursing one’s father or mother

Leviticus 20:10 prescribes the death penalty for adultery

Leviticus 20:14 prescribes the penalty of being burnt alive for having a three-way with one’s wife and mother-in-law

Leviticus 20:15 declares, "And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast" (which seems rather unfair to the poor beast).

(One suspects that American Christians have never attempted to pass laws enforcing Leviticus 20:15, because if passed and enforced such laws would decimate both the rural, Bible-Belt population and the cattle industry.)

Curiously, given the multitude of prohibitions in Leviticus, the vast majority of present-day Christians have chosen to focus only upon Leviticus 20:13, the verse calling for the death penalty for homosexual acts. And at least some of them haven’t been averse to acting on it. (To be fair, some Christian "reconstructionists" are currently calling for institution of the death penalty for adultery and atheism as well as for "sodomy.")

Throughout history, homosexuality has been illegal in Christian lands, and the penalties have been severe. In the Middle Ages, strangled gay men were sometimes placed on the wood piles at the burning of witches (hence the term "faggot"). One member of the British royalty caught having homosexual relations suffered an even more grisly fate: Edward II’s penalty was being held down while a red hot poker was jammed through his rectum and intestines.

In more modern times, countless gay people have been jailed for years for the victimless "crime" of having consensual sex. It was only in 2003 that the Supreme Court struck down the felony laws on the books in many American states prescribing lengthy prison terms for consensual "sodomy." And many Christians would love to reinstate those laws.

Thus the current wave of gay bashings and murders of gay people should come as no surprise. Christians can find justification for such violence in the Bible and also in the hate-filled sermons issuing from all too many pulpits in this country. If history is any indication, the homophobic messages in those sermons will continue to be issued for many years to come.

18. The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings

Mark, the oldest of the Gospels, was written at least 30 years after Christ’s death, and the newest of them might have been written more than 200 years after his death. These texts have been amended, translated, and re-translated so often that it’s extremely difficult to gauge the accuracy of current editions—even aside from the matter of the accuracy of texts written decades or centuries after the death of their subject.

This is such a problem that the Jesus Seminar, a colloquium of over 200 Protestant Gospel scholars mostly employed at religious colleges and seminaries, undertook in 1985 a multi-year investigation into the historicity of the statements and deeds attributed to Jesus in the New Testament. They concluded that only 18% of the statements and 16% of the deeds attributed to Jesus had a high likelihood of being historically accurate.

So, in a very real sense fundamentalists—who claim to believe in the literal truth of the Bible—are not followers of Jesus Christ; rather, they are followers of those who, decades or centuries later, put words in his mouth.

19. The Bible is riddled with contradictions

There are a number of glaring contradictions in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, and including some within the same books. A few examples:

". . . God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man."

"And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham."
(Genesis 22:1)

". . . for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever."
(Jeremiah 3:12)

"Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn forever. Thus saith the Lord."
(Jeremiah 17:4)

"If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true."
(John 5:31, J.C. speaking)

"I am one that bear witness of myself . . ."
(John 8:18, J.C. speaking)

and last but not least:

"I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."
(Genesis 32:30)

"No man hath seen God at any time."
(John 1:18)

"And I [God] will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts..."
(Exodus 33:23)

Christian apologists typically attempt to explain away such contradictions by claiming that the fault lies in the translation, and that there were no contradictions in the original text. It’s difficult to see how this could be so, given how direct many biblical contradictions are; but even if these Christian apologetics held water, it would follow that every part of the Bible should be as suspect as the contradictory sections, thus reinforcing the previous point: that the Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ’s words.

20. Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions

The ancient world was rife with tales of virgin births, miracle-working saviors, tripartite gods, Gods taking human form, Gods arising from the dead, heavens and hells, and days of judgment. In addition to the myths, many of the ceremonies of ancient religions also match those of that syncretic latecomer, Christianity.

To cite but one example (there are many others), consider Mithraism, a Persian religion predating Christianity by centuries. Mithra, the savior of the Mithraic religion and a God who took human form, was born of a virgin; he belonged to the holy trinity and was a link between heaven and Earth; and he ascended into heaven after his death.

His followers believed in heaven and hell, looked forward to a day of judgment, and referred to Mithra as "the Light of the World." They also practiced baptism (for purification purposes) and ritual cannibalism—the eating of bread and the drinking of wine to symbolize the eating and drinking of the God’s body and blood. Given all this, Mithra’s birthday should come as no surprise: December 25th; this event was, of course, celebrated by Mithra’s followers at midnight.

Mithraism is but the most striking example of the appearance of these myths and ceremonies prior to the advent of Christianity. They appear—in more scattered form—in many other pre-Christian religions.


A Final Word: These are but some of the major problems attending Christianity, and they provide overwhelming reasons for its abandon-ment. (Even if you discount half, two-thirds, or even three-quarters of these arguments, the conclusion is still irresistible.)

Monday, March 21, 2011

KDN: Kementerian Dok Nikus

Pelbagai hujah dari sudut perlembagaan, perundangan serta fakta telah diberikan, namun Perdana Menteri dan Menteri KDN masih nak playsafe sehingga mengguris hati ramai orang Melayu. Alang-alang geng kristian sengaja cari pasal isu bible Melayu, maka blog ini mengisytiharkan PERANG kepada sesiapa sahaja penganut kristian di negara ini yang TERSANGATLAH KURANG AJAR terhadap sensitiviti umat ISLAM di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Berikut adalah siri ketiga, "20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity" by Chaz Bufe.

AMARAN: Artikel ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana "Itulah pentingnya english education."

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

11. Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality

Christianity not only reduces, for all practical purposes, the question of morality to that of sexual behavior, but by listing its prohibitions, it encourages an "everything not prohibited is permitted" mentality. So, for instance, medieval inquisitors tortured their victims, while at the same time they went to lengths to avoid spilling the blood of those they tortured—though they thought nothing of burning them alive. Another very relevant example is that until the latter part of the 19th century Christians engaged in the slave trade, and Christian preachers defended it, citing biblical passages, from the pulpit.

Today, with the exception of a relatively few liberal churchgoers, Christians ignore the very real evils plaguing our society—

"poverty, homelessness, hunger, militarism, a grossly unfair distribution of wealth and income, ecological despoliation exacerbated by corporate greed, overpopulation, sexism,racism, homophobia, freedom-denying, invasive drug laws, an inadequate educational system, etc., etc..."

—unless they’re actively working to worsen those evils in the name of Christian morality or "family values."

12. Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils

Organized Christianity is a skillful apologist for the status quo and all the evils that go along with it. It diverts attention from real problems by focusing attention on sexual issues, and when confronted with social evils such as poverty glibly dismisses them with platitudes such as, "The poor ye have always with you."

When confronted with the problems of militarism and war, most Christians shrug and say, "That’s human nature. It’s always been that way, and it always will."

One suspects that 200 years ago their forebears would have said exactly the same thing about slavery. This regressive, conservative tendency of Christianity has been present from its very start.

The Bible is quite explicit in its instructions to accept the status quo: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."

13. Christianity depreciates the natural world

In addition to its morbid preoccupation with sex, Christianity creates social myopia through its emphasis on the supposed afterlife—encouraging Christians not to be concerned with "the things of this world" (except, of course, their neighbors’ sexual practices). In the conventional Christian view, life in this "vale of tears" is not important—what matters is preparing for the next life. (Of course it follows from this that the "vale of tears" itself is quite unimportant—it’s merely the backdrop to the testing of the faithful.)

The Christian belief in the unimportance of happiness and well-being in this world is well illustrated by a statement by St. Alphonsus: It would be a great advantage to suffer during all our lives all the torments of the martyrs in exchange for one moment of heaven. Sufferings in this world are a sign that God loves us and intends to save us.

This focus on the afterlife often leads to a distinct lack of concern for the natural world, and sometimes to outright anti-ecological attitudes. Ronald Reagan’s fundamentalist Secretary of the Interior, James Watt, went so far as to actively encourage the strip mining and clear cutting of the American West, reasoning that ecological damage didn’t matter because the "rapture" was at hand.

14. Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization

Christianity is perhaps the ultimate top-down enterprise. In its simplest form, it consists of God on top, its "servants," the clergy, next down, and the great unwashed masses at the bottom, with those above issuing, in turn, thou-shalts and thou-shalt-nots backed by the threat of eternal damnation. But a great many Christian sects go far beyond this, having several layers of management and bureaucracy. Catholicism is perhaps the most extreme example of this with its laity, monks, nuns, priests, monsignors, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and popes, all giving and taking orders in an almost military manner.

This type of organization cannot but accustom those in its sway—especially those who have been indoctrinated and attending its ceremonies since birth—into accepting hierarchical, authoritarian organization as the natural, if not the only, form of organization. Those who find such organization natural will see nothing wrong with hierarchical, authoritarian organization in other forms, be they corporations, with their multiple layers of brown-nosing management, or governments, with their judges, legislators, presidents, and politburos. The indoctrination by example that Christianity provides in the area of organization is almost surely a powerful influence against social change toward freer, more egalitarian forms of organization.

15. Christianity sanctions slavery

The African slave trade was almost entirely conducted by Christians. They transported their victims to the New World in slave ships with names such as "Mercy" and "Jesus," where they were bought by Christians, both Catholic and Protestant. Organized Christianity was not silent on this horror: it actively encouraged it and engaged in it.

From the friars who enslaved Native Americans in the Southwest and Mexico to the Protestant preachers who defended slavery from the pulpit in Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia, the record of Christianity as regards slavery is quite shameful. While many abolitionists were Christians, they were a very small group, well hated by most of their fellow Christians.

The Christians who supported and engaged in slavery were amply supported by the Bible, in which slavery is accepted as a given, as simply a part of the social landscape. There are numerous biblical passages that implicitly or explicitly endorse slavery, such as Exodus 21:20–21: "And if a man smite his servant, or his maid with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money."

Other passages that support slavery include Ephesians 6:5, Colossians 3:22, Titus 2:9–10, Exodus 21:2–6, Leviticus 25:44–46, 1 Peter 2:18, and 1 Timothy 6:1. Christian slave owners in colonial America were well acquainted with these passages.

To be continue...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

KDN: Kementerian Diam Nyuruk

Pelbagai hujah dari sudut perlembagaan, perundangan serta fakta telah diberikan, namun Perdana Menteri dan Menteri KDN masih nak playsafe sehingga mengguris hati ramai orang Melayu. Alang-alang geng kristian sengaja cari pasal isu bible Melayu, maka blog ini mengisytiharkan PERANG kepada sesiapa sahaja penganut kristian di negara ini yang TERSANGATLAH KURANG AJAR terhadap sensitiviti umat ISLAM di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Berikut adalah siri kedua, "20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity" by Chaz Bufe.

AMARAN: Artikel ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana "Itulah pentingnya english education."

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

6. Christianity breeds authoritarianism

Given that Christians claim to have the one true faith, to have a book that is the Word of God, and (in many cases) to receive guidance directly from God, they feel little or no compunction about using force and coercion to enforce "God’s Will" (which they, of course, interpret and understand). Given that they believe (or pretend) that they’re receiving orders from the Almighty (who would cast them into hell should they disobey), it’s little wonder that they feel no reluctance, and in fact are eager, to intrude into the most personal aspects of the lives of nonbelievers.

This is most obvious today in the area of sex, with Christians attempting to deny women the right to abortion and to mandate near-useless abstinence-only sex "education" in the public schools. It’s also obvious in the area of education, with Christians attempting to force biology teachers to teach their creation myth (but not those of Hindus, Native Americans, et al.) in place of (or as being equally valid as) the very well established theory of evolution. But the authoritarian tendencies of Christianity reach much further than this.

Up until well into the 20th century in the United States and other Christian countries (notably Ireland), Christian churches pressured governments into passing laws forbidding the sale and distribution of birth control devices, and they also managed to enact laws forbidding even the description of birth control devices. This assault on free speech was part and parcel of Christianity’s shameful history of attempting to suppress "indecent" and "subversive" materials (and to throw their producers in jail or burn them alive).

This anti-free speech stance of Christianity dates back centuries, with the cases of Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno (who was burnt alive) being good illustrations of it. Perhaps the most colorful example of this intrusive Christian tendency toward censorship is the Catholic Church’s Index of Prohibited Books, which dates from the 16th century and which was abandoned only in the latter part of the 20th century—not because the church recognized it as a crime against human freedom, but because it could no longer be enforced (not that it was ever systematically enforced—that was too big a job even for the Inquisition).

Christian authoritarianism extends, however, far beyond attempts to suppress free speech; it extends even to attempts to suppress freedom of belief. In the 15th century, under Ferdinand and Isabella at about the time of Columbus’s discovery of the New World, Spain’s Jews were ordered either to convert to Christianity or to flee the country; about half chose exile, while those who remained, the "Conversos," were favorite targets of the Holy Inquisition. A few years later, Spain’s Muslims were forced to make a similar choice.

This Christian hatred of freedom of belief—and of individual freedom in general—extends to this day. Up until the late 19th century in England, atheists who had the temerity to openly advocate their beliefs were jailed. Even today in many parts of the United States laws still exist that forbid atheists from serving on juries or from holding public office. And it’s no mystery what the driving force is behind laws against victimless "crimes" such as nudity, sodomy, fornication, cohabitation, and prostitution.

If your non-intrusive beliefs or actions are not in accord with Christian "morality," you can bet that Christians will feel completely justified—not to mention righteous—in poking their noses (often in the form of state police agencies) into your private life.

7. Christianity is cruel

Throughout its history, cruelty—both to self and others—has been one of the most prominent features of Christianity. From its very start, Christianity, with its bleak view of life, its emphasis upon sexual sin, and its almost impossible-to-meet demands for sexual "purity," encouraged guilt, penance, and self-torture. Today, this self-torture is primarily psychological, in the form of guilt arising from following (or denying, and thus obsessing over) one’s natural sexual desires. In earlier centuries, it was often physical.

W.E.H. Lecky relates:

For about two centuries, the hideous maceration of the body was regarded as the highest proof of excellence. . . . The cleanliness of the body was regarded as a pollution of the soul, and the saints who were most admired had become one hideous mass of clotted filth. . . . But of all the evidences of the loathsome excesses to which this spirit was carried, the life of St. Simeon Stylites is probably the most remarkable. . . . He had bound a rope around him so that it became embedded in his flesh, which putrefied around it.

A horrible stench, intolerable to the bystanders, exhaled from his body, and worms dropped from him whenever he moved, and they filled his bed... For a whole year, we are told, St. Simeon stood upon one leg, the other being covered with hideous ulcers, while his biographer [St. Anthony] was commissioned to stand by his side, to pick up the worms that fell from his body, and to replace them in the sores, the saint saying to the worms, "Eat what God has given you."

From every quarter pilgrims of every degree thronged to do him homage. A crowd of prelates followed him to the grave. A brilliant star is said to have shone miraculously over his pillar; the general voice of mankind pronounced him to be the highest model of a Christian saint; and several other anchorites [Christian hermits] imitated or emulated his penances.

Given that the Bible nowhere condemns torture and sometimes prescribes shockingly cruel penalties (such as burning alive), and that Christians so wholeheartedly approved of self-torture, it’s not surprising that they thought little of inflicting appallingly cruel treatment upon others. At the height of Christianity’s power and influence, hundreds of thousands of "witches" were brutally tortured and burned alive under the auspices of ecclesiastical witch finders, and the Inquisition visited similarly cruel treatment upon those accused of heresy.

Henry Charles Lea records:

Two hundred wretches crowded the filthy gaol and it was requisite to forbid the rest of the Conversos [Jews intimidated into converting to Christianity] from leaving the city [Jaen, Spain] without a license. With Diego’s assistance [Diego de Algeciras, a petty criminal and kept perjurer] and the free use of torture, on both accused and witnesses, it was not difficult to obtain whatever evidence was desired. The notary of the tribunal, Antonio de Barcena, was especially successful in this.

On one occasion, he locked a young girl of fifteen in a room, stripped her naked and scourged her until she consented to bear testimony against her mother. A prisoner was carried in a chair to the auto da fe with his feet burnt to the bone; he and his wife were burnt alive... The cells in which the unfortunates were confined in heavy chains were narrow, dark, humid, filthy and overrun with vermin, while their sequestrated property was squandered by the officials, so that they nearly starved in prison while their helpless children starved outside.

While the torture and murder of heretics and "witches" is now largely a thing of the past, Christians can still be remarkably cruel. One current example is provided by the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas. Its members picket the funerals of victims of AIDS and gay bashings, brandishing signs reading, "God Hates Fags," "AIDS Cures Fags," and "Thank God for AIDS."

The pastor of this church reportedly once sent a "condolence" card to the bereaved mother of an AIDS victim, reading "Another Dead Fag."(2) Christians are also at the forefront of those advocating vicious, life-destroying penalties for those who commit victimless "crimes," as well as being at the forefront of those who support the death penalty and those who want to make prison conditions even more barbaric than they are now.

But this should not be surprising coming from Christians, members of a religion that teaches that eternal torture is not only justified, but that the "saved" will enjoy seeing the torture of others. As St. Thomas Aquinas put it:

In order that the happiness of the saints may be more delightful and that they may give to God more copious thanks for it, they are permitted perfectly to behold the sufferings of the damned... The saints will rejoice in the punishment of the damned.

Thus the vision of heaven of Christianity’s greatest theologian is a vision of the sadistic enjoyment of endless torture.

8. Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific

For over a millennium Christianity arrested the development of science and scientific thinking. In Christendom, from the time of Augustine until the Renaissance, systematic investigation of the natural world was restricted to theological investigation—the interpretation of biblical passages, the gleaning of clues from the lives of the saints, etc.; there was no direct observation and interpretation of natural processes, because that was considered a useless pursuit, as all knowledge resided in scripture.

The results of this are well known: scientific knowledge advanced hardly an inch in the over 1000 years from the rise of orthodox Christianity in the fourth century to the 1500s, and the populace was mired in the deepest squalor and ignorance, living in dire fear of the supernatural—believing in paranormal explanations for the most ordinary natural events. This ignorance had tragic results: it made the populace more than ready to accept witchcraft as an explanation for everything from illness to thunderstorms, and hundreds of thousands of women paid for that ignorance with their lives.

One of the commonest charges against witches was that they had raised hailstorms or other weather disturbances to cause misfortune to their neighbors. In an era when supernatural explanations were readily accepted, such charges held weight—and countless innocent people died horrible deaths as a result. Another result was that the fearful populace remained very dependent upon Christianity and its clerical wise men for protection against the supernatural evils which they believed surrounded and constantly menaced them. For men and women of the Middle Ages, the walls veritably crawled with demons and witches; and their only protection from those evils was the church.

When scientific investigation into the natural world resumed in the Renaissance—after a 1000-year-plus hiatus—organized Christianity did everything it could to stamp it out. The cases of Copernicus and Galileo are particularly relevant here, because when the Catholic Church banned the Copernican theory (that the Earth revolves around the sun) and banned Galileo from teaching it, it did not consider the evidence for that theory: it was enough that it contradicted scripture. Given that the Copernican theory directly contradicted the Word of God, the Catholic hierarchy reasoned that it must be false. Protestants shared this view.

John Calvin rhetorically asked, “Who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above that of the Holy Spirit?"

More lately, the Catholic Church and the more liberal Protestant congregations have realized that fighting against science is a losing battle, and they’ve taken to claiming that there is no contradiction between science and religion. This is disingenuous at best. As long as Christian sects continue to claim as fact—without offering a shred of evidence beyond the anecdotal—that physically impossible events occurred (or are still occurring), the conflict between science and religion will remain. That many churchmen and many scientists seem content to let this conflict lie doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

Today, however, the conflict between religion and science is largely being played out in the area of public school biology education, with Christian fundamentalists demanding that their creation myth be taught in place of (or along with) the theory of evolution in the public schools. Their tactics rely heavily on public misunderstanding of science. They nitpick the fossil record for its gaps (hardly surprising given that we inhabit a geologically and meteorologically very active planet), while offering absurd interpretations of their own which we’re supposed to accept at face value—such as that dinosaur fossils were placed in the earth by Satan to confuse humankind, or that Noah took baby dinosaurs on the ark.

They also attempt to take advantage of public ignorance of the nature of scientific theories. In popular use, “theory” is employed as a synonym for “hypothesis,” “conjecture,” or even “wild guess,” that is, it signifies an idea with no special merit or backing. The use of the term in science is quite different. There, “theory” refers to a well-developed, logically consistent explanation of a phenomenon, and an explanation that is consistent with observed facts. This is very different than a wild guess. But fundamentalists deliberately confuse the two uses of the term in an attempt to make their religious myth appear as valid as a well-supported scientific theory.

They also attempt to confuse the issue by claiming that those non-specialists who accept the theory of evolution have no more reason to do so than they have in accepting their religious creation myth, or even that those who accept evolution do so on “faith.” Again, this is more than a bit dishonest.

Thanks to scientific investigation, human knowledge has advanced to the point where no one can know more than a tiny fraction of the whole. Even the most knowledgeable scientists often know little beyond their specialty areas. But because of the structure of science, they (and everyone else) can feel reasonably secure in accepting the theories developed by scientists in other disciplines as the best possible current explanations of the areas of nature those disciplines cover. They (and we) can feel secure doing this because of the structure of science, and more particularly, because of the scientific method.

That method basically consists of gathering as much information about a phenomenon (both in nature and in the laboratory) as possible, then developing explanations for it (hypotheses), and then testing the hypotheses to see how well they explain the observed facts, and whether or not any of those observed facts are inconsistent with the hypotheses. Those hypotheses that are inconsistent with observed facts are discarded or modified, while those that are consistent are retained, and those that survive repeated testing are often labeled “theories,” as in “the theory of relativity” and “the theory of evolution.”

This is the reason that non-specialists are justified in accepting scientific theories outside their disciplines as the best current explanations of observed phenomena: those who developed the theories were following standard scientific practice and reasoning—and if they deviate from that, other scientists will quickly call them to task.

No matter how much fundamentalists might protest to the contrary, there is a world of difference between “faith” in scientific theories (produced using the scientific method, and subject to near-continual testing and scrutiny) and faith in the entirely unsupported myths recorded 3000 years ago by slave-holding goat herders.

9. Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex

For centuries, Christianity has had an exceptionally unhealthy fixation on sex, to the exclusion of almost everything else (except power, money, and the infliction of cruelty). This stems from the numerous "thou shalt nots" relating to sex in the Bible. That the Ten Commandments contain a commandment forbidding the coveting of one’s neighbor’s wife, but do not even mention slavery, torture, or cruelty—which were abundantly common in the time the Commandments were written— speaks volumes about their writer’s preoccupation with sex (and women as property).

Today, judging from the pronouncements of many Christian leaders, one would think that "morality" consists solely of what one does in one’s bedroom. The Catholic Church is the prime example here, with its moral pronouncements rarely going beyond the matters of birth control and abortion (and with its moral emphasis seemingly entirely on those matters). Also note that the official Catholic view of sex—that it’s for the purpose of procreation only—reduces human sexual relations to those of brood animals. For more than a century the Catholic Church has also been the driving force behind efforts to prohibit access to birth control devices and information—to everyone, not just Catholics.

The Catholic Church, however, is far from alone in its sick obsession with sex. The current Christian hate campaign against homosexuals is another prominent manifestation of this perverse preoccupation. Even at this writing, condemnation of "sodomites" from church pulpits is still very, very common—with Christian clergymen wringing their hands as they piously proclaim that their words of hate have nothing to do with gay bashings and the murder of gays.

10. Christianity produces sexual misery

In addition to the misery produced by authoritarian Christian intrusions into the sex lives of non-Christians, Christianity produces great misery among its own adherents through its insistence that sex (except the very narrow variety it sanctions) is evil, against God’s law. Christianity proscribes sex between unmarried people, sex outside of marriage, homosexual relations, bestiality, and even “impure” sexual thoughts. Indulging in such things can and will, in the conventional Christian view, lead straight to hell.

Given that human beings are by nature highly sexual beings, and that their urges very often do not fit into the only officially sanctioned Christian form of sexuality (monogamous, heterosexual marriage), it’s inevitable that those who attempt to follow Christian “morality” in this area are often miserable, as their strongest urges run smack dab into the wall of religious belief. This is inevitable in Christian adolescents and unmarried young people in that the only “pure” way for them to behave is celibately—in the strict Christian view, even masturbation is prohibited.

Phillip Roth has well described the dilemma of the religiously/sexually repressed young in Portnoy’s Complaint as “being torn between desires that are repugnant to my conscience and a conscience repugnant to my desires.” Thus the years of adolescence and young adulthood for many Christians are poisoned by “sinful” urges, unfulfilled longings, and intense guilt (after the urges become too much to bear and are acted upon).

Even after Christian young people receive a license from church and state to have sex, they often discover that the sexual release promised by marriage is not all that it’s cracked up to be. One gathers that in marriages between those who have followed Christian rules up until marriage—that is, no sex at all—sexual ineptitude and lack of fulfillment are all too common. Even when Christian married people do have good sexual relations, the problems do not end. Sexual attractions ebb and flow, and new attractions inevitably arise. In conventional Christian relationships, one is not allowed to act on these new attractions. One is often not even permitted to admit that such attractions exist.

As Sten Linnander puts it, “with traditional [Christian] morality, you have to choose between being unfaithful to yourself or to another.”

The dilemma is even worse for gay teens and young people in that Christianity never offers them release from their unrequited urges. They are simply condemned to lifelong celibacy. If they indulge their natural desires, they become “sodomites” subject not only to Earthly persecution (due to Christian-inspired laws), but to being roasted alive forever in the pit. Given the internalized homophobia Christian teachings inspire, not to mention the very real discrimination gay people face, it’s not surprising that a great many homosexually oriented Christians choose to live a lie. In most cases, this leads to lifelong personal torture, but it can have even more tragic results.

A prime example is Marshall Applewhite, “John Do,” the guru of the Heaven’s Gate religious cult. Applewhite grew up in the South in a repressive Christian fundamentalist family. Horrified by his homosexual urges, he began to think of sexuality itself as evil, and eventually underwent castration to curb his sexual urges.

Several of his followers took his anti-sexual teachings to heart and likewise underwent castration before, at “Do’s” direction, killing themselves.

To be continue...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

KDN: Kementerian Dayus Negara

Pelbagai hujah dari sudut perlembagaan, perundangan serta fakta telah diberikan, namun Perdana Menteri dan Menteri KDN masih nak playsafe sehingga mengguris hati ramai orang Melayu. Alang-alang geng kristian sengaja cari pasal isu bible Melayu, maka blog ini mengisytiharkan PERANG kepada sesiapa sahaja penganut kristian di negara ini yang TERSANGATLAH KURANG AJAR terhadap sensitiviti umat ISLAM di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Berikut adalah siri pertama, "20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity" by Chaz Bufe.

AMARAN: Artikel ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana "Itulah pentingnya english education."

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

1. Christianity is based on fear

While today there are liberal clergy who preach a gospel of love, they ignore the bulk of Christian teachings, not to mention the bulk of Christian history. Throughout almost its entire time on Earth, the motor driving Christianity has been—in addition to the fear of death—fear of the devil and fear of hell. One can only imagine how potent these threats seemed prior to the rise of science and rational thinking, which have largely robbed these bogeys of their power to inspire terror.

But even today, the existence of the devil and hell are cardinal doctrinal tenets of almost all Christian creeds, and many fundamentalist preachers still openly resort to terrorizing their followers with lurid, sadistic portraits of the suffering of nonbelievers after death. This is not an attempt to convince through logic and reason; it is not an attempt to appeal to the better nature of individuals; rather, it is an attempt to whip the flock into line through threats, through appeals to a base part of human nature—fear and cowardice.

2. Christianity preys on the innocent

If Christian fear-mongering were directed solely at adults, it would be bad enough, but Christians routinely terrorize helpless children through grisly depictions of the endless horrors and suffering they’ll be subjected to if they don’t live good Christian lives. Christianity has darkened the early years of generation after generation of children, who have lived in terror of dying while in mortal sin and going to endless torment as a result.

All of these children were trusting of adults, and they did not have the ability to analyze what they were being told; they were simply helpless victims, who, ironically, victimized following generations in the same manner that they themselves had been victimized. The nearly 2000 years of Christian terrorizing of children ranks as one of its greatest crimes. And it’s one that continues to this day.

3. Christianity is based on dishonesty

The Christian appeal to fear, to cowardice, is an admission that the evidence supporting Christian beliefs is far from compelling. If the evidence were such that Christianity’s truth was immediately apparent to anyone who considered it, Christians—including those who wrote the Gospels—would feel no need to resort to the cheap tactic of using fear-inducing threats to inspire "belief." ("Lip service" is a more accurate term.) That the Christian clergy have been more than willing to accept such lip service (plus the dollars and obedience that go with it) in place of genuine belief, is an additional indictment of the basic dishonesty of Christianity.

How deep dishonesty runs in Christianity can be gauged by one of the most popular Christian arguments for belief in God: Pascal’s wager. This "wager" holds that it’s safer to "believe" in God (as if belief were volitional!) than not to believe, because God might exist, and if it does, it will save "believers" and condemn nonbelievers to hell after death. This is an appeal to pure cowardice. It has absolutely nothing to do with the search for truth. Instead, it’s an appeal to abandon honesty and intellectual integrity, and to pretend that lip service is the same thing as actual belief. If the patriarchal God of Christianity really exists, one wonders how it would judge the cowards and hypocrites who advance and bow to this particularly craven "wager."

4. Christianity is extremely egocentric

The deep egocentrism of Christianity is intimately tied to its reliance on fear. In addition to the fears of the devil and hell, Christianity plays on another of humankind’s most basic fears: death, the dissolution of the individual ego. Perhaps Christianity’s strongest appeal is its promise of eternal life. While there is absolutely no evidence to support this claim, most people are so terrified of death that they cling to this treacly promise insisting, like frightened children, that it must be true. Nietzsche put the matter well:

"salvation of the soul—in plain words, the world revolves around me."

It’s difficult to see anything spiritual in this desperate grasping at straws—this desperate grasping at the illusion of personal immortality.

Another manifestation of the extreme egotism of Christianity is the belief that God is intimately concerned with picayune aspects of, and directly intervenes in, the lives of individuals. If God, the creator and controller of the universe, is vitally concerned with your sex life, you must be pretty damned important. Many Christians take this particular form of egotism much further and actually imagine that God has a plan for them, or that God directly talks to, directs, or even does favors for them.

If one ignored the frequent and glaring contradictions in this supposed divine guidance, and the dead bodies sometimes left in its wake, one could almost believe that the individuals making such claims are guided by God. But one can’t ignore the contradictions in and the oftentimes horrible results of following such "divine guidance." As "Agent Mulder" put it (perhaps paraphrasing Thomas Szasz) in a 1998 X-Files episode,

"When you talk to God it’s prayer, but when God talks to you it’s schizophrenia... God may have his reasons, but he sure seems to employ a lot of psychotics to carry out his job orders."

In less extreme cases, the insistence that one is receiving divine guidance or special treatment from God is usually the attempt of those who feel worthless—or helpless, adrift in an uncaring universe—to feel important or cared for. This less sinister form of egotism is commonly found in the expressions of disaster survivors that,

"God must have had a reason for saving me" (in contrast to their less-worthy-of-life fellow disaster victims, whom God—who controls all things—killed).

Again, it’s very difficult to see anything spiritual in such egocentricity.

5. Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality

It’s only natural that those who believe (or play act at believing) that they have a direct line to the Almighty would feel superior to others. This is so obvious that it needs little elaboration. A brief look at religious terminology confirms it. Christians have often called themselves "God’s people," "the chosen people," "the elect," "the righteous," etc., while nonbelievers have been labeled "heathens," "infidels," and "atheistic Communists" (as if atheism and Communism are intimately connected). This sets up a two-tiered division of humanity, in which "God’s people" feel superior to those who are not "God’s people."

That many competing religions with contradictory beliefs make the same claim seems not to matter at all to the members of the various sects that claim to be the only carriers of "the true faith." The carnage that results when two competing sects of "God’s people" collide—as in Ireland and Palestine—would be quite amusing but for the suffering it causes.

To be continue...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fuiyooo...RM2 trillion tu...

1. Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar berkata, modal pasaran Malaysia pada tahun 2010 melepasi RM2 trillion. Berapa banyak kosong yang ada di belakang RM2 tu...

2. Kesatuan Eropah (EU) pula menjangkakan keluaran dalam negara kasar (KDNK) Malaysia boleh meningkat sehingga 7.5 peratus pada tahun ini.

3. Petunjuk utama pasaran Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) susut 11.21 mata untuk ditutup pada 1,484.14. Indeks Perladangan turun 109.35 mata kepada 7,554.78, Indeks Perindustrian kerugian 26.95 mata kepada 2,740.32 dan Indeks Kewangan berkurangan 102.09 mata kepada 13,424.73. Indeks Emas FTSE Bursa Malaysia turun 92.601 mata kepada 10,143.80, Indeks FTSE Bursa Malaysia kehilangan 73.97 mata kepada 3,960.20 dan Indeks Mid 70 FTSE Bursa Malaysia jatuh 114.851 mata kepada 10,826.27.

4. Perkara 3 di atas confirm tak ramai yang faham pun.

5. Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Kewangan balik-balik dok sebut ETP...ETP...ETP (Program Transformasi Ekonomi)!

6. Apa...ingat rakyat golongan pertengahan dan bawahan peduli ka dengan angka tu semua?

7. Yang rakyat kisahkan apabila mereka bawa RM100 ke pasar basah atau kering, mereka dapat beli stok makanan untuk seminggu.

8. Apabila rakyat bawa RM100 ke pasaraya, mereka dapat beli pelbagai keperluan rumah untuk sekurang-kurangnya 2 minggu.

9. Apabila rakyat bawa RM10 ke restoran, mereka dapat bayar harga sarapan dan makan tengahari sekaligus.

10. Itulah sebenarnya yang rakyat dambakan.

11. Apabila pendapatan boleh guna rakyat rendah, maka sudah tentu keinginan mereka tidak dapat dipenuhi. Apabila keinginan tidak dipenuhi, pastinya kepuasan tidak tercapai. Dan apabila rakyat tak puas hati...mereka pasti akan terjemahkan kemarahan mereka melalui kertas undi.

12. Dan ketika itu tak kiralah isu liwat ka, jubur ka, DNA ka, karipap ka, mubahalah ka, hudud ka, judi ka, hatta liwat lagi 2-3 kali ka...rakyat akan kata "Persetankan itu semua."

13. Yang penting bagi rakyat pertengahan dan bawahan..."Perut kenyang, hati senang."

14. Justeru kalau adalah pak-pak menteri atau mana-mana individu yang cuba nasihat, "Rakyat perlu ubah cara hidup", setelah sekian lama rakyat diajar untuk hidup mewah dan selesa...maka itulah nasihat yang paling bangang pernah didengar.

15. Tapi ada ke yang peduli?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

SULIT: Agong SAMAN Kerajaan

1. Khabar yang diperolehi mengesahkan seorang mantan YDP Agong kini sedang bersiap sedia untuk menyaman kerajaan persekutuan Malaysia.

2. Kisahnya bermula apabila mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah membuat pengesahan secara bertulis untuk mengurniakan sebidang tanah lebih kurang 1 ekar yang terletak di hadapan sebuah hotel ternama di Kuala Lumpur (lokasi terpaksa dirahsiakan) melalui proksi mantan YDP Agong bagi tujuan pembangunan.

3. Namun, pengurniaan tanah melalui proksi itu tidak dapat diteruskan kerana menantu dan kroni si mantan Perdana Menteri kononnya sudah buat projek lain di tanah tersebut sehingga menimbulkan kemurkaan mantan YDP Agong.

4. Perihal ini telah sampai ke pengetahuan Perdana Menteri Malaysia hari ini, dan beliau dikhabarkan telah memohon kepada mantan YDP Agong untuk menangguhkan hasrat menyaman kerajaan persekutuan serta diberikan tempoh bagi menyelesaikan secara dalaman kemelut yang sedang berlaku.

5. Nampaknya Najib tidak habis-habis dengan tugas menyelesaikan timbunan kerosakan yang telah ditinggalkan oleh mantan Perdana Menteri beserta menantu kesayangannya.

6. Dan lebih mengharukan apabila mantan Perdana Menteri itu hanya dibiarkan berlagak seolah tidak ada sebarang kesilapan pun yang pernah beliau lakukan. Hakikatnya, rakyat Malaysia hari ini berpecah belah kerana dasar serta polisi yang dibawanya, namun mantan Perdana Menteri tidak pernah mengakui, jauh sekali cuba memperbaiki kerosakan yang berlaku di sepanjang tempoh pentadbirannya.

7. Sidang Dewan Rakyat pun selalu ponteng, tapi elaun selaku Ahli Dewan Rakyat sebanyak RM6,508.59 tetap 'di sapu' setiap bulan.

8. Kami mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada Najib dalam menyelesaikan segala kemelut yang telah diwariskan rejim terdahulu.

9. Dan kalau boleh, Najib nasihatkanlah juga orang rumah tu supaya dok ontok-ontok serta jangan keluar kenyataan sembarangan sehingga boleh menjejaskan kredibiliti Najib selaku Perdana Menteri.

10. Amatlah malang seandainya Najib jatuh hanya disebabkan oleh orang rumahnya yang syok sendiri.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rosmah 'Out-dumbed' Zoy!

Tahniah Rosmah Mansor!!! Buat kesekian kalinya beliau membuat kenyataan media yang kontroversi dan membuatkan rakyat mempersoalkan kebijaksanaannya sebagai wanita yang menggelarkan diri 'the First Lady of Malaysia'. Siapa sangka, dalam kekalutan dan kesedihan yang melanda rakyat Jepun, tampil pula dua rakyat Malaysia dengan pendapat dan pemikiran yang dangkal.

Dimulakan dengan Zoy dengan paparan lukisan kartun beliau di dalam Berita Harian
yang boleh disifatkan bodoh dan 'insensitive'. Kisah beliau mendapat liputan luas dunia termasuk CNN. Syabas!

Tetapi mulai semalam, Zoy boleh tidur lebih lena kerana rekod kedangkalan beliau telah berjaya dipecahkan oleh 'the ONE and ONLY Malaysian First Lady - Rosmah Mansor'....Yeay!!!

Dua ucapan tahniah wajar disampaikan kepada Rosmah Mansor. Pertama kerana buat julung kalinya beliau mendapat pengiktirafan sebagai 'First Lady' walaupun hanya diberikan oleh Menteri DiJabatan Perdana Menteri-Nazri Aziz. Kedua, pastinya kerana RM berjaya memberikan komen 'paling cerdik' setakat ini sebagai 'First Lady' terhadap tragedi yang menimpa Jepun.

"Ini pada diri saya adalah satu pengajaran kepada negara-negara lain untuk apa-apapun mereka nak buat ataupun sebarang pembangunan yang mereka ingin lakukan seharusnya mengkaji dulu keadaan sekeliling dan mengaitkan dengan 'climate change' dan 'green technology'...termasuk juga negara kita" ~temuramah Astro Awani~

Well our dear 'First Lady', while it is good to express your concern, attention and sympathy towards the people of Japan, we believe that it's better for you to reserve your comments on the cause of the tragedy and leave it to the experts to do the analysis. Only then you will gain the people's respect, that's, when you know your capacity in addressing the issue(s) and how to address it correctly.

P/S: Tahniah juga kami ucapkan kepada Rosmah Mansor kerana melancarkan Yayasan PERMATA dengan dana permulaan RM 4.4 juta. Keputusan ini memang bijak. Sebagai sebuah yayasan, maka ia tidak lagi berhak mendapat peruntukan kewangan kerajaan. Selepas ini bolehlah DS Najib mengutamakan keperluan rakyat marhain dalam menentukan belanjawan negara setelah mengorbankan RM 64 juta - RM 20juta (RMK 9) dan RM 54juta (RMK 10) untuk tujuan pembangunan program PERMATA!

Seks Liar Jantan Y

Orang Utan jantan dan betina meransang dirinya dengan alat seks yang dibuat daripada daun atau ranting. Orang Utan betina juga menarik perhatian pasangannya dengan bergayut pada dahan di atas kepala si jantan untuk menayangkan alat kelaminnya kepada si jantan.

Lalat mata bertangkai atau stalk eyed-fly betina, melakukan hubungan seksual dengan banyak pasangan dan paling tertarik dengan jantan yang tangkai matanya amat panjang sehingga matanya kelihatan terpisah jauh berbanding panjang badannya.

Acara persetubuhan tapir dimulakan dengan pasangan terbabit saling mengelilingi dengan hidung dihala ke buntut pasangan sambil menggigit-gigit kaki dan bahagian bawah buntut pasangan. Perbuatan ini biasanya diiringi dengus dan bunyi klik, selain cicip dan siul nyaring. Persetubuhan dilakukan di atas tanah atau dalam air.

Permainan seks Jantan Y pula bermula dengan mengarahkan pasangan sesama jantannya supaya datang ke kondo membawa fail untuk membincangkan jadual kerja di meja makan dan seterusnya bertanyakan soalan "Can I fuck you today?". Apabila pasangannya enggan, maka Jantan Y dengan bengisnya berkata, "What?" dan terus mengarahkan pasangannya untuk membersihkan diri di bilik air, menutup lampu dan langsir bilik tidur utama, memeluk, mencium serta meminta pasangan melakukan blowjob. Persetubuhan dilakukan dengan menggunakan KY Jelly di atas lantai beralaskan tuala. Setelah selesai, Jantan Y akan makan karipap sambil bertanya kepada pasangannya "Are you okay"? Kemudian, Jantan Y akan lari ke kedutaan Turki sambil mengatakan ada orang nak membunuhnya, sebelum menuduh itu semua konspirasi dan pengikut Jantan Y yang bingai akan meraikannya dengan melakukan demonstrasi reformasi. Kebiasaannya, Jantan Y tidak akan bermubahalah kerana didorong sifat kehaiwanannya serta enggan memberi DNA secara rela.

Demikianlah sedikit info mengenai tabiat haiwan...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Menjawab keceluparan Chua Porno Lek

Buat kesekian kalinya ditegaskan;

1. Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia TIADA TERTULIS perkataan Buddha, Hindu, Kristian, Sami, Paderi, Gereja, Tokong, Kuil etc.

2. Malahan perkataan Cina, India, Sikh, Serani, Mandarin, Tamil, Urdhu, Tagalog, Hokkein etc. juga TIDAK TERCATAT dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

3. Hanya 2 agama sahaja yang disebut dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan iaitu "Islam" dan "Lain-Lain Agama".

4. Hanya 4 kaum sahaja yang tersenarai dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan iaitu "Melayu", "Bumiputra Sabah dan Sarawak", "Orang Asli" dan "Kaum-Kaum Lain".

5. Bahkan Perlembagaan Persekutuan turut menyebut secara khusus "Islam Agama Persekutuan", "Raja-Raja Melayu sebagai Ketua Agama Islam", "Peruntukan Persekutuan untuk Agama Islam", "Kuasa Mahkamah Syariah", "Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam", "Mufti", "Kadi Besar", "Kadi" etc.

6. Islam dalam Perkara 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan mempunyai makna yang besar di Malaysia. Islam bermaksud Islam keseluruhannya dan bukan terhad hanya kepada 'ceremonies and rituals' sahaja.

7. Maksud kebebasan agama dalam Perkara 11 hanya pada bahagian intipati atau integral sesuatu agama seperti pakai turban adalah wajib bagi agama Sikh, manakala pakai kupiah pula tidak wajib bagi agama Islam.

8. Perkataan 'aman' yang menyentuh berkenaan agama selain Islam dalam Perkara 3 bermaksud mematuhi undang-undang tentang ketenteraman awam, keselamatan negara, kegunaan tanah, perancangan bandar/luar bandar, susun atur dan perparitan. Berdasarkan maksud ini, maka bible dalam bahasa Melayu TIDAK BOLEH diedarkan sesuka hati tok nenek korang yang bukan Islam.

9. Perkataan 'damai' pula bermaksud serasi atau selari dengan kedudukan Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan dan tidak membelakangkan atau merendahkan martabat agama Islam.

10. Kumpulan agama bukan Islam tidak boleh mengajar (give instructions) agamanya tetapi boleh mendidik (educate) kanak-kanak dalam agamanya sahaja. TETAPI kumpulan agama Islam boleh mengajar agama Islam dan kerajaan boleh menanggung perbelanjaan yang perlu (rujuk perbezaan perkataan 'educate' dan 'instruction' dalam Perkara 12 Perlembagaan Persekutuan).

11. Maknanya hanya agama Islam sahaja yang diiktiraf serta boleh diajar kepada semua kaum menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan iaitu Bahasa Melayu, tetapi TIDAK BOLEH kepada agama selain Islam untuk menyebarkan agamanya sesuka hati menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan.

12. Kepada Chua Porno Lek serta kaum bukan pribumi di Malaysia, janganlah terlampau chauvinis sangat. Ingatlah, ada lebih 17 juta hati umat Islam di negara ini yang wajib dijaga. Jangan sok kok nyosa...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Get ready Sarawakian...tak lama je lagi!

Sumber mengesahkan:-

19 Mac 2011 - Najib dan Muhyiddin akan tiba di Sarawak

20 Mac 2011 - Pasukan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia (SPR) akan naik bélon ke Sarawak

Penghujung Mac 2011 - Pengisytiharan Pembubaran bagi Pilihanraya Negeri Sarawak

April 2011 - Pilihanraya Negeri Sarawak ke-10


Daftar pemilih bagi negeri Sarawak sehingga 27 Disember 2010:-

970,436 Jumlah Pemilih Berdaftar di Sarawak

452,292 (46.61%) Pemilih Berdaftar Bumiputra Sarawak

324,252 (33.41%) Pemilih Berdaftar Cina

186,371 (19.20%) Pemilih Berdaftar Melayu

3,929 (0.40%) Pemilih Berdaftar Pribumi yang beralamat di Sarawak

1,754 (0.18%) Pemilih Berdaftar India

1,412 (0.15%) Lain-Lain Pemilih Berdaftar

426 (0.04%) Pemilih Berdaftar Orang Asli

Setakat ini, kesemua 71 pegawai pengurus pilihan raya (RO) serta 159 penolong pegawai pengurus pilihan raya (ARO) yang sudah dilantik untuk mengurus proses pilihan raya negeri Sarawak sudah diberikan taklimat oleh SPR dan seramai 21,000 petugas pilihan raya di seluruh Sarawak bakal digemblengkan.

SPR juga sudah mengenal pasti 1,740 pusat mengundi serta 2,561 saluran mengundi untuk pilihan raya negeri kali ini, dari segi logistik sebanyak 24 helikopter, 63 bot laju, 919 perahu panjang dan 4,124 kenderaan pacuan empat roda antara yang akan digunakan.

SPR memperuntukkan RM45 juta bagi mengendalikan pilihan raya Sarawak kali ini, berbanding RM30 juta pada 2006.

Antara isu yang bakal dimainkan dalam Pilihanraya Sarawak kali ini ialah berkenaan bible dalam bahasa Melayu yang telah ditahan kemasukannya oleh KDN di pelabuhan. Mengapa pada masa ini bible itu cuba dibawa masuk ke Malaysia? Adakah mereka sudah tahu akan berlangsungnya Pilihanraya Sarawak tidak lama lagi? Nampaknya ada dalang yang sengaja menjadikan isu ini sebagai bom jangka sempena Pilihanraya Sarawak memandangkan kebanyakan penduduk Sarawak beragama kristian. KDN perlu berhati-hati dalam 'game' ini. Silap percaturan...buruk padahnya.

Sarawakian dah bersedia?

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Syabas Majlis Perundingan Melayu dengan kehadiran 400 insan berketurunan Melayu mengikut paksi Artikel 160(2), di tambah dengan semangat jiwa seorang mubaligh Ridhuan Tee seorang Cina yang sama seperti "Sulaiman Aroom" dengan terbinanya Masjid Kampung Hulu 1720, telah memberi rencah dan penyedap kepada ACUAN 100 TAHUN UMAT MELAYU.

Legasi ilmu YM Prof. Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas yang dipusakai secara bersanad hingga di gelar Pemegang Kursi Seumur Hidup Al-Ghazalli, telah dibawa dan dibentang oleh protege' teknoktarnya iaitu Dr. Ghazali Mohd Nor. Ghaz, anak Melayu yang disemai dan dibaja secara holistik di IDB Jeddah, kini kembali mewakaq ilmu di tanahair Bumi Melayu.

Pak Sedaro terdetik untuk berkongsi kerana diberi amanah khusus oleh Pusat Kelahiran Sains dan Teknologi Melayu melalui pengajian di MRSM. Pak Sedaro berfikir bahawa sambutan dan OBOR Hak Istimewa Melayu 153 dan Hak Istimewa Pribumi 161A, sedang dibela oleh TERAJU dan Majlis Perundingan Melayu.

Prof. Kamaruddin Kachar, Dato' Dahan, Dato' Salleh Majid, Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim, Idris Jusoh, Awang Adek Hussin, Ismee Ismail, Husin Salleh, Syed Aidi, Tan Sri FD Mansor, Dato' Dr. Ghazali Md Nor, ramai lagi yang hadir berkongsi ilmu dan keresahan dek kerana tongkat yang sudah tiada kepalanya.

Hari ini, umat Melayu WAJIB berfikir "out-side the BOX", "beyond Government", "beyond politic", "beyond comfort zone", "beyond NEP" untuk memberi kesan 7 generasi Anak Melayu. Model Tamadun Bangsa yang dihidang dalam kotak minda peserta oleh Ghaz Md Nor merupakan ilham yang telah dihujah oleh Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas pada 1972 di Persidangan OIC di Jeddah. Visi 1440H merupakan hadiah ilmu kepada IDB.

12 Mac 2011 bakal mencetus sejarah ilham pembangunan Bangsa Melayu Islam. Ingatlah, YAB Najib dan YAB Muhyiddin, kembalikan tampuk ilmu ke kedudukan asal dan tepat.

ISTAC perlu dikembalikan haknya sebagai sebuah Pusat Kecemerlangan ILMU Tamadun ISLAM, dan dipulangkan tongkat dan obor ilmu kepada Naquib Al-Attas.

TERAJU iaitu Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera di bawah pantau YAB PM, ditempat di JPM merupakan mekanisme dan gelanggang penyelesai masalah umat Melayu khasnya dalam sektoral pembangunan kekayaan ekonomi.

YAYASAN IQRA yang diwujud oleh Majlis Perundingan Melayu diselia oleh Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Bumiputera wajib menjadi wasilah dan wahana strategik dengan gerakan bil-hikmah dan evolusi pendidikan dan kekayaan ekonomi.

DANA WAKAF KEBANGSAAN NEGARA yang dicanang untuk dijayakan, amat CANTIK dengan penglibatan setiap batang tubuh Melayu, khususnya insan-insan Melayu yang menikmati keistimewaan 153, baik daripada tempurung MCKK, MRSM, SHAH, STAR, SDAR, SMSains, TKC, GEORGIAN etc. dapat menyumbang RM100.00 seorang. Maka, hari ini RM1 billion diperolehi untuk tujuan ummat Melayu.

Hari ini, dikhabar KULIM sedang dijaja oleh anak Cina. Jika terjual Kulim Bhd, maka, tergadai Sindora Berhad, KFC. Maka, pegangan Melayu sebanyak RM19.2 billion akan tergadai kepada kelompok ultra-kiasu yang dipercayai dalangnya Chua Soi Lek!? Apa ini?

Ingatlah bahawa 153 itu terpelihara dan memelihara. Wahai umat Melayu, Raja Arif Raja Ali ambil perhatian, Tuan sedang memacu KUDA LAJU.

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